Geri Dön

Molibden katkılı bivo4 katalizörlerinin geliştirilmesi,karakterizasyonu ve fotokatalitik etkinliklerinin incelenmesi

Development and characterization of molibden metal doped bivo4 catalysts and investition of their photocatalytic activities

  1. Tez No: 571420
  2. Yazar: TUĞBA YALÇIN
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Enerji, Energy
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2019
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Malzeme Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 74


Güneş enerjisini sayesinde suyun fotokatalitik (FK) olarak parçalanması sonucunda hidrojen gazı ve oksijen gazı oluşmaktadır. Fotokatalitik sistemde oksijen evrim reaksiyonu (OER) fotoanot malzeme yüzeyinde ve hidrojen evrim reaksiyonu (HER) fotoanot malzeme yüzeyinde gerçekleşmektedir. Ancak, fotoanot malzemelerin hem OER aktivitesi zayıf olması hem de yük taşıyıcıların verimsiz kullanılması nedeniyle pratik kullanımlar için elverişli değildir. Bu yüzden, gün ışığında yüksek verimde çalışacak bir foto elektrot malzemesi gerekmektedir. FEK sistemlerinde kullanılacak olan ışığa duyarlı elektrot görünür ışık spektrumun aralığında yüksek soğurma özelliğine, yüksek fotoakım yoğunluğuna, yüksek elektron ve boşluk hareketliliğine, yüksek yük taşıyıcı ömrüne ve yüksek kimyasal kararlılığa sahip olmalıdır. Diğer metal oksit göre bizmut vanadat (BiVO4) malzemesi nispeten dar bant boşluğu (Eg = 2.4 eV) ve suyun parçalanması için uygun bant sınırlarına sahip olan n-tipi bir yarı iletkendir. Bu yarı iletkenin sahip olduğu üç faz yapısından monoklinik kristal yapısı tetragonal kristal yapısına göre çok güçlü fotokatalitik performans göstermektedir. Bu özelliklerine rağmen BiVO4 görünür ışık spektrumunda, zayıf elektron hareketliliği göstermesi, yüklü parçacıkların ayırımının yetersiz kalması ve elektron-boşluk (e-/h+) çiftlerinin yeniden birleşme olasılığının olması nedeniyle endüstriyel uygulamak için geliştirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu tez kapsamında, sol jel yöntemi ile oluşturulan BiVO4 çözeltisi daldırarak kaplama metodu ile flor katkılı kalay oksit (FTO) cam üzerine kaplanmıştır. Sentezlenen BiVO4 esaslı kaplamaların fotokatalitik özelliklerinin, optiksel özelliklerinin ve morfolojik özelliklerinin incelenmesini kapsamaktadır. Katkısız BiVO4 filmin fotoakım yoğunluğunu iyileştirmek ve e- /h+ yeniden birleşme ihtimalini azaltmak için molibden katkısı yapılmıştır. BiVO4 ince filmlerin zamana karşı verdikleri fotoakım değerlerini karşılaştırmak için KA yöntem ile suyun teorik olarak parçalandığı sabit potansiyel (1,23VRHE ) uygulanmıştır. Bu kronoamporemetri deneyi ile BiV0,99O4Mo0,01 numunesi (0,32 mAcm-2 ), saf BiVO4 göre 5 kat daha fazla akım yoğunluğu malzeme yüzeyinden geçtiği ispatlanmıştır. Mo katkılı diğer fotokatalizörler artan Mo oranına ( %0,05, %0,1, %0,2 mol) göre sırasıyla KA deneyinde ölçülen akım yoğunlukları 0,24, 0,19, 0,13 mAcm-2 'dir. Katkısız ve Mo katkılı BiVO4 filmlerin arayüzünde gerçekleşen yük transfer kinetiği elektrokimyasal empedans spektroskopi (EIS) yapılarak ve düz bant potensiyeleri Mott-Schottky (M-S) analizi yapılarak belirlenmiştir. EIS elde edilen Nyquist grafiğine göre %0,01 mol Mo katkılı numunenin OER reaksiyonuna karşı gösterdiği direnç, saf BiVO4 numunesine göre daha küçük olması daha iyi polarize edildiği anlamına gelmektedir. Bu numuneni kolay polarize olması OER reaksiyonun gerçekleşmesi için gereken enerjiyi azalttığı için FEK performasını arttırdığı düşünülmektedir. BiVO4 esaslı sentezlenen tüm malzemelerin Mott-Schottky grafiğindeki eğimin pozitif olmasından dolayı n-tipi bir yarı iletken davranışı gösterdiği görülmektedir. Ayrıca, bu eğimin ne kadar küçük ise yük taşıyıcı konsantrasyonu o derece yüksek olduğunu belirtmektedir. Sentezlenen ince film kaplamaların morfolojik özellikleri belirlemek için yapılan FESEM analizi ile yapıdaki Mo konsantarsyonun artması morfoloji olumsuz yönde etkilediği görülmektedir. Yapısal karakterizasyonu belirlemek için yapılan XRD analizi sonucunda sentezlenen numuneler monoklinik fazda olduğu ispat edilmiştir. Numunelerde çok azda olsa dönüşmemiş tetragonal faz olduğu görülmüştür. DRS spektrumundan Kubelka-Munk modeli kullanarak yarı iletkenin enerji bant aralığını hesaplanmıştır. Mo katkısı artıkça saf BiVO4'ün enerji bant aralığını artırdığı görülmüştür.

