Geleneksel Gaziantep evlerindeki avluların rolünün yerel veriler bağlamında değerlendirilmesi
The evaluation of the role of the courtyards in traditional Gaziantep houses in context of local data
- Tez No: 579076
- Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. YÜKSEL DEMİR
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2019
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Mimari Tasarım Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 189
Avlulu ev, insanın mimari mekan ile birlikte dünyada var olduğuna ilişkin apaçık bir imge sunmaktadır. Bu birliktelik bir tür varoluşsal temelde yer alarak yaşamın anlamlandırılması güç bir boyutunda, aşkın bir varlık oluşturmaktadır. Tez çalışmasında, Gaziantep'teki geleneksel evlerdeki avluların yerel veriler bağlamında değerlendirilen rolü ve bu role bağlı olarak geliştirilen tipolojik bir sınıflama önerisi ile kente ve benzer doğal ve kültürel niteliklere sahip yerlere ilişkin bütünsel bir yaklaşım biçimi ortaya konmaktadır. Birinci bölüm, tez çalışmasının genel çerçevesinin ifade edildiği girizgahın ardından, çalışmanın başlangıcında ortaya konan kavramların ve bu kavramlara bağlı soruların ele alındığı kısım ile devam etmektedir. Bu kısımda, mimari nesnenin anlamı ve mimarlığın fenomenolojik ve ontolojik kavranışları sorulaştırılmakta ve buna bağlı olarak, özneden bağımsız bir nesnenin anlamlı bir bütünlük oluşturamayacağı sonucuna ulaşılmaktadır. Bu saptamanın ardından, bütünsellik kavramı bağlamında, kişisel bir meraktan yola çıkılarak avlulu evler ve Gaziantep'in çalışma kapsamında incelendiği belirtilmektedir. Çalışmanın amacının, kapsamının, yönteminin ve çalışmaya yön veren eserlerin yer aldığı literatür çalışması bölümünün ardından ikinci bölüme geçilmektedir.İkinci bölümde, ilk bölümde de değinilmekte olan temel kavramlar detaylı ve dizgesel bir biçimde ele alınmaktadır. Bu kavramlar yer, yerel veri ve avludur. Yer kavramı, mimari bütünselliğin anlaşılması konusunda kavramsal bir hareket noktası olarak belirlenmektedir. Diğer temel kavram olan yerel veri, yer kavramının dizgesel bir biçimde ele alınmasını sağlamakta ve çalışmanın yöntemsel kurgusunu oluşturmaktadır. Tüm varlığı doğal ve kültürel kategorilerde ele almayı ileri süren bir varoluşsal yaklaşımın yerel ölçekte uygulanışı, çalışmanın yöntemini kısaca ifade etmek için yeterli görülmektedir. Temel kavramların sonuncusu olan avlu ise araştırma nesnesinin bütünsellik bağlamındaki kavranışının aktarıldığı bölümdür. Fenomenolojik düzeyde ele alınmakta olan iç ve dış ikiliğinin mekansal karşılığı olarak değerlendirilen avluların, dahil oldukları mimari nesnelerin tanımlayıcı ve belirleyici mekansal birimi olduğu ortaya konmaktadır. Üçüncü bölümde, geleneksel çevreler ve geleneksel çevrelerdeki avlulu evler, Gaziantep'e doğal ve kültürel bağlamda yakın coğrafyalardan örneklerle birlikte ele alınmaktadır. Avlulu evlerin doğasına ilişkin temel niteliklerin belirlendiği bölümün ilk kısmı, geleneksel çevrelerdeki avlulu evlerin köken bakımından belirli bir ortaklığa sahip olmadıklarına ilişkin bir saptamayı içermektedir. Doğu Akdeniz, Roma, Hitit ve diğer Anadolu uygarlıklarında görülen avlulu ev geleneğinin tarihsel bağlamda ortaya konmasıyla Gaziantep'teki avlulu evlerin kökenine ilişkin panoramik bilgi sunulmaktadır. Avlulu evlerin doğal ve kültürel bağlamda incelendiği bölümlerde topoğrafya, iklim, su ile aile yapısı, mimari karakter ve mekandaki eylemler yerel veri alt kategorileri oluşturmaktadır. Bu kısımlarda avlulu evlerin ve avluların ev içindeki rolünün yerel verilerle karşılıklı bir ilişki içinde olduğu görülmektedir. Ancak bazı durumlarda kültürel düzeydeki geleneğin doğal çevreye ilişkin bağlamsallığı aştığı anlaşılmaktadır. Dördüncü bölümde, araştırma alanının ve nesnelerinin yerel veri bağlamında incelenmesi ve geleneksel Gaziantep evlerine ilişkin yeni bir sınıflandırma önerisi bulunmaktadır. Gaziantep'in doğal ve kültürel verilerinin