Geri Dön

Kent gelişiminin morfolojik incelemesi: Urla örneği

Morphological analysis of urban development: The case of Urla

  1. Tez No: 725965
  3. Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. FATMA ERKÖK
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Mimarlık, Şehircilik ve Bölge Planlama, Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2022
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Kentsel Tasarım Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Kentsel Tasarım Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 129


İnsanoğlu tarihin çok eski yıllarından itibaren çevresini şekillendirmeye başlamıştır. En temelde barınma ve toplu yaşama ihtiyacımız yerleşim yerleri kurmamıza neden olmuştur. Bu yerleşim yerleri; bulunduğu coğrafyadan, içinde barındırdığı insanlardan ve bu insanların ilişki dinamiklerinden, içinde bulunduğu zaman diliminden ve bunların benzeri birçok etkenden etkilenmişlerdir. Yani yapılı çevre; içinde ve çevresinde olup bitenden etkilenen, durağan olmayan, dinamik bir şekilde dönüşen ve değişen bir sistemdir. Bu etkiler bazen doğrudan, bazen de dolaylı olarak kentleri etkilemektedir. Yerleşim yerlerini afetler, savaşlar, göçler gibi etkiler doğrudan etkilerken, zaman içinde dönemlerin değişmesi ve bununla beraber bireylerin yaşama pratiklerinin değişerek çevrelerini değiştirmeleri ise kentleri dolaylı olarak etkilemektedir. Bu değişim ve etkilerin kent üzerindeki belki de en okunabilir ve kanıtlanabilir olanı fiziksel çevrede olan değişimdir. Tarihi zengin olan ve değişimlere çokça maruz kalan kentler, bu değişimleri bünyesinde taşımakta ve farklı ölçeklerde yapılmış olan incelemeler de bunları göstermektedir. Ege'nin batı kıyılarında yer alan Urla kentinin tarihi antik döneme dayanmaktadır. Coğrafi konumu sebebiyle batı ve doğu uygarlıklarının kesişim noktasında bulunan kent, tarihi boyunca farklı toplumlardan insanlar barındırmış, savaşlar ve göçler yaşamış, günümüze yaklaştığımızda ortaya çıkan turizm olgusunun etkisine girmiştir. Birden fazla etkenden etkilenen kent de bununla paralel olarak gelişim sürecinde farklı değişimler yaşamıştır. Çalışmanın temelini oluşturan araştırma sorusu; Urla'da yaşanan tarihi dönemler ve kırılma noktaları, kentsel dokuyu ve bununla paralel olarak kent hayatını nasıl etkilemektedir? Bu çalışma Urla'da yaşamış farklı mekan üretme pratiklerine sahip toplulukların farklı tarihi dönemlerde kent içerisinde ürettikleri kent dokularını tespit ederek, farklılaşan dokuların ve yapıların kent hayatına etkisini araştırmaktadır. Birçok çalışma alanı kenti farklı yönlerden incelemektedir. Fiziksel çevreyi inceleyen araştırma alanlarından birisi de kent morfolojisidir. Kent morfolojisi birçok inceleme yöntemini bünyesinde barındıran bir çalışma alanıdır. Farklı ülkeler, farklı disiplinlerden araştırmacılar bu alanda çalışmalar yapmış, kendi bakış açılarına göre alana katkı yapmışlardır. Coğrafyacı, mimar, plancı, sosyolog ve benzeri birçok disiplinden araştırmacılar bu alanda çalışmalar yaparak kent formunu ve etkileşimde olduğu ögeleri anlamaya çalışmışlardır. Bu çeşitlilik, alanı genişleten bir durum olmakla beraber, kentin farklı ölçeklerdeki durumunu anlamamıza da olanak sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışma, birden çok yöntemin bir arada kullanılmasıyla, Urla'daki değişimi bütüncül bir şekilde anlamayı ve ortaya koymayı hedeflemektedir. Yöntemler uygulanmadan önce Urla'nın tarihi dönemleri ve bu dönemlerin kent içindeki mekansal karşılıkları ortaya konulmuştur. Sonrasında kentin zaman içindeki değişimini analitik bir yol ile irdelemek için mekan dizimi (Space Syntax) yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bunun için, tüm kenti kapsayan ve Urla'nın farklı yıllarına ait haritalar üzerinden analizi yapılmış ve kentin içinde birbirinden ayrışan bölgelerin özellikleri sayısal veriler ile tespit edilmiştir. Bu veriler ve daha öncesinde yapılan tarihi araştırmalar çakıştırılarak, alt ölçekte analizi yapılacak bölgeler belirlenmiştir. Urla'da özellikle 19. yüzyıldan itibaren önemini koruyan Zafer Caddesi, Rumca Fardi Sokak, günümüzde Sanat Sokağı olarak turizm odaklı bir aksa dönüşmüştür. Kurtuluş savaşı ve sonrasında yangını yaşayan kent, Rumlardan kalma birçok yapıyı, kiliseyi ve okulu kaybetmiştir. Tam da harap olan ve günümüze ulaşamayan yapıların bulunduğu bölge, günümüze ulaşan tarihi kent dokusu ve yapı tipolojisinden çok farklı şekilde yapılaşmıştır. İzmir-Çeşme otoyolunun tamamlanmasıyla gelişen ve kuzeye büyüyen kent, Bülent Baratalı Bulvarı çevresinde yapılaşmış, sonrasında ise ikincil konut kavramının ortaya çıkışıyla farklı bir kent dokusu kentin kuzeyinde görülmüştür. Bu bahsi geçen dört bölge, mekan dizimi analizlerinde farklı özellikler gösterdiği ve yapım tarihleri kenti etkileyen tarihi dönemler ile örtüştüğü için daha detaylı olarak incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, Urla'nın kent dokusu ve bu dokunun insan hayatını şekillendirme biçiminin, incelemesi yapılan bölgelerde farklılaştığı tespit edilmiş ve bu farklılıklar ortaya koyulmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu araştırma, kent formunu farklı ölçeklerde okuyarak, kentin özelliklerini açıklamaya ve mevcut durumu ortaya koymaya amaçlamaktadır. Böylelikle gelecek çalışmalara yardımcı olarak, alınacak kararların kente ve kent hayatına etkisinin önemi vurgulanmaktadır.

