Türkiye'de gıda sistemlerinin değerlendirilmesi ve gıda güvencesi risklerine karşı bölgesel gıda sistemi planlaması önerisi
Evaluation of food systems in Turkey and proposal for regional food system planning against food security risks
- Tez No: 803717
- Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. SEDA KUNDAK
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Şehircilik ve Bölge Planlama, Urban and Regional Planning
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2023
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Bölge Planlama Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 142
Gıda sorunu, küresel ölçekte Birinci Dünya Savaşı sonrası dönemden başlayarak günümüze kadar sürekli olarak gündemde kalan bir konu olmuştur. Hızlı nüfus artışı, küresel eşitsizlikler, politik istikrar yoksunluğu ve en önemlisi de küresel iklim değişikliği gibi nedenlerden dolayı bu sorun, her geçen gün etkisini arttırmaktadır. Yakın zamanda yaşanan Covid-19 salgınına bağlı olarak yaşanan sistemik çöküşler de gıda konusunun ne kadar hassas olduğunu tekrar gözler önüne sermiştir. Böyle bir tablo karşısında küresel ölçekte gıda sorunlarına çözüm arayışları da hız kazanmıştır. Bu tez çalışması da günümüze kadar gıda sistemlerinin gelişimi ve yaşanan sorunların incelenmesi ve yerel ölçekte gıda güvencesinin sağlanması noktasında Türkiye'de İBBS Düzey 2 bölgeleri ölçeğinde tespitlerde bulunarak bölgesel gıda sistemi planlaması önerisi hazırlamak amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Çalışmanın birinci kısmında çalışmanın amacı, kapsamı ve yöntemi açıklandıktan sonra ikinci kısımda gıda ve beslenme kavramlarının net anlaşılması ve bu tez çalışmasında analiz edinen besin türlerinin kapsamının belirlenmesi amacıyla bir çerçeve çizilmiştir. Aynı zamanda beslenme sorunlarının altında yatan ana sebepler dünya örnekleri üzerinden açıklanarak yetersiz beslenmenin önlenmesine yönelik yapılmakta olan çalışmalar konu bağlamına indirgenerek sunulmuştur. Üçüncü bölümde tarım ve gıda konularında yaşanan sorunların çözümüne yönelik gelişim gösteren kuramsal çerçeve ortaya konmuştur ve son dönemde“Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları”bağlamında kuramsal çerçevenin değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Ayrıca bu bölüm altında gıda sistemlerinin genel tanımı ve sistem bütününün alt bileşenleri ele alınarak sistemin sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanması yönünde ortaya konan görüşler tartışılmıştır. Türkiye'de gıda ve tarım konularının ele alındığı dördüncü bölümde, Türkiye'de cumhuriyet döneminden günümüze kadar geçen sürede tarım ve gıda politikalarında yaşanan gelişmeler, küresel ve ulusal gıda krizlerinin politikalara yön vermesi ve birinci beş yıllık kalkınma planından, yürürlükteki kalkınma planına kadar her planda gıda ve tarım alanında ne gibi stratejiler belirlendiği incelenmiştir. Bu incelemede ayrıca tarihsel süreç içerisinde küresel değişimlere koşut Türkiye'de de tarım ve gıda konularında yaşanan sorunlara üretilen çözüm önerilerine değinilmiştir. Ayrıca bu bölümde Türkiye'nin gıda sisteminin haritası ortaya konmuştur ve bu sistemin alt sistemlerinin kırılganlıkları genel hatlarıyla değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın beşinci bölümünde ise İBBS Düzey 2 bölgelerinde gıda varlıkları analiz edilmiş ve doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak işlendikten sonra gıdaya dönüştürülebilen üretimler incelenmiştir. Çalışmada değerlendirme yöntemi olarak literatürde de karşılığı bulunan kalori bazlı inceleme esas alınmıştır. Bu yöntemde besin tüketiminin en büyük amacı olan enerji elde etme gerçeğinden yola çıkılarak her bir ürünün yapısında bulunan enerji miktarları hesaplanmıştır. Veri setleri olarak TÜİK'ten indirilen 2020 yılı türüne göre hayvansal ve bitkisel üretim miktarlarının enerji kapasiteleri kalori birimi üzerinden hesaplanmıştır ve il bazlı elde edilen bu veriler totalde İBBS Düzey 2 bölgelerini kapsayan illerin gruplanması ile bölgelerin toplam kalori değeri olarak alınmıştır. Aynı zamanda her bölgenin 2020 nüfusunun yaş piramidi ve cinsiyet dağılımı verileri kullanılarak kişi başı günlük alınması gereken kalori miktarı üzerinden toplam kalori ihtiyaçları hesaplanmıştır. Bölge bazlı kalori kapasitesinden farkı alınarak kalori ihtiyacı ve kalori fazlası veren bölgeler tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte Eşdeğer Hane Halkı Kullanılabilir Fert Gelirine Göre ve Yüzde 20'lik gruplar tablolarından