Özet (Çeviri)

The photoelectrochemical is a process that uses sun energy to convert to dissociate water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. In this system, the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) takes place on the photoanode material surface and the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) takes place on the photoanode material surface. However, both poor OER activity of photoelectrochemical materials and the inefficient use of charge carriers on the surface of materials create a barrier for practical use. Thus, photo absorber materials are required which will operate at high efficiency in daylight. The light sensitive electrode to be used in photoelectrocatalytic systems must have high absorption property, high photocurrent density, high electron / gap mobility, high charge life and high chemical stability in the range of visible light spectrum. Compared to other metal oxide semiconductors, the bismuth vanadate (BiVO4) material is a ntype semiconductor having a relatively narrow band gap (Eg = 2.4 eV) and band edge positions suitable for water splitting. BiVO4 has three reported phases including monoclinic scheelite, tetragonal scheelite and tetragonal zircon. Energy band gap of tetragonal BiVO4 was as reported 2.9 eV possessing a UV absorption band, while monoclinic BiVO4 with a 2.4 eV band gap has a characteristic visible light absorption band besides the UV band. the monoclinic crystal structure of this semiconductor shows very strong photocatalytic performance compared to tetragonal crystal structure. Therefore, photocatalytic properties of BiVO4 are a very strong relationship with way of preparation and its crystal structure. Only the monoclinic scheelite BiVO4 shows very strong photocatalytic performance compared to tetragonal crystal structure. To achieve monoclinic-scheelite BiVO4 in this thesis, heat treatment was kept to 450°C for 5 hours and then cooled to room conditions for the phase transition between monoclinic scheelite structure and tetragonal scheelite structure of BiVO4. Despite these properties, BiVO4 needs to be developed for industrial application in the visible light spectrum, due to poor electron mobility, insufficient separation of charged particles, and the possibility of electron-hole (e- /h+ ) recombination. In this thesis, BiVO4 solution formed by sol gel method was coated with fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) glass by dip coating method. Additionally, Mo doped BiVO4 photoanodes were synthesized by same coating method and the property of Mo doped BiVO4 on the FEK water splitting was studied. The reason for using the dip coating method is that the method of dip coating for the preparation of industrial surface photoanodes is quite simple which concludes deposition a uniform thin film on a substrate and solidification on the coating subsequently. The characterization of the synthesized samples was made as follows: XRD for structure properties, FESEM morphological properties, Raman spectroscopy for optical properties and UV-VIS for calculation of energy band gap the BiVO4 based samples. Also, photocatalytic properties were investigated by chronoamperometry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Mott Schottky analysis. Molybdenum was added to improve the photocurrent density of the non-doped BiVO4 film and to reduce the possibility of e- / h+ recombination. Molybdenum doped BiVO4 has five times more photo-current density than pure BiVO4 material and the highest photo activity value was observed in 0.01% Mo-doped BiVO4 sample. To compare their photocurrent responses against time, the constant potential (1,23VRHE), in which the water is theoretically splitting, was applied to BiVO4 film. The highest photocurrent density obtained from BiV0,99O4Mo0,01, BiV0,95O4Mo0,05, BiV0,90O4Mo0,10 and BiV0,80O4Mo0,2 was measured 0,32, 0,24, 0,19 and 0,13 mAcm-2 at 1.23VRHE, respectively. The photocurrent values of this film materials were increased by the molybdenum doped BiVO4 because Mo acts as shallow donors for excess electrons form small polarons around reduced V4+ centres. A multitude of polarons help charge migrating to an adjacent V5+ site and render potent overlap at large scale. According to the result, it was observed that our best photocurrent result was obtained from 0.01 mol% Mo-doped BiVO4 samples. In addition, the charge transfer kinetics performed at the interface of both pristine BiVO4 and Mo doped BiVO4 films were determined by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) method and flat band potential calculation by Mott-Schottky (M-S) analysis. According to EIS analysis, pristine BiVO4 exhibited less charge transfer resistance so its water splitting properties is low because of poor whole