Türkiye'de baraj emniyeti ve Atatürk Barajı'nda deformasyon izleme çalışmaları ve son 12 yıllık analiz sonuçları
Dam safety in Turkey and deformation measurements on Ataturk Dam and last 12 years analyses
- Tez No: 634378
- Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. YUNUS KALKAN
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Jeodezi ve Fotogrametri, Geodesy and Photogrammetry
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2020
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Geomatik Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Geomatik Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 133
TÜRKİYE'DE BARAJ EMNİYETİ VE ATATÜRK BARAJI'NDA DEFORMASYON İZLEME ÇALIŞMALARI VE SON 12 YILLIK ANALİZ SONUÇLARI ÖZET Su, yaşadığımız hayatın kaynağıdır. Canlı yaşamı dünya üzerinde, hep su kaynakları etrafında şekillenmiş ve varlığını devam ettirmiştir. Doğayı değiştirme gücü ile insan da yaşamını su kaynakları etrafında sürdürmüş, geliştirdiği yöntemlerle toprağı işlenebilir hale getirmiş; bunun içinde suyu bir araç olarak kullanmıştır. Tarih boyunca büyük medeniyetler hep su etrafında şekillenmiş ve şehirler su kenarlarına inşa edilmiştir. Devamlı akış halinde bulunan suyun faydalı şekilde kullanılmasını sağlamak amacıyla su, engeller yardımıyla biriktirilmiş ya da suyun yönü değiştirilerek istenilen yere akması sağlanmıştır. Arkeolojik çalışmalar sonucu birçok medeniyetin suyu iletmek için kanallar, suyu bir yerde toplamak için ise bentler inşa ettiği anlaşılmıştır. Yükseklikleri çok fazla olmasa da o günkü şartlarda inşa edilen setler ve kullanılan yöntemler hayret verici niteliktedir. Günümüzde ise gelişen teknoloji, çok daha yüksek gövdeli barajların yapılmasını mümkün hale getirmiştir. Geçmiş dönemlerde barajlar genellikle tarımsal sulama ve su temini amacıyla yapılagelmiştir. Su kaynaklarına uzak durumda bulunan yerleşim yerleri barajlar ve suyu ileten diğer yapılar yardımıyla sulanabilir hale getirilmiştir. Bu yolla hem içme suyu sağlanarak yerleşime imkân sağlanmış, hem de tarım ve hayvancılık mümkün hale gelmiştir. Bununla birlikte günümüz barajlarından elektrik üretimi, su ürünleri yetiştirilmesi ve ulaşım gibi amaçlar için de yararlanılmaktadır. Depolanamayan bir enerji türü olan elektrik; günümüzde güneş enerji santralleri, fosil yakıtlarla çalışan termik santraller, rüzgâr türbinleri, nükleer santraller ve hidroelektrik santraller gibi çeşitli yollarla elde edilebilmektedir. Bununla birlikte; fosil yakıtların doğaya verdiği zarar ve nükleer santrallerin sahip olduğu nükleer atık riski, yenilenebilir enerji kaynakların öne çıkmasına neden olmuştur. Doğal dengeyi bozmayacak şekilde tasarlanıp inşa edilen barajlar hem ülkemizde hem de dünyada en çok tercih edilen yöntem haline gelmiştir. Görece yüksek maliyetlerine rağmen barajlar, su ve enerji temini noktasında doğaya zarar vermeyen bir sürekliliğe sahiptir. Yapıldıkları yerde suyu depolayan barajlar, suyun akışkan özelliğinden dolayı sürekli kuvvete maruz kalmaktadır. Bu durum yapının zaman içerisinde deforme olmasına, önlem alınmadığı takdirde zaman zaman zarar görmesine neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle baraj emniyeti, hem ekonomik olarak hem de çevre sağlığı açısından hayati önem taşımaktadır. Barajların planlanan zamandan daha önce kullanım-dışı kalması ekonomik kayıplara neden olurken, zamanında müdahale edilmeyen şekil değişimleri ve bozulmalar, bazen yıkımlara ve telafisi imkânsız can ve mal kayıplarına neden olabilmektedir. Bu sebeple, baraj gövdesi ve yakın çevresindeki değişimlerin belirli periyotlarda izlenmesi, değişimlerin analiz edilmesi ve meydana gelebilecek zararlara karşı önlem alınması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Atatürk Barajı'nda sürdürülmekte olan deformasyon izleme çalışmaları hakkında bilgi verilip, özellikle jeodezik yöntemlerle elde edilen deformasyon verilerinin analiz programları yardımı ile değerlendirilerek baraj gövdesinde gerçekleşen geometrik değişimlerin görselleştirilmesi konusu incelenmektedir.
