Geri Dön

Farklı müzik türlerinin bitki gelişimi üzerine etkisi

Effects of different music genres on plant development

  1. Tez No: 788221
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. HÜSEYİN AKSOY
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Biyoloji, Biology
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2023
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: Sakarya Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Biyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 74


Bu çalışmada, farklı müzik türlerinin bitki gelişimi üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada bitki türü olarak mısır (Zea mays L.) ve fasulye (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) türleri kullanılırken, müzik türleri olarak metal müzik, tekno-rap ve klasik müzik kullanılmıştır. Müzik türleri belirlenirken, hareketli, negatif-agresif ve sakin türde müzik olmasına dikkat edilmiştir. Uygulamada, 40 adet mısır ve 40 adet fasulye tohumu çimlendirildikten sonra dört gruba ayrılmıştır. Her bir müzik grubuna 10 adet mısır ve 10 adet fasulye olacak şekilde, toprak yüzeyine aynı derinlikte, saksılara ekilmiştir. Kontrol grubu aynı şekilde 10 adet mısır ve 10 adet fasulyeden oluşturulmuştur. Uygulama grupları birbirinden etkilenmeyecek şekilde aynı çevre şartlarına sahip ortamlarda ve birbirine uzak mesafelerde konumlandırılmıştır. 21 gün boyunca saat 10:00-14:00 arası müzik uygulaması yapılmıştır. Ses kaynağı, her grupta bulunan 20 saksının yuvarlak olarak daire yapılmasından oluşan çemberin merkezine konulmuş ve dairenin yarıçapı 20 cm olacak şekilde saksılar yerleştirilmiştir. Her gruptaki müzik ses basıncı 85 desibel olarak ayarlanmıştır. Deney süresince, bitki boy ölçümleri, toprak hizasından başlayarak mısırda en uzun yaprak ucuna kadar, fasulyede ise topraktan en yüksekteki yaprağının yaprak dalına bağlandığı yer baz alınarak, haftalık boy ölçümleri yapılmıştır. 21. gün sonunda bitkiler hasat edilerek analizler için uygun ortamda saklanmıştır. Ayrıca boy ölçümlerinde haftalık gelişim oranları da hesaplanmıştır. Bitki boy ölçümlerinin yanında, hasat edilen bitkilerden fotosentetik pigmentler olan klorofil a, klorofil b, toplam klorofil ve karotenoid analizleri yapılmıştır. Bitkilerde müzik etkisini biyokimyasal düzeyde anlamak için, bitki stres markerları olarak bilinen malondialdehit (MDA) seviyesinin yanında, süperoksit dismutaz (SOD) ve katalaz (CAT) enzim düzeyinin ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Bütün analizlerde kontrol grubu ile uygulama grupları atasında farklılık olup olmadığı istatistik analiz yapılarak belirlenmiştir. Bitki boy ölçümlerinde, her iki bitki için, genel olarak müzik grubuna maruz kalan grupların kontrol gruplarına göre daha uzun olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Birinci hafta sonunda fasulyelerdeki bu artışlar, bütün uygulama gruplarında istatistik olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur. İkinci hafta sonundaki artışlar anlamlı olmazken, üçüncü hafta sonunda fasulyelerde metal müziğine maruz kalan grup ile mısır bitkisinde klasik müziğe maruz kalan gruptaki boy uzunlukları istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur. Gelişim yüzdelerini karşılaştırmak için 1.-2., 2.-3., 1.-3. haftalardaki boy uzama yüzdeleri hesaplanmıştır. Farklı müzik çeşitlerine maruz bırakılan fasulye bitkilerinden birinci ve ikinci hafta arasında en fazla gelişme kontrol grubunda gözlenirken, ikinci ve üçüncü haftalar arasında metal müziğine maruz bırakılan grupta gözlenmiştir. Üçüncü hafta sonunda birinci haftaya göre en hızlı gelişme yine kontrol grubunda gözlenmiştir. Kontrol grubunu metal grubu izlemiştir. Birinci ve ikinci hafta arasında en düşük oran klasik müzik grubunda gözlenirken, ikinci ve üçüncü haftalar arasında yine klasik müziğine maruz bırakılan grupta gözlenmiştir. Farklı müzik çeşitlerine maruz bırakılan mısır bitkilerinden birinci ve ikinci hafta arasında en fazla yüzdesel olarak gelişme kontrol grubunda olmuştur. Kontrol grubunu takiben klasik müzik, tekno-rap müzik ve metal müzikte büyüme gözlenmiştir. 2. ve 3. haftalar kıyaslandığında ise en fazla büyüme oranı tekno-rap müzik grubu, onu takiben ise metal müzik, klasik müzik ve kontrol grubu takip etmiştir. 1. haftadan 3. haftaya kadar olan uzamalar kıyaslandığında ise en çok boy uzama yüzdesi klasik müzik grubunda ölçülmüştür. Klasik müziği takiben büyüme oranları sırasıyla kontrol grubu, tekno-rap müzik grubu ve metal müzik grubunda ölçülmüştür. Fotosentetik pigment ölçümlerinde bitkilerin klorofil a, klorofil b, toplam klorofil miktarı ve karotenoid miktarlarında kontrol grubuna göre artışlar gözlense de bu artışlar istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmamıştır. Burada elde edilen değerler bitki boy uzunlukları ile paralellik göstermektedir. Süperoksit dismutaz (SOD) enzim analizinde, fasulye bitkisinde SOD enzim miktarı kontrol grubuna göre tüm müzik gruplarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir düşüş göstermiştir. En fazla düşüş metal müzik grubunda gerçekleşmiştir. Mısır bitkisinde ise SOD enzim miktarı, kontrol grubuna göre müzik gruplarında anlamlı bir farklılık göstermemiştir. Katalaz (CAT) enzim analizinde, mısır bitkisinde, klasik müzik grubunda daha fazla olmak üzere, tekno rap grubuyla birlikte anlamlı azalışlar görülmüştür. Fasulyelerde, CAT enzimi açısından, kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı farklılık görülmemiştir. Malondialdehit (MDA) analizlerinde ise fasulye bitkisinde metal müziğe maruz kalan grupta kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı bir azalış gözlenirken, mısır bitkisinde aynı müzik grubunda, tersine anlamlı bir artış tespit edilmiştir. Diğer gruplarda anlamlı farklılıklar gözlenmemiştir. Yapılan bu araştırma sonucunda, müziğin bitki gelişimi üzerine etki ettiği gözlenmiştir. Diğer yandan uygulanan müzik türlerinin, farklı bitkiler üzerinde gelişim dönemlerine bağlı olarak da farklı etkiler gösterdiği belirlenmiştir.

