Enerji verimliliği, iklim değişikliği etkileşimi çerçevesinde yol aydınlatmasında LED dönüşüm yaşam döngüsü değerlendirmesi
Energy efficiency, climate change interaction, LED transformation life cycle assesment in road lighting
- Tez No: 739898
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Enerji, Energy
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2022
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Enerji Bilim ve Teknoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Enerji Bilim ve Teknoloji Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 141
Çevre, enerji ve ekonomi birbirinden ayrı düşünülmemesi gereken, birbirlerini etkileyen ve birbirlerinden etkilenen geçmişten günümüze önemini yitirmeyen üç kritik konudur. Ekonomik krizlerin yaşandığı dönemlerde çeşitli uygulama değişiklikleriyle çevresel kirlilikte artış olduğu tarihsel gelişmelerde görülmektedir. Artan refah seviyesi, hızlı nüfus artışı ve gelişen teknoloji ile enerji ihtiyacı yükselmekte ve temini de zorlaşmaktadır. Bu nedenle, salım azaltımında etkisi yüksek olan enerji verimliliği uygulamaları daha da önem kazanmaktadır. Günümüzde çevresel sorunların başında iklim değişikliği etkileri gelmektedir. İklim değişikliğinin insan kaynaklı sebeplerinden başlıcası, fosil yakıtların yanmasından kaynaklanan sera gazı salımlarıdır. Bu etkinin azalması için enerji üretimi ve kullanımında köklü değişiklikler gerekmektedir. Ancak uzun vadeli bir çözümün, teknolojik gelişmenin iklim dostu bir şekilde ilerlemesini sağlamak için uygun fiyatlı maliyet-etkin de olması gerekmektedir. Enerji verimliliği çalışmalarında aydınlatma tesisatları kısa sürede yüksek elektrik enerjisi tasarrufu sağlanabilen maliyet-etkin tesisatlar olarak önemli bir konumdadır. Türkiye gelişmekte olan bir ülkedir ve bu doğrultuda enerji talebi hızla artmaktadır. Taraf olunan uluslararası anlaşmalar da dikkate alındığında güvenilir, olumsuz çevresel etkileri en aza indirilerek ekonomik olarak enerji ihtiyacının sağlanması gerekmektedir. Enerji maliyeti yükünün ekonomi üzerindeki etkisinin hafifletilmesi ve çevresel fayda için verimliliğin geliştirilmesi amacı ile 2017 yılında“Ulusal Enerji Verimliliği Eylem Planı (UEVEP)”yayınlanarak enerji verimliliği konusunda 2023 yılı için hedefler oluşturulmuştur. Ulusal Enerji Verimliliği Eylem Planında genel aydınlatmada kullanılan armatürlerin verimlileri ile değiştirilmesi amacıyla“E7. Genel Aydınlatmada Enerji Verimliliğinin Artırılması”eylemi yer almaktadır. İlgili eylem kapsamında; sodyum buharlı armatürlerden LED'lere geçişin verimlilik, süre ve fayda/maliyet açısından değerlendirilmesi ve planlanmasına yönelik çalışmalar yapılması, yenilikçi teknolojilerin mevzuata entegrasyonunun sağlanması, yerli üretim ve tasarımın verimli aydınlatma alanında geliştirilmesi gibi faaliyetler yer almaktadır. Tez çalışmasında, bu faaliyetlere yol gösterici kılavuz olabilecek bir örnek uygulama ve değerlendirmenin yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, LED dönüşüm projesi uygulanan mevcut bir M2 aydınlatma sınıfı yol için hesap ve değerlendirmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Türkiye'de geçerli olan TS EN 13201 yol aydınlatma standartlarının gerekleri, enerji tasarrufu kapsamında minimum ölçüde yerine getirilerek yüksek basınçlı sodyum buharlı lambalı (YBSBL) ve LED'li armatürlerle yol aydınlatması tasarım hesapları yapılmış ve tesisat bilgileri oluşturulmuştur. Uygulamada mevcut tesisatta aydınlatma direkleri değiştirilmeden sadece armatür değişimi ile LED'e dönüşüm esas alınmıştır. Örnek uygulamada mevzuat gereği yerli imalat aydınlatma armatürleri kullanılmıştır. Hem YBSBL'lı ve hem de LED'li armatürlü yol aydınlatması tesisatları çevresel, ekonomik ve sosyal yönleri ile incelenerek Yaşam Döngüsü Sürdürülebilirlik Değerlendirmesi (YDSD) gerçekleştirilmiştir. Değerlendirmelerde armatür üretim aşamalarındaki tüm hammadde, malzeme temin ve üretim proses bilgileri yerli üretici firmadan temin edilerek, sahadaki işletme koşulları ile birlikte ele alınıp enerji verimliliği ve sera gazı salımları açısından incelenmiştir. Yol aydınlatması enerji verimliliği çalışmalarının ekonomik etkilerinin de dikkatli bir şekilde analiz edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle, yol aydınlatmasında YBSBL'lı ve LED'li armatür kullanımının maliyet analizi yapılmıştır. Ayrıca, armatürlerin ömür boyu maliyetini inceleyebilmek amacıyla yaşam döngüsü maliyet değerlendirmesi gerçekleştirilmiştir. LED'li armatürlerin ilk tesisat satın alma maliyetinin YBSBL'lı armatürlerden daha yüksek olduğu, ancak işletme süresince daha az enerji harcamaları nedeniyle ürünlerin tüm yaşam döngüsü adımları dikkate alındığında, LED kullanımının maliyet açısından daha avantajlı olduğu görülmüştür. Ek olarak, yönetmelik ve standartlara uygun olarak yapılan yol aydınlatması tasarımları ile trafik kaza sayısının ve ölüm oranının azaltılabileceği; gece dış ortamlarda olası suç oranlarının düşürülebileceği, güvenlik koşulları iyileştirilerek şehirlerin gece yaşam olanaklarının arttırılabileceği dikkate alınarak, tez çalışması kapsamında gerçekleştirilen yaşam döngüsü değerlendirmesinin sosyoekonomik katkıları tanımlanabilmektedir. Enerji verimliliği çalışmaları ile kısıtlı kaynakların kontrollü bir şekilde kullanılması ve sera gazı salımlarının azaltılmasının çevresel kazançlarının yanı sıra toplumların yaşam kalitesini arttırıcı etkileri de vardır.