dizgesel bir biçimde ortaya konduğu bu bölümde doğal veriler il düzeyinde, kültürel veriler il merkezi düzeyinde ele alınmaktadır. Bu bölümde kültürel veri alt kategorilerine tarih, yönetim biçimi ve demografik yapı yeni kategoriler olarak eklenmiştir. Kültürel bir veri olarak değerlendirilmesi olanaklı olan Gaziantep'teki avlulu evlerin, kentin düz ve eğimli topoğrafik yapıdaki bölgelerinin tamamındaki konut dokusunu oluşturduğu görülmektedir. Akdeniz'in ılıman iklimi etkisi altında olmasına rağmen sıcak ve kurak karaktere sahip olan Gaziantep iklimi, avlulu evlerin bölgenin iklimsel karakterine belirli bir düzeyde uygun olduğunu göstermektedir. Ev formunun yanı sıra yerleşimin biçiminin ve avludaki düzenlemelerin iklimsel etkisi ortaya konmaktadır. Kentsel alanın dışından kente su getiren livas sistemlerinin avlulu evlerdeki avlularda yer alan“gane”adı verilen özel havuzlara bağlı olması avlulu evlerin ve avluların su ile kurduğu en kritik ilişki olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Kültürel veri bağlamında, kentin tarihsel gelişiminin 2. yüzyıldaki Roma egemenliğinde başladığı ve 16. yüzyıldaki Osmanlı egemenliğine kadar savaşlar ve ayaklanmalar nedeniyle Gaziantep Kalesi'nin çeperindeki birkaç mahallenin dışında gelişim göstermediği anlaşılmaktadır. Her ne kadar Osmanlı döneminde de ayaklanmalar ve savaşlar yaşanmış olsa da kentin, 19. yüzyılın ortasından 20. yüzyılın başına kadarki süreç içinde ekonomik, sosyal ve fiziksel olarak gelişkin ve demografik olarak da çeşitlilik içinde olduğu görülmektedir. Söz konusu dönemin, aynı zamanda, geleneksel Gaziantep evlerinin günümüze ulaşan örneklerinin üretildiği ve geleneksel yaşantının sürdüğü dönem olduğu görülmektedir. Bu dönemde, kentin sosyal yapısının temelini oluşturan ailelerin birkaç çekirdek aileyi içinde barındıran ve farklı kuşaklardaki bireylerin bir arada yaşadığı bir yapıda olduğu görülmektedir. Kentteki Müslüman, Hıristiyan ve Yahudi toplumların tümünde, ailelerin benzer bir yapıda olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Buna bağlı olarak evlerin de, ailelerin çok kuşaklı ve çok bireyli yapısına uygun olarak biçimlendiği görülmektedir. Ev içi kamusallığın düzenlendiği ve en üst düzeyde yaşandığı mekanlar olan avlular, buna göre, evlerin belirleyici mekansal birimleri olarak görülmektedir. Evlerde gerçekleştirilen eylemler düzeyinde, avluların ev ekonomisinin yönetildiği ve evde kullanılmak üzere ortak üretimlerin yapıldığı mekanların başında geldiği anlaşılmaktadır. Dördüncü bölümde, son olarak, envanterde kayıtlı olan tescilli geleneksel Gaziantep evlerin incelenmesiyle oluşturulan bir sınıflandırma önerisi bulunmaktadır. Bu öneriye göre geleneksel Gaziantep evlerindeki temel mekanın avlular olduğu, diğer kütlelerin, mekanların ve yapı elemanlarının avluya ve avludaki yaşama bağlı olarak düzenlendiği ortaya konmaktadır. Beşinci bölümde, geleneksel Gaziantep evlerindeki avluların rolünün yerel veriler bağlamında değerlendirilmesiyle elde edilen bulgular yer almaktadır. Buna göre, avluların, geleneksel Gaziantep evlerinde kültürel bir olgu olarak yaşamı düzenlediği ve doğal çevreyle de uyumlu olduğu görülmektedir. Çalışmanın sonucunda, belirli bir dönemde üretilmiş ve belirli toplumsal koşullarda kullanılmış olan geleneksel Gaziantep evlerinin 1920'lerden itibaren söz konusu koşulların değişmesiyle birlikte kullanılmadığı belirtilmektedir. Avlulu ev geleneğindeki bu kırılmanın kültürel sürekliliğe zarar verdiği görülmektedir. Ortaya çıkış, gelişim, üretim ve kullanım biçimleri saptanmış olan geleneksel Gaziantep evlerinden öğrenilenlerle yere ilişkin bilginin kazanımı ve buna bağlı olarak anlamlı bütünlüğe ilişkin bir farkındalık yaratılması amaçlanmıştır. Ancak bunun da ötesinde avlulu evlerin, avlu çevresinde devinen varlığının kavranması ve barındırdığı özgün mimari bilginin kullanılmasıyla çevrenin biçimlendirilmesinde başvurulacak bir kaynak olduğu da vurgulanmaktadır.