Özet (Çeviri)

Mankind has started to shape its environment since the very old years of history. Basically, our need for shelter and communal life has caused us to establish settlements. These settlements have been affected by; the geography, the people which live in, the time and many similar factors. In other words, the built environment is an unstable, dynamically transforming and changing system that is affected by what is happening in and around it. These effects sometimes affect cities directly and sometimes indirectly. While effects such as disasters, wars and migrations directly affect settlements, the change of periods over time and the change of individuals' living practices and their environment indirectly affect cities. Perhaps the most readable and provable of these changes and effects on the city is the change in the physical environment. Cities, which have a rich history and cities which exposed to changes a lot, carry these changes within themselves and show them in the studies at different scales. The history of the city of Urla, located on the western shores of the Aegean, dates back to the ancient period. Due to its geographical location, the city, which is at the intersection of western and eastern civilizations, has hosted people from different societies throughout its history, has experienced wars and migrations, and has been under the influence of the tourism phenomenon that emerges when we approach today. The city, which was affected by more than one factor, also experienced different changes in the development process in parallel with this. The research question that forms the basis of the study; How do historical periods and breaking points in a city affect the urban fabric and, in parallel, the urban life? This study investigates the effects of differentiating fabrics and structures on urban life by determining the urban fabrics produced by the communities and historical periods that have lived in Urla, which have different space-making practices. Many fields of study examine the city from different aspects. One of the research areas that examines the physical environment is urban morphology. Urban morphology is a field of study that includes many examination methods. Researchers from different countries and different disciplines have worked in this field and contributed to the field according to their own perspectives. Geographers, architects, planners, sociologists and researchers from many disciplines have tried to understand the urban form and the elements it interacts with by working in this field. While this diversity expands the area, it also allows us to understand the situation of the city at different scales. In this study, it aims to understand and reveal the change in Urla in a holistic way by using multiple methods together. Before the methods are applied, the historical periods of Urla are explained. Afterwards, the Space Syntax method was used to analyze the change of the city over time in an analytical way. For this, analysis was made on maps covering the whole city and belonging to different years of Urla, and the characteristics of the regions that were separated from each other in the city were proved with numerical data. By comparing these data and previous historical researches, the regions to be analyzed at the subscale were determined. Zafer Street, which has maintained its importance especially since the 19th century in Urla, has turned into a tourism-oriented axis as Art Street today. The city, which experienced the fire during and after the War of Independence, lost many Greek buildings, churches and schools. The region, where the ruined and today non-existent buildings are located, was built in a very different way from the historical urban texture and building typology that has survived to the present day. The city, which developed with the completion of the İzmir-Çeşme highway and grew to the north, was built around Bülent Baratalı Boulevard, and later, with the emergence of the concept of secondary housing, a different urban texture was seen in the north of the city. These four regions were examined separately, as they showed different characteristics in Spatial Syntax analyzes and their construction dates overlapped with the historical periods affecting the city. In order to be able to read the urban development of Urla, historical city plans have been reached. The accessible city plans are for the years 1969, 1984 and 2021, respectively. The development of the urban macroform and the change in the street structure were examined through these plans. It has been seen that Zafer Street, which houses the old buildings and commercial functions of the city, is in the center of Urla. The developing city has grown to the north and east, that is, towards the highway connection. In the 1980s, it was observed that the settlements around Bülent Baratalı Boulevard increased, and when we came to the present day, it was determined that secondary houses were added to the urban fabric. Maps have been produced to be used in Spatial Syntax analyzes over the street structure on the maps of different years. These generated maps are axis and segment maps. As a result of the analyzes made from the axis and segment maps