transfer at the semiconductor/electrolyte interface. When Mo was doped in pristine BiVO4, the charge transfer resistance value was much lower, so this increased photoelectrocatalytic water splitting performance. However, after a critical addition amount of Mo was added to monoclinic BiVO4 structure, the trend of a decrease in its photoelectrochemical water splitting performance properties were observed because of increasing diameter of semicircle decreasing in the sequence of BiV0,99O4Mo0,01, BiV0,95O4Mo0,05, BiV0,90O4Mo0,10 and BiV0,80O4Mo0,2 under illumination. According to Mott-Schottky analysis, adding amount of Mo doped, plot curve becomes linear, this show that Mo doped BiVO4 increase in donor concentration. Moreover, flat band potential of pristine and Mo doped BiVO4 was calculated intercept of the tangent at the x-axis, thus flat band potential ranges from 0,1 to 0,03 V. We observed that Mo-doped BiVO4 samples demonstrated a higher donor concentration as compared to pristine BiVO4 film. If the slope of Mott-Schottky plot is positive, it is a proof that BiVO4 shows n-type semiconductor behaviour. The slope of M-S plot was positive for all synthesized samples, it show that all synthesized BiVO4 based samples were n-type semiconductor. When the structural properties were examined by XRD, the BiV0,95O4Mo0,05, BiV0,90O4Mo0,10 and BiV0,80O4Mo0,2 structure was found to be a mixture of monoclinic and tetragonal phase, and non-doped BiVO4 both a mixture of monoclinic and tetragonal structure and including Bi2O3 phase. Tetragonal structure BiVO4 reducing effect on photocatalytic activity is known, which was consistent with the photocatalytic test results. However, 1% Mo-doped BiVO4 was only shown our best photocatalytic performance due to matching monoclinic phase peaks of monoclinic-scheelite BiVO4 sample. When surface morphology was examined by FE-SEM, with the addition of 0,01% of Mo element, there is apparent change in morphologies, which are composed of closely arranged particles. However, as increasing of Mo concentration, some was broken and grown into large particles, so morphology change was a decreasing effect on photoelectrocatalytic performance, which consistent with the chronoamperometry test results. Energy band gap were calculated via UV-VIS to use Kubelka-Munk function. According to calculations, as the amount of molybdenum increased, the energy band gap generally increased. However, the sample with the smallest additive (%0,01 Mo) had a reducing energy band gap. Calculated energy band gaps respectively 2,55, 2,52 2,61, 2,73, 2,74 eV and for BiVO4, BiV0,99O4Mo0,01, BiV0,95O4Mo0,05, BiV0,90O4Mo0,10 and BiV0,80O4Mo0,2. The increase in energy band search has a negative effect on the optical properties and it has been seen in the results of raman analysis. Raman spectroscopy can provide structural morphology. Also, it is research of a sensitive method for the investigation of the crystallization, local structure, and electronic properties of materials. Raman bands of monoclinic scheelite structure of BiVO4 for all samples were observed around 210, 324, 366, 640, 710, and 826 cm–1 . These are the typical vibrational bands of BiVO4. The structural information of BiVO4 are obtained by the band centered at 210 cm-1 . The asymmetric and symmetric formations of VO4 tetrahedron are given by the bands centered at 324 and 366 cm-1 , respectively. The asymmetric stretching vibration of the shorter V–O bond are given by bands centered at 640 cm–1 . The stretching modes of two vibrational modes of VO bonds are determined by the bands centered at 710 and 826 cm-1 . It was seen for all samples that a slight blue shift in chaarcteristic peak at 826cm-1 as molybdenum is added to monoclinic scheelite BiVO4 structure. It can be explained that an incorporation of Mo+6 ions into the BiVO4 crystal lattice so stretching of the V-O bong length due to Mo+6 ion substitution V+5 ion in the crystal side. Therefore, as amount of the molybden increases, the monolinic scheelite structure of BiVO4 is undergoes deterioration in even worse. It is observed that some characteristic peaks of BiV0,90O4Mo0,10 and BiV0,80O4Mo0,2 samples are not included in the Raman spectrum and the shift is stronger in BiV0,90O4Mo0,10 and BiV0,80O4Mo0,2 than pristine BiVO4 around 826 and 640 cm-1 . However, the peak position is found to be at the same point BiV0,99O4Mo0,01 and pristine BiVO4. This result is parallel to what was observed in UV-VIS diffuse reflectance spectrum. In the summary, light sensitive BiVO4 semiconductor material was added molybdenum element in different molar ratios to to examine the changing properties of photoelectrochemical, morphological, structure and optical properties.

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