Özet (Çeviri)
Courtyard houses exhibit an evidentiary image which refers a unity: unity of individual and architectural space together being in the world. This is related to an ontological basis and indicates an transcendent form of being. The very first notable attribution of a courtyard house is often its direct relation to open-air. This attribution gives the courtyard a distinctive quality. The quality of being an outdoor space within the borders of a building. By this, courtyard houses connect interior and exterior. As a consequence, a new level of unity could be formed. Yet, by the attendance of individuals to the architectural space, it is possible to reach a higher level unity: Architectural unity. By the role, of the courtyards in traditional Gaziantep houses, which evaluated in the context of local data, and a new typological classification of the traditional courtyard houses in Gaziantep, a wholistic approach is exerted. This approach could be useful in order to grasp the city and other settlements that have similar natural and cultural attributes. The first chapter starts with a general introduction. Following that, the next section contains, key concepts and a series of fundamental questions about meaning in architecture . The very first and basic question asked at beginning of the study, stated by“Does an architectural object have a meaning beyond its physicality?”After a process which includes phenomenological, ontological and semiological investigation about the question, the research gravitate towards an phenomenological and ontological field. From that point, series of findings are defined. One of the most important findings is the meaning of an architectural object can not be seperated by the subject: the individual who gets interaction with the object. This totality of architectural object and individual (as subject) forms a meaningful wholeness. In other words, people create architectural objects, and its meaning is constructed by people's actions, senses, ideas etc. In that point of view, it has stated that, meaning of an architectural object is directly related to an architectural totality. Following these findings, and related to the idea of the wholeness and totality, courtyard houses and the traditional houses in Gaziantep have chosen as research objects. A personal interest and curiosity about a city's forgotten past, its deserted architectural tradition and courtyard houses in general have led this work's field of interest. The purpose of the research could be stated as investigation of the architectural totality by the scope of traditional Gaziantep houses and their courtyards. The scope of the research consists traditional houses in Gaziantep which built in a specific period (second half of 19th century and beginning of the 20th century). The houses built in that period are the ones which stand and able to investigate today. The neighbourhoods which the houses were built are the first settlement areas of Gaziantep. The method of the study, briefly, implementing an analitic approach which consist two basic categories (natural and cultural) in order to examine and grasp built environment and suggesting a new typological classification based on courtyards. The first chapter concludes with a final section which consists literature review. In this section, crucial sources are mentioned with their significant aspects respecting to the research. Second chapter consists the key concepts: place, local data and courtyard. Each of the concepts are elaborated systematically. In the structure of the dissertation, the concept of place takes part as a point of departure. By this, a conceptual base has been set in order to grasp the architectural totality. From a phenomenological point of view, the concept of place provides a wholistic approach to the environment. Yet, a systematic method seem to be a requirment for make the concept of place useful. This requirment leds to the second key concept of the study: local data. From an ontological approach, nature and culture are stated as two categories which embrace all the beings in the world. Local data also constitutes the main concept of the structure of the work. Third, fourth and fifth chapters are formed by local data categories: natural data and cultural data. Courtyard is the last key concept of the work. In this section, courtyard has elaborated in phenomenological level. Beyond its definitive chracteristics, courtyards grasped as spatial counterpart of the duality of in - out (inside – outdide, interior – exterior, indoors – outdoors etc.). By this attribution, courtyards can be seen as an architectural unifier and represents architectural unity in its own presence. In third chapter, traditional environments and traditional courtyard houses are evaluated in context of local data. The main examples given in this section chosen from the environments which have similar natural and cultural context with Gaziantep. The functionality of this chapter is providing a panoramic basis for the following chapters. In the first section of third chapter, essantial features and the origin of the courtyard houses are examined. The very first finding from third chapter is all courtyard houses do not share a common origin. In various forms, various eras and various environmets, courtyard houses have emerged. Related to the traditional Gaziantep courtyard houses, Eastern Mediterranean, Rome, Hittite and other Anatolian civilaztaion's courtyard house traditions examined panoramically. By this examples and beyond, it has seen that the traditional courtyard houses emerged, evolved and used coherent with the natural and cultural context. In