Özet (Çeviri)
The environment, energy and economies are three essential topics that cannot be thought of separately, and they affect each other and influenced by one other, have never ceased to be important from the past until now. Historical developments show that the rate of pollution in the environment increases whenever there is an economic crisis. Together with increasing levels of welfare, rapid population growth and developing technology, the energy demand is also increasing and getting harder to meet. With this in mind, energy efficiency applications that have a high impact on emission reduction, become more important. Today, the effects of climate change have led to the most critical environmental problems. The main anthropogenic cause of climate change is greenhouse gas emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels. To reduce this effect, radical changes are required regarding energy production and consumption. On the other hand, a long-term solution also should be affordable and cost-effective to enable technological development to proceed in a climate-friendly manner. In energy efficiency studies, lighting installations are seen as a highly significant topic because of their efficiency in saving a high amount of electric energy in a short period of time, while being cost-effective. Turkey is a developing country and energy demand is increasing rapidly in this respect. Considering the international agreements of which Turkey is a party, it is necessary to meet the energy need reliably and economically by minimizing its negative environmental effects. In order to alleviate the impact of the energy cost burden on the economy, and to improve efficiency for environmental benefit, the“National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP)”was published in 2017, and targets were set for 2023, regarding energy efficiency. In the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan,“E7: Improve Energy Efficiency Public Lighting”action was also defined. Within the scope of the relevant action, activities such as evaluating and planning the transition from sodium vapor fixtures to LEDs, in terms of efficiency, time and benefit/cost, ensured the integration of innovative technologies into the legislation, and the development of domestic production and design in the field of efficient lighting were carried out. In this study, the aim isto perform a sample application and evaluation that could guide these activities. For this purpose, calculations and evaluations have been carried out on an existing M2 lighting class road for which the LED conversion project was done. The requirements of the TS EN 13201 road lighting standards valid in Turkey have been fulfilled to a minimum extent within the scope of energy saving, and road lighting design calculations have been made with high pressure sodium vapor lamp (HPSVL) and LED luminaires and installation information has been recorded. In that application, the conversion to LED was taken as a basis only by changing the luminaire, without changing the lighting poles in the existing installation. In the sample application, domestically manufactured lighting fixtures were used in accordance with the legislation. A life cycle assessment has been carried out in terms of energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions for both HPSV and LED luminaire road lighting installations. In the life cycle assesment, all raw material, material supply and production process information in the armature production stages were retreived from the domestic manufacturer and were evaluated together considering the operation conditions in the field. In this study carried out in Denizli, the road chosen as an example is defined as an M2 class according to its usage. The road has 2 lanes; one of the lanes is 3.5 meters in one direction and the other one, in the opposite direction, is also 3.5 meters and the width of the median is 1.5 meters. The area where the application was done consists of 22 lighting poles. Calculations were made by only changing the armature without changing the pole. The lighting installation includes 12 meter high poles positioned in the middle median with 30 meter intervals. The poles, which are 2 meters in length with double consoles in both directions, have a console length of 2 meters and a console angle of 15°. Luminaires were mounted on the consoles at a 15° angle so that they were parallel to the road's surface. Based on this installation geometry, the road's pavement was accepted as an R3 class and the lighting designs were realized. In this case, the road lighting installation was equipped with HPSV and LED fixtures. The installation was aimed to get all possible data during the production and usage phase and to make a life cycle evaluation. For the possibility of data access, the luminaire data of a domestic lighting luminaire manufacturer was used in the designs. The ballast loss was accepted as 18 W in the lighting design calculations made with a 150 W luminaire with HPSV. The luminous