Bir metafor olarak köpük kent
Foam city as a metaphor
- Tez No: 677351
- Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. MELTEM AKSOY
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2021
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Mimari Tasarım Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 87
Bu çalışma, Alman filozof ve kültür teorisyeni Peter Sloterdijk tarafından geliştirilmiş ve 2004 yılında ortaya atılmış olan sosyoloji temelli Köpük Teoremi üzerinden kent, toplum yapısı ve yapılı çevre kesişimlerine dair yeni bir bakış açısı sunmayı amaçlar. Kenti anlamaya dair üretilen özellikle modern dönem sonrasına denk gelen tanımların ve metaforik ögeler barındıran yaklaşımların ele alınması ile 21.yy kentine dair farklı bakış açılarını sunmaya imkan verir. Bunu da kenti oluşturan en önemli yapı taşlarından biri olan toplum ve toplum yapısındaki değişimlerden ipucu alarak yapar. Temel değişimleri getiren üç sanayi devriminden sonra, yaşadığımız çağ dördüncü sanayi devrimi olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Henüz sonlanmamış bu devirden sonra, endüstriyel robot devri (industrial digital age) olarak da adlandırılan 'toplum 5.0' veya 'endüstri 5.0' devri öngörülmektedir. Yaşanmakta olan ile bir öngörü arasındaki bu geçiş, odağına insanı ve yapay zekayı alan bir kontrol mekanizması olarak görülmektedir. Endüstri 4.0 bir 'büyük veri' (big data) ve 'bilgi' devri iken, sonrası bu dataların insanlar üzerindeki kontrol mekanizması olarak nasıl kullanılacağı, üretimin hatasız ve insansız 7/24 nasıl yürütülebileceğine, özetle mükemmel üretim ve bilgiye ulaşmanın yollarına odaklanmaktadır. Ancak çalışmadaki amaç, kronolojik olarak bir öngörü olmaktan ziyade, dördüncü sanayi devrinin kentine farklı bir bakış açısı sunarak topluma ve dijitalleşme ile değişen pratiklerine metaforik bir yaklaşım için yeni bir altlık sunmaktır. Bu çağın temelini teknoloji alanındaki gelişmeler ve bilgi toplumu oluşturmaktadır. Bilgi toplumunda bilgi, sermaye ve işgücünden daha önemli bir üretim-tüketim faktörü haline gelmektedir. Madde ve varlık ile birlikte bilgi de bir tüketim maddesi haline gelmiştir. Bu nedenle üretimi de yaşadığımız yüzyıla adını verecek kadar değerli bir sektör haline gelmiş ve toplumun gündelik hayat pratiklerini, alışkanlıklarını ve yapılarını da dönüştürmüştür. Bilgi toplumu ile birlikte kentin geçirmekte olduğu dönüşümü tarif etme çabası yaklaşık olarak 1960'lı yılların bir konusu olarak gündeme gelmiş ve kente dair yaklaşımlar üretme çabası başlamıştır. Castell'in 1960'larda büyük bir öngörüye sahip olan Ağ Teoremi yaklaşımı, kentin öznesini ve yapısını anlamak için birbiriyle sınırsız ilişkiler içerisinde bulunan bir ağ yapısı üzerinden kenti tarifler. Edward Soja, 2000 yılında Post Metropolis kavramını ortaya atar. Soja, Castell'in kent tarifinin hakkını vererek, toplum yapısı ve mimarlığın gelişme noktasını tarif etmede yeni bir yaklaşıma gerek olduğunu; geç dönem metropolü için, artık eski metropol tarifinin yeterli olmayabileceğini savunur. 2003 yılında ise bir grup İspanyol mimar tarafından metaforik kent tarifleri başka bir noktaya taşınır ve Metapolis kavramı ortaya atılır. Bu çalışmada, modern sonrası günümüz yakın geçmişine kadar ortaya atılmış bu yaklaşımlar zamansal süreci içerisinde incelenir ve şu andaki geçerliliklerini reddetmeden üzerine Sloterdjik tarafından ortaya atılan yaklaşımı da ele alarak yeni bir bakış açısı sunmayı hedefler. Bunu 2011 yılında Alman filozof Peter Sloterdijk tarafından ortaya atılan Köpük Teoremi üzerinden yapar. Köpüğün üç boyutlu anatomik yapısını baz alarak; kenti, mimarlığı ve toplumu anlamak için daha kapsayıcı bir yaklaşım geliştirir. Çalışma, bu yaklaşım üzerinden üretilen ve geliştirilen kavramlar çerçevesinde bilgi toplumunun mekansallıkları üzerinden ilerler. Taklit, sızma, yayılma ve monolite, dualite, pluralite kavramları üzerinden ele alınacak olan bakış açısı, kentin yapılı çevresinde dijitalleşme ile değişen alışkanlıkların mekansallıkları nasıl okunabilir keşfi üzerine bir deneme ortaya koymayı amaçlar.