the section which consists evaluation of traditonal courtyard houses in the context of natural data, and the sub categories are topography, climate and water. Despite a general judgement about the essential association between courtyard houses and flat areas, it is detected that courtyard houses could be built in any topographical context. In order to adapt courtyards in sloping areas, terracing could be an example for accomplishing that matter. In climatic level, it has been determined that courtyard houses could be found in any climate. In spite of that, in hot and arid climates, the courtyard houses are the most suitable house type. In summer days, courtyards act as an air shaft. Durring the 24 hour of the whole day time, courtyards function as a climatic modifer. This indicates that natural context is directly related to the built environment. Beyond, each house's physical attributions, the compact characteristics of the settlements provides climatic regulation in hot and arid climates. Apart from the distinguishing urban character and traditional courtyard houses of Venice (Italy), the relation between water and courtyard has limitaions. Water, usually could take part in courtyard houses in four levels: functional, spatial, aesthetic and climatic. Water takes part in courtyards by building elements (such as pools, wells etc.). By these elements, water provided to occupants. In third chapter's third section, traditional courtyard houses evaluated in the context of cultural data, and the sub categories are family structure, architectural identity and actions and mode of living in architectural space (courtyard). The importance of the family seems decreased in modern society yet, in traditional periods it has regarded as one of the most important component of society. The number of the individuals in a family, relation between generations, gender differences are determinative attributes and parameters of house form. Yet as a inherent of Eastern Medditerranean Roman urban tradition, the cities in Southeastern Anatolia have courtyard houses which allows growth and provides a level of privacy. Especilly in Islamic societies privacy of family and women regarded as important social values. Courtyard provides privacy from the outside of the house yet it is the most public space within the house's borders. Second sub category of cultural data is architectural identity. By its distinctive visual attributes, courtyard houses could regard as indicator of a settlement's architectural identity. Beyond the general physical characteristics of the form (having an open air space inside the buildind), the relation between spaces in the house, formal relations and architectural composition are the considerable components of architectural identity. Settlements differ from each other according to these components features. As a method of examining the architectural identiy typology regarded as an useful tool. The findings indicate that, courtyard houses in Gaziantep interpreted as a part of Eastern Mediterranean Roman housing tradition. However, the houses also have tectonic and spatial similarities with traditional Hittie, Arabic and Turkish houses. The third sub category of cultural data is actions and mode of living in architectural space. Courtyard houses interpreted as introvert houses. In a dense urban fabric, where the streets are narrow and public space are limited, the courtyards become the spaces for the openair activities (especially in conservative societies). It is notable that, courtyards are multi-functional spaces. Not only as a space for socializing in family, relatives, neighbours and close frineds of the family, courtyards also used for food preperation, sleeping in summer nights, growing plants etc. All the actions have impact on form of the space. Fourth chapter consists Gaziantep and city's analysis in the context of local data. The object of the research examined systematically in the same context and method. Yet, in cultural data category, new sub categories added in fourth chapter. These sub categories are history, government and demographic structure. The natural data sub categories are the ones in third chapter. Natural datas examined within the scope of province. Cultural datas examined within the scope of urban core and by the time that the city's major demographical breakage (early 1920's). This chapter also includes a new typologic classification proposal. The main object of the chapter is courtyards of traditional Gaziantep houses. As a cultural phenomenon itself, the traditional Gaziantep courtyard houses have been interrelated with natural and cultural context. It is found that topography has not effect on house form. In Gaziantep's traditional urban area, there are settlements which have both flat and steep topograhical chracteristics. The use of building site in inclined terrain is, basically, placing the building masses on the slopes and leaving the flat areas to the courtyards. In building sites, which have rock masess under the surface, rocks were carved and used as cool aired extra spaces in the houses (mağara). It is known that stones subtracted from the underground were used as building materials. Those spaces are usually directly reached from the courtyard. The climatic character of Gaziantep is hot and arid yet there is also an influence of moderate Mediterranean climate. This hybrid climatic character indicates that courtyard houses are suitable for Gaziantep at a certain level. In long and sunny days, the courtyards used as the main space of the house. By means of trees, semi-open spaces directly connect to the courtyard (eyvans and dış sofas) and