Özet (Çeviri)

Beans are the most cultivated legume type in the world. It originates from Central America and South America. It is the most common legume species with high protein content, which has created two different gene pools in these two regions. Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are members of the legumes (Fabaceae) family and belong to the genus Phaseolus. It is one of the most produced and consumed legumes in Turkey. Water makes up about 90%. It is a plant rich in carotene and vitamin C. It is rich in manganese, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur and magnesium minerals and can meet the necessary minerals for the human body. It is an important plant food source because it contains important vitamins such as A, D, E and K. The maize plant is from the Poaceae family. They are diploid and consist of 2n=20 chromosomes. It is an annual herb with C4 metabolism. It is thought that it has been cultivated since ancient years and spread all over the world from its homeland of America. It is a cold-sensitive plant and can be grown in countries with all kinds of climates in mild conditions. It can be grown in areas between 58 north and 40 south latitudes of the world and up to an altitude of about 4000 meters. It is the most cultivated plant after wheat and paddy. Plants are indispensable organisms for all living things on earth. They are the main actors of the oxygen existence in the world. These organisms, which form the first step of the food chain; They are the most important food sources for humans, animals, fungi, protozoa and other plant species. Most of their species are photosynthetic species and they provide energy production by performing photosynthesis with the chloroplasts they contain. Chlorophyll a and b, which give the green color to the plant in their chloroplasts, produce energy by using light energy. Plants have adapted to environmental conditions by regulating their lives throughout their lives. They maintain their diversity until now with the various systems they have developed in their metabolism by being exposed to external and internal factors. There are biotic and abiotic factors that can harm the vital activities of plants. The general term for such challenges faced by plants is stress. On plants that are mostly exposed to abiotic stress, scientists contribute to human life by using plants to understand how plants' metabolisms respond under stress conditions. Sound is energy and propagates in waves. It is an acoustic energy that can affect solids, liquids and gases. One of the measurement of sound is“Hertz”and the unit of pressure is“Decibel”. Every living thing can feel sounds at different hertz (Hz) values unique to them. In humans, this value is between 20 Hz and 20 kHz. Sounds emanating from the sound source create air pressure and spread at a harmonious intensity and frequency. Throughout history, people have affected important changes in their lives by making use of different wavelengths and vibrations of sound. One of them is its use in medicine. Since ancient times, people have created sounds that will make an impact by evaluating the vibrational differences of the sound and using their harmonies, and we call it music today. By taking the sounds of nature's souls as an example, people have created many kinds of music with the music they have created. The differences of these sound lines, which affect our mood, are named with notes, and today, music that can have positive and negative effects has emerged. These sounds, which appear with instruments such as stringed, percussion, and wind instruments, have been observed to affect not only humans, but also animals and plants. In this experiment we do is to observe how musical genre differences will be affected by different plants. Today, there are sectors that can influence people's decision￾making by influencing their current psychology with music. Differences are observed even in the behavior of people with different musical tastes. Types of music divided into genres according to the degree of calmness or hardness of the music, affect people's mood at the moment, such as feelings such as joy, peace, longing, courage, hatred, clothing styles, opinions about life, methods of resting themselves, moving rhythm music listened while doing sports. There are effects that can change the mood. We have prepared this experiment in order to understand how the musical genres that can affect us so much will have an effect on plants. Many music experiments on plants generally focused on only one musical genre or only measure heights. There are studies that argue that plants have emotions or have the capacity to perceive frequencies. In general, ultrasound and sonication experiments were carried out on plants. In this study, we experimented on both different types of music and two different plant species. Also, we examined the effects of music on height measurements at the enzymatic level to find the reason of developments or disadvantages. In this study, the effects of different music genres on plant growth were investigated. While maize (Zea mays L.) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) species were used as plant species in the research, metal music, techno-rap and classical music were used as musical genres. While determining the music genres, attention was paid to live, negative-aggressive and calm music. In practice, after germinating 40 maize and 40 bean seeds, they were divided into four groups. 