Özet (Çeviri)
This study aims to present a new perspective on the intersections of city, social structure and built environment through the sociology-based Foam Theorem, which was developed by the German philosopher and cultural theorist Peter Sloterdijk and put forward in 2004. It allows to present different perspectives on the city of the 21st century by considering the definitions produced for understanding the city, especially those that coincide with the post-modern period, and approaches with metaphorical elements. It does this by taking clues from the society and the changes in the social structure, which is one of the most important element of the city. After three industrial revolutions that brought fundamental changes, the era we live in is called the fourth industrial revolution. After this era, which has not yet ended, 'society 5.0' or 'industry 5.0' era, also called industrial robot era (industrial digital age), is foreseen. This transition between what is happening and a foresight is seen as a control mechanism that focuses on humans and artificial intelligence. While Industry 4.0 is a 'big data' and 'information' era, it focuses on how to use this data as a control mechanism on people, how production can be carried out 24/7 without errors and in short, the ways to reach perfect production and information. However, the aim of the study is to present a new basis for a metaphorical approach to society and its changing practices with digitalization, by presenting a different perspective to the city of the fourth industrial era, rather than being a chronological prediction. The basis of this age is the developments in the field of technology and the information society. In the information society, knowledge becomes a more important production-consumption factor than capital and labor. Along with matter and existence, information has also become a consumption item. For this reason, its production has become a sector so valuable that it gives its name to the century we live in and has transformed the daily life practices, habits and structures of the society. The effort to describe the transformation that the city is going through with the information society came to the fore as a subject of the 1960s, and the effort to produce approaches to the city began. Castell's Network Theorem approach, which had a great foresight in the 1960s, describes the city through a network structure that has unlimited relations with each other in order to understand the subject and structure of the city. Edward Soja introduced the concept of Post Metropolis in 2000. Soja, giving the right to Castell's description of the city, said that a new approach is needed in describing the social structure and the development point of architecture; argues that for the late period metropolis, the old metropolitan definition may not be sufficient anymore. In 2003, metaphorical city descriptions were moved to another point by a group of Spanish architects and the concept of Metapolis was introduced. In this study, these approaches, which were put forward until the recent past of the post-modern, are examined in their temporal process, and it aims to present a new perspective by considering the approach put forward by Sloterdjik, without denying their current validity. It does this through the Foam Theorem put forward by the German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk in 2011. In particular, the foam theorem, which contains many metaphors to understand the network-based society structure and to investigate its effects on both the social and structural environment, is used as a metaphor in the literature in branches such as sociology, economy and interior architecture. In this study, metaphorization of this sociologically based theorem in explaining the city of information society, based on the anatomy of decentralization, has been tried. The network theorem statement developed for the information society mostly describes the flow environment. It is inadequate as a description of a living organism that changes and tries to find its balance by deforming spaces and individuals, societies and the built environment in a mutual dynamism. In this study, the need for a new system approach that tries to find the balance of the reticulated layer as a top cover, a new electronic layer, a geography, which is boiling under it and trying to find its constant autonomously, is an adaptation attempt that takes its motivation from Sloterdijk's sociological approach, the foam theorem. it responds. With the Sloterdgic foam theorem, he developed an organic and post-humanistic approach based on the image of thought, as well as an anatomical similarity. While explaining this theory, it is necessary to look at the structure of the foam itself. This pattern, which is structured in the form of a network, consists of microcosmic spheres that are closed to themselves but can exist by touching each other. However, there is gas exchange between these independent units, and most importantly, they all exist under the same atmospheric structure and are fed from it. In this system, mutual exchange can continue, units can change form or grow and shrink. Each of these micro-cosmic structures is considered as an individual. As these microcosms come together, they form the cosmic structure, that is, society. Sloterdjik, who is interested in how the modern society structure transforms the built and social environment, explains the network-based social structure with this theorem. The concept of imitation, which is derived from the foam theorem, is discussed as an immunity and learning mechanism that makes a difference and ensures the continuation of life with a Deleuzian perspective. Concepts become commonplace when they are used with their known meanings. Thus, it is associated with the state of creating imitation, which is the primary meaning that comes to mind when imitation is mentioned. Formally, imitation serves mediocrity and