in the study, the regions that came first in the development of the city could be determined by a mathematical way by looking at the parameters of connectivity, integration and choice. With the growth of the city, Bülent Baratalı Boulevard was added to Zafer Street, which has always been integrated with its surroundings. These two axis also come to the fore in global choice analyzes representing car movement. Art Street, which forms a part of Zafer Street, stands out on local choice maps, and it has been observed that the street is frequently used especially on holidays. The integration level of the streets in the north of Zafer Street is very high. The reason for this is that the region has a transportation system in the grid pattern. The analyzes made in the secondary housing area built in the 1980s show that the integration of the area is low. These secondary residences usually consist of closed sites and contain many dead ends. Conzen's city plan analysis was applied in order to understand the urban fabric of the four identified regions. As a result of this analysis, the building, plot and street relations of each region are explained. It has been determined that the fabric of the regions representing the prominent periods in urban development differ on the urban scale. It is known that especially around the 19th century, the Greeks who came to the city got rich and built structures. This area is located around Zafer Street and since cars were not in use at that time, the city was shaped accordingly. The density of buildings in this region is higher than in other regions. Afterwards, the building area densities in Yaka Mahallesi, Bülent Baratalı Boulevard and Binkontlar region respectively decreased gradually. When we look at the street areas, the region with the highest transportation area is the Bülent Baratalı Boulevard region. On this boulevard, there are commercial structures such as Zafer Caddesi. However, while the commercial establishments on Zafer Caddesi are more focused on tourism, the commercial establishments on Bülent Baratalı Boulevard are mostly units that serve daily life. Another area studied at a lower scale is a part of Yaka District, located to the north of Zafer Street. This region has hosted many Greek churches and structures in history, but these structures have not survived. Although residential buildings are predominant in the region, there are public and religious buildings adjacent to Zafer Street. In the analysis made in Binkonutlar region, it has been seen that the density of housing is much lower than in other regions. The reason for this is the secondary residences in the region. After the city plan analyzes were made, findings about the structure-space relationship were found in the selected regions, and then the investigations on a sub-scale were continued. The building scale, which is defined as the sub-scale, was made in order to complete and make sense of the analyzes made on the urban fabric. Schematic sections were produced from generally accepted areas and important places within the regions. By integrating these sections with the observations in the research area, it has been tried to explain how individuals use different urban textures. While the city was developing, the textures produced in different periods shaped social life in different ways. The area becomes attractive for pedestrians, as the proportion of buildings and streets around Art Street is at a human scale and functions and historical buildings in the area strengthen tourism. This situation causes the urban life of the region around Art Street to be lively. The relationship between building and street has differentiated in other regions and affected social life. In the conclusion part, the analyzes and the research question were examined mutually and the generalized results were explained. It has been determined that the physical characteristics of the different urban textures of the city of Urla differ, and as a result, the urban life is in very different situations from each other in the four sub-regions examined. The characteristics of the pedestrian-oriented urban texture in the region where the city was first established were not seen in the urban textures that emerged later. Urban life has been adversely affected in regions where car-oriented design decisions are effective. For this reason, some suggestions have been made for future planning decisions for the city of Urla. Some of them are; The areas to be newly built should not contradict the identity of the city, the commercial buildings that connect with the street affect the city life positively, the buildings in human scale and historical texture create attraction for the city life. It has been determined that the urban fabric of Urla and the way this fabric shapes human life, differ in the regions which are examined, and these differences are tried to be revealed. This research aims to explain the characteristics of the city and reveal the existent situation by reading the city form at different scales. Thus, by helping future studies, the importance of the impact of the decisions to be taken on the city and urban life is emphasized.

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