10 maize and 10 beans for each music group were planted in pots at the same depth on the soil surface. The control group was formed from 10 maize and 10 beans in the same way. The application groups are located in environments with the same environmental conditions and at far distances from each other so that they are not affected by each other. Music was practiced between 10:00 and 14:00 for 21 days. The sound source was placed in the center of the circle, which consists of 20 flowerpots in each group and the distance of pots were set 20 cm away from sound source. The music sound pressure in each group is set at 85 decibels. During the experiment, plant height measurements were taken from the ground level to the longest leaf tip in maize, and where the highest leaf from the soil was attached to the leaf branch in bean. By making weekly height measurements, the plants were harvested at the end of the 21st day and stored in a suitable environment for analysis. In addition, weekly growth rates were calculated in height measurements. xxv In addition to plant height measurements, the photosynthetic pigments chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid analyzes were made from the harvested plants. In order to understand the music effect in plants at the biochemical level, measurements of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) enzyme levels were made, as well as malondialdehyde (MDA) level, which are known as plant stress markers. Statistical analysis was performed to determine whether there was a difference between the control group and the treatment groups in all analyzes. In plant height measurements, it was observed that the groups exposed to the music group were generally taller than the control groups for both plants. These increases in beans at the end of the first week were statistically significant in all treatment groups. While the increases at the end of the second week were not significant, the heights in the group exposed to metal music in beans and in the group exposed to classical music in maize plant at the end of the third week were statistically significant. To compare the growth percentages, the height growth percentages at the 1st-2nd, 2nd- 3rd, 1st-3rd weeks were calculated. While the most improvement was observed in the control group between the first and second weeks of bean plants exposed to different types of music, it was observed in the group exposed to metal music between the second and third weeks. At the end of the third week, the fastest improvement compared to the first week was observed in the control group. The control group was followed by the metal group. While the lowest rate was observed in the classical music group between the first and second weeks, it was observed in the group exposed to classical music between the second and third weeks. The highest percentage growth between the first and second weeks of maize plants exposed to different music varieties was in the control group. Following the control group, growth was observed in classical music, techno-rap music and metal music. When the 2nd and 3rd weeks are compared, the highest growth rate was followed by the techno-rap music group, followed by metal music, classical music and the control group. When the lengthening from the 1st week to the 3rd week is compared, the highest percentage of height growth was measured in the classical music group. Following classical music, growth rates were measured in the control group, techno￾rap music group and metal music group, respectively. Although there were increases in the chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll amount and carotenoid amount of the plants compared to the control group in photosynthetic pigment measurements, these increases were not statistically significant. The values obtained here show parallelism with the plant heights. In the superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme analysis, the amount of SOD enzyme in the bean plant showed a statistically significant decrease in all music groups compared to the control group. The highest decrease was in the metal music group. On the other hand, the amount of SOD enzyme in the maize plant did not show a significant difference in the music groups compared to the control group. In the catalase (CAT) enzyme analysis, significant decreases were observed in the maize plant, more in the classical music group, but with the techno rap group. In terms of CAT enzyme, no significant difference was observed in beans compared to the control group. In malondialdehyde (MDA) analysis, a significant decrease was observed in the bean plant in the group exposed to metal music compared to the control group, while a significant increase was found in the same music group in maize plant. No significant differences were observed in the other groups. As a result of this research, it has been observed that music has an effect on plant growth. On the other hand, it has been determined that the applied music types have different effects on different plants depending on the developmental periods.

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