sameness with its primary meaning when repeated detached from essential qualities. While the imitation in the foam is one of the communication ways between the bubbles, the other communication method is by infiltration. In order for leakage to occur, a permeable separating surface is required first. The seepage action takes place on the common wall surface between the bubbles. As a result of the change in the outer atmosphere, the bubbles leak their inner gases with each other and the spheres try to find their balance. The external atmosphere here can be matched with digitalization and globalization in the information society. Digitalization, that is, digitization and technological developments have begun to displace the definitions based on functions. The intertwining of ordinary daily life practices creates a heterotopia due to independence from place, transition from place-oriented to human-oriented. This happens with inter-functional leakage. The responses of these leaks, both on a spatial and urban scale, create a situation of intertwining. When the city and the countryside are thought of as two bubbles that are balanced by swell, as a result of this shopping, one swallows the other at some point and the city-rural becomes a single whole. This is the next step in the infiltration situation, the act of diffusion. Spreading occurs through the proliferation of side-by-side bubbles in the structure of the foam. It does not have to take place around a certain center and its periphery. Any bubble can allow the birth and spread of another bubble. This situation; It encompasses all concepts such as decentralization, repetition, infiltration, co-limitation. Expansion with a high degree of repetition of the act of infiltration represents one of the forms of immunity of the individual as a social being, namely the tactic of community building. Tactically speaking, action at any scale is imitated; It creates a spread as much as it is accepted. Language spreads by use and imitation. Thought and knowledge; It spreads through repetition and adoption. Practical; It is formed by the persistence of imitation and repetition. Urban-scale expansion occurs when the act of infiltration is repeated as long as there is a tactical solution to the individuals who are alienated from urban life. The metaphorical interpretation of these three concepts, which was created based on the permeable membrane communication method mentioned in the foam theorem, corresponds to the reactions at the urban scale. Sloterdijk makes his narrative by following a certain scale in his three-volume book Sphere, where he puts the foam in a sociological framework. In the first volume, he deals with individual bubbles, which he calls individuality and the 'egosphere', in the second volume, the bubbles formed by the spheres and their behavior in the context of globalization, and in the third volume, the foam formed by the coming together of the spheres, the society, by evaluating it in its historical process and emphasizing the point it has reached. Starting from this fiction, which has a scaled framework that grows within itself, the concept of monolith and individuality, the concept of duality and dualities brought about by globalization, and the concept of plurality and the heterotopia of the 'foam city' will be explained. Social roles, the centralization of the individual in the social structure, has led to the morphological anarchy of the information society subject in the social structure together with the digitalization. This state of atomization gave birth to the concept of monolith. According to the foam theorem, everything is never unique from the very beginning. From the mother's womb, there are visible or invisible bilateral relations, such as the bond between the fetus and the mother, or the bond of a single individual with God or another power. After the bubbles, which are called unconnected atomic individuals, the scale continues with the concept of duality, which describes the situations between bubbles under global pressure. The concept of duality represents the dual tensions experienced in the information society based on the foam theorem and new definitions arising from these tensions. The last concept that serves as an umbrella where all these concepts are gathered is the concept of plurality. The terms juxtaposition, superimposition, and simultaneity are certainly equivalent terms for the information society. However, the information society is a period of plurality, which changes and transforms by getting rid of the functional definitions of space, and transforms it into a place that allows for layer-by-layer uses, and multiplies with digital technologies. Plurality is the reading of the decentered state of the foam over functions. Decentralization creates a 'polycentrism'. Each bubble is small central units of equal importance. However, they are not completely dependent on a single dominant center. The communal living spaces created in the city are also a reflection of the transformation of the central function spaces that serve only one purpose, such as office centers together with the information society. The reason for this is the architectural immune systems produced in response to the changing practices of the digital native of the information society, which is freed from stability. Based on the three-dimensional anatomical structure of the foam; develops a more inclusive approach to understanding the city, architecture and society. The study proceeds through the spatialities of the information society within the framework of the concepts produced and developed through this approach. The perspective, which will be discussed through the concepts of imitation, infiltration, diffusion and monolith, duality, plurality aims to present an essay on how the spatialities of changing habits with digitalization in the built environment of the city can be read.
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