flux of the luminaire is 12261 lm. The luminous flux of the 93 W LED luminaire is 13759 lm and the color temperature is 4000 K. The M2 lighting class road has been designed in accordance with the lighting quality dimensions that must be followed in accordance with TS EN 13201 and TEDAŞ principles. The calculations' results indicated the average road luminance level was calculated as 1.62 cd/m2 for the luminaire with HPSV and 1.76 cd/m2 for the LED luminaire. In accordance with TS EN 13201 standards, the condition of providing lighting quality quantities without exceeding 1.2 times the average luminance level was followed. Moreover, quality criteria such as containment ratio, relative threshold increase and average luminance uniformity were provided. Road lighting design calculations were made using the DIALux program. After the road lighting designs, greenhouse gas emissions and global warming potential were determined using the life cycle assessment approach. The evaluation was made so that the application sample period was 15 years. In the emission calculations for the 2 armatures, emissions caused by energy consumption, vehiclerelated emissions during transportation (including processes such as raw material supply, product delivery to the final point, transportation for the factory) and emissions arising from combustion and electrical energy during their production were taken into account. Emission calculations were calculated in accordance with the“Rescript on Monitoring and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions”, IPCC“IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories”and ISO standards. The calculation data was obtained from the domestic manufacturer. In the production of HPSV and LED, a total of 2.1 kWh and 4 kWh of electrical energy was consumed, respectively. In the console production process of HPSV, 0.097 m3 natural gas was consumed during the painting phase. However, 1.687 m3 of natural gas was consumed in the production of the body and console parts of the LED luminaire, including the injection process. For this reason, the amount of emission due to combustion was higher during the painting phase of the LED luminaire. The distance of 560.5 km from the factory to the Denizli road, which is the sample application area of the luminaires, was also taken into account in the calculations. From the calculations made according to the IPCC Tier approach, it was concluded that HPSV 7,528 tons CO2, LED 4,180 tons CO2 emissions. During the 15-year operation phase, the use of HPSV created 7,316 tons of CO2, while the use of LEDs created 4,050 tons of CO2. It was observed that the emission amount of the LED production stage was higher than that of HPSV, but at the end of 15 years of use, it produced less emissions in total due to energy efficiency. In the last stage of the thesis, the use of HPSV and LED luminaires was carried out with 2 different cost analyses. First of all, the first cost analysis was carried out using the net present value method. With this method, which application is better in terms of cost, was evaluated. Secondly, a life cycle cost assessment was made, in which the stages of the 1st analysis was compared to it. Calculations were made over a 15-year period of redemption and an annual usage of 4000 hours. Also, calculations were made with the project-based TEDAŞ sales prices. At the end of the 15-year period, when the expenses and interest rate were included in the calculation, it was concluded that $ 379038 was spent in the use of HPSV, while $ 209969 was spent in the use of LED. When the costs are evaluated with the net present value method, it is seen that the use of LED will be more beneficial. Besides, the rates of non-operational costs of the luminaire with HPSV are 5% salvage value cost, 19% maintenance cost and 76% investment cost. In addition, the rates of non-operational costs of LED luminaires are 4% salvage value cost, 12% maintenance cost and 84% investment cost. As a result, in the case of using both armatures, the biggest contribution to the cost comes from the operating cost. However, it is significant that the initial investment cost of LED luminaires is high. In addition to environmental and economic analyses, it is possible to reduce the accident and crime rates with the help of road lighting designs which are made in accordance with the regulations and standards, and on the other hand, socio-economic contributions can be achieved by increasing road safety. Through the energy efficiency studies it has been noted that the controlled consumption of resources and the reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions will further develop the quality of life of societies as well as provide environmental benefits. Sustainability is based on the cooperative realization of economic, social, and environmental developments and life cycle evaluations should be made with a holistic approach. The Life Cycle Sustainability Analysis (LCSA) was carried out within the framework of environmental life cycle and life cycle cost assessments in the road lighting conversion to a LED project, which is also taken as an example in this study.
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