building elements which related to water creates a micro climatic space within the house. As part of architectural and urban characteristics, dense urban fabric, thick stone walls and dimensions of the openings also have effect on the micro climatic spaces. The critical relation between Gaziantep's traditional houses and water are linked by a specific kind of a pools (gane), wells and fountains in courtyards. The specialized water tunnel network called“livas”, brought water into the city and spreaded water to mosques, khans, baths (hamam) and houses. Besides this network system, there is a creek which goes along near the traditional neighbourhoods (Alleben). Yet, the relation between houses and the creek has not strongly connected. In the section that cultural data is examined, the history of the city regarded as a first necessity in order to apprehend the city's place in the world general. The first finding is the city started to grow from a citadel that on a huge rock mass near the Alleben Creek. In the 2nd century, the citadel was built by the Romans and the city was a garrison town. The first building traces were found inside the citadel. Although the fisrt neighbourhoods emerged at the peripheral areas of the citadel, wars, attacks and uprisings were the reasons of city's slow growth. The places of worship were the center of the neighbourhoods. This information leads to determination of city's historical growth pattern. One of the most critical points in Gaziantep's history is started with the Ottoman era (16th century). After Ottoman's, city's unstable and slow growth was turn in to a more regular development. However, uprisings and wars affected city in following centuries. Yet, between the period of the second half of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, Gaziantep became one of the most diverse and developed cities in Ottoman Empire. The houses which remain today and examined in this work were built and used in that period. The prominent findings about family structure is the similarity of the family characteristics between ethnic and religious demographical groups in Gaziantep (Muslims, Christians and Jews). The similarities could be stated shortly by large family character and common conservative mode of living. These two attributions effect house forms directly. The houses are large and have number of living units for each nuclear family. Those units could be in a large building or seperate buildings in the same courtyard. Conservative mode of living is directly related the concept of privacy. The privacy provided by the high courtyard walls, and small sized opennings which face to outside of houses. The architectural identity examined and elaborated in depth. The section which consists architectural identity of traditional Gaziantep houses includes neighbourhoods, housing areas, street forms, spatial relations between houses, typological analysis of houses, spaces and spatial relations in houses, building elemnets of houses, building materials of houses. All these sub sections held with the relation of the courtyards. The prominent finding of this section indicates that the courtyards are the dominant spatial element of the house. Natural and cultural context of the city effected directly to houses and courtyards had a role of a spatial regulator for all aspects. The following section, actions and mode of living in courtyards of traditional Gaziantep houses, also indicates the prominent finding: courtyard as a multi-functional space and a spatial regulator. Fourth chapter ends with a new typological classification proposal. After examined typological studies about Gaziantep houses and courtyard houses in general, a new approach has composed according to role of the courtyards. Form, spatial relation, secondary spaces and buildings elements have examined and considered. Fifth chapter consists the evaluation of the role of the courtyards traditional Gaziantep houses. This section exhibits findings in natural and cultural categories and sub categories. The examples from registered houses from the inventory indicates courtyards and houses interrelation to local context. The conclusion, which takes part in sixth chapter, provides a series of ultimate results. The traditional houses built and used in specific times and conditions. As time passes and conditions change, the role of the houses in the urban context has changed. Those changes could be summarized: • In modern mode of living, the actions and daily works which are related to the courtyards require relatively more time and labour. • The preperation of seasonal foods and other daily, weekly or seasonal works, which were done by the members of the family as a collective, is no longer done because of disintegration of large families in to nuclear families. • The traditional houses have become difficult to manage and repair for families in modern mode of living. • After a great change in demographical structure of the city in 1920's, the ownership problems occured. By these, it is possible to regard traditional houses as a phenomenon of a different time period. Even if it is true, the courtyard's spatial attributes should be examined in order to enhance the knowledge about city, its architectural heritage which also could be effective on sense of belonging. In final words, by evaluating traditional Gaziantep houses via courtyards leds a new typological classification. This new approach offers new perspective for understanding and apprehending the courtyards as a spatial regualtor and modifier, with their correlation between natural and cultural context.
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