Özet (Çeviri)
DAM SAFETY IN TURKEY AND DEFORMATION MEASUREMENTS ON ATATURK DAM AND LAST 12 YEARS ANALYSES SUMMARY The source of life is water. Natural life has come into and continued its existence near the water on the earth. The man who has the power of changing the natural conditions has existed around the water sources. He has made the soil farmable thanks to his own methods and he has used the water as a vehicle for this. Civilizations arized around water and cities were structured near water sources throughtout history. The water constantly fluid has been accumulated or redirected by means of obstacles to use it adventageously. Archeological researches show that many civilizations build conduits and dams to save and transmit the water. The ancient dams had limited body height. However the tecniques using are marvellous even today. Moreover, developing technology in construction enables to build dams having much more body height nowadays. Ancient dams were constructed for mostly agricultural irrigation and water supply. The settlements far from the water supply became irrigable thanks to water structures. Agriculture and stock raising were possible by this way. In addition to this, the contemporary dams are utilized for power generation, aquaculture, transportation etc. Electricity, which could not be saved in any source, is produced by means of solar power stations, steam power plants concuming fossil fuels, wind turbins, nuclear power stations and hydroelectric power stations. However, the natural damages because of fossil fuels and nuclear waste of nuclear plants highlighted the advantages of renewable energy sources. When the dams are planned and constructed under non-distructive conditions, they have become the most preferred way of generating electric energy in our country and in the World. Although their relatively high costs, the dams have eco-friendly continuity for energy generation and water supply. The dams, which saves the water where they are build, are under the influence of contious power derived from the fluency of the water. Beacuse of this, the structure becomes deformed in time and is sometimes damaged if this stuation is neglected. Safety during the usage of dams have critical role in terms of economy and nature. While the malfunction of dams earlier than expected is leading economical losses, descensions and deformations cause (sometimes) destructions and unrepairable loss of life and property. Due to this, changes on dam body and environment must be monitored periodically and analized to make provisions for possible damages. In this study, by informing of observation of deformations on Atatürk Dam, visualising the deformation behaviour of the dam by analysis programs is investigated. In cahpter 1; the dam safety is criticised and tried to be briefly explained. Also, a short knowledge about the aim of the thesis is given. Chapter 2 is about the water sources and hydroeletiric potential of Turkey. The general features of the seas, tributaries and lakes in Turkey are explained in detail. Moreover, the water sources and hydroelectric potential are exemplified before the dams are mentioned. Thanks to the differential geographical formations in Turkey; the rivers have kinetic energy to generate electricity. Hydroelectric power plants are invested heavily in recent years compared to the past. Historical development process of the hydroelectric power plants in Turkey is also commentated in this chapter.“What is dam?”question is investigated in Chapter 3 in general terms. Varied definitions according to different sources and authorities are given at the start of the chapter. In addition to this, mostly used terms about dams and their systems. Meanwhile, objectives of dam construction and the elements of specifying the construction area are investigated. Contrary to popular belief, the dams are constructed not only generating electricity. They are exploited water supply, agricultural irrigation, flood protection, transportation, fishery, nature tourism, water sports etc. Also the construction area is determined watchfully because of the effects on cost of the projcet. To figure out the area optimum for all condition is one of the complicated section of the plannig. The historical development process of dam construction is treated. Turkey received several ancient civilizations throughout history. These civilizations builded canals and embankments to manage water by their objectives. The parts of a dam are narrated. The dams are not an ordinary wall including concrete or rock. Their plannig and construction process is complex and complicated. The modern-day dams are strictly an engineering marvel. They have a range of nonvisual parts in their bodies like outlet works, spillways, bulkheads, intake structures, fishways, timberpasses. Furthermore, this section includes the environmental and social impacts of dams both during the construction process and operation era. The dams have both positive and negative influences on environment and demographic structure of the area where the dam is constructed on. The classification of dams and the forces influence dams are also handled in this part of the thesis. In chapter 4, the dam safety and deformation observations compose the two main sections. The importance of dam safety and the studies carry out for the dam safety is the first section of this chapter. Additionally, the following section is about deformation measurements. This part of the chapter explaines the determining the deformation on structures exhaustively. After the definition of deformation, internal and external geometrical variances are mentioned briefly. Thereafter, the methods of determinig the deformation are explained under two main topics which are geodetic and non-geodetic ways. Non-geodetic methods are known as also geotechnical methods. The inertial systems embeded to dam body are used to determine inlying deformations which are rotation, wrenching, drift, decline of the body. Redundance surveyings underlies the adjustment calculation of vertical and horizontal surveting to determine external changings. Thereinafter, the methods of determining the deformation by analysing the adjusted geodetic data. At the end of this chapter; double period adjustment which is the matter of the thesis is eplained in extenso. 5th Chapter is the application and analysis part of the thesis. Dam safety works in Atatürk Dam which is the most substantial hydroelectric power plant in Turkey. It must definitely be specified that Atatürk Dam is the best of its kind with respect to its subscriptions for Turkish Dam Engineering. Most of the employee of dam works admit Atatürk Dam as a touchstone. Atatürk Dam is not only an Turkish engineering marvel as mentioned before, but also is 100 percent product of Turkish Engineers. Atatürk Dam is also one of the most important dam in E.U. and the World. In this stage, general specifications and importance of it is voiced. From its first startup time, Atatürk Dam has been surveyed periodcally for strucrutal and environmental disorders. The motion vectors belong to two different period 2006 and 2018 are evaluated to visualize the effects of the deformations on the body of the dam as graphically and in a color scale by analysis programs (Microsoft Excel, ANSYS and SURFER). Methods that were used to determine the motion vectors have been adverted once more briefly for recall. The value of the motion vectors have been calculated before and they are cited from a report that refers to Turkish General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works allowedly. After that, the core knowledge of the analysis programs used in the application phase is given with examples. Motion vectors is point-based result of the deformation on the dam body. For engineering, it is easy to evaluate this kind of information to use it for different works and applications. When it comes to share word with different disciplines apart from engineering branches, the influences of the deformation must be stated visullay. A set of goal oriented graphics have been drawn.Three different programs are used to peruse for comparison visual and numeric value. Every single program has its own unique abilities on evaluation of the motion vectors. In consequence section, total effects of deformation on Atatürk Dam has been discussed. It seen obviously that the higher and middle part of the body has been affected by deformation as provided. Total deformation has been appeared on the higher part of the dam. Three diffrerent analysis programs are compared in terms of their results. Microsoft Excel is better for diagrams. The other two programs are better for visualization. However, each of two programs hav different specialities. The ANSYS has essential abilities on analysis of the water force and distribution of deformation on the body. The SURFER is become prominent with its cartographic caliber.
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