her bölgenin ekonomik alım gücü hakkında yapılan analizler de bu sonuçlarla karşılaştırılarak kırılgan nüfusun gıdaya ekonomik olarak erişim olanakları hakkında değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Bu analizlerin sonuçlarına göre kırılgan bölgeler aşamada TR90, TRA1, TRA2 ve TRB2 bölgeleri olarak belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca TR90 bölgesinin Ulaşım Ağı Analizi neticesinde coğrafi olarak erişilebilirlik açısından da en kritik bölge olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Nihai değerlendirmede, TR21, TR52 ve TR62'dir bölgelerinin en yüksek enerji fazlası veren bölgeler, TR90, TRA1, TRA2 ve TRB2 bölgeleri ise mevcut nüfuslarının beslenebilmesi için ihtiyaç duyduğu kalori miktarı yönünden dışa bağımlı olabilecek bölge olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Tezin sonuç ve değerlendirme kısmında, literatürde bölgesel gıda sistemleri planlaması olarak tanımlanan planlama disiplininin İBBS Düzey 2 bölgelerini kapsayan bölge planlarında, stratejik bir yaklaşımla bir alt başlık olarak eklenmesi önerisi geliştirilmiştir ve bunun için farklı ülkelerde uygulanan bölgesel gıda sistemleri planlaması çalışmalarına benzer şekilde ulusal ve bölgesel planların yapılması önerilmiştir.
Özet (Çeviri)
The food problem has been a continuous issue on the agenda on a global scale starting from the period after the First World War until today. Due to reasons such as rapid population growth, global inequalities, lack of political stability and, most importantly, global climate change, this problem is increasing its impact day by day. The systemic collapses due to the recent Covid-19 outbreak have also revealed again how sensitive the food issue is. In the face of such a picture, the search for solutions to food problems on a global scale has gained momentum. This study has been carried out in order to prepare a proposal for regional food system planning by making determinations at the scale of NUTS Level 2 regions in Turkey in terms of examining the development of food systems and the problems experienced and ensuring food security at the local scale. After explaining the purpose, scope and method of the study in the first part, a framework was drawn in the second part in order to clearly understand the concepts of food and nutrition and to determine the scope of the types of nutrients analyzed in this study. At the same time, the main underlying causes of nutritional problems are explained through world examples and the studies being carried out to prevent malnutrition are reduced to the context of the subject. In the third part, the theoretical framework for the solution of the problems experienced in agriculture and food issues is put forward and the theoretical framework has been evaluated in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals in the recent period. In addition, under this section, the general definition of food systems and the sub-components of the system as a whole are discussed and the views put forward to ensure the sustainability of the system are discussed. Furthermore, how the conditions of the Covid-19 outbreak affect these systems were evaluated through real examples. In the fourth section, where food and agriculture issues in Turkey are discussed, the developments in agriculture and food policies in Turkey from the republican period to the present day, the global and national food crises have shaped the policies and what kind of strategies have been determined in the field of food and agriculture in every plan from the first five-year development plan to the current development plan are examined. In this review, in parallel with the global changes in the historical process, the solution proposals produced to the problems experienced in agriculture and food issues in Turkey were mentioned. In addition, in this section, the map of Turkey's food system is put forward and the vulnerabilities of the subsystems of this system are evaluated in general terms. In the fifth part of the study, food assets in NUTS Level 2 regions were analyzed and productions that could be converted into food after processing directly or indirectly were examined. In the study, calorie-based analysis, which is also found in the literature, was taken as the evaluation method. In this method, the energy amounts in the structure of each product were calculated based on the fact of obtaining energy, which is the biggest goal of food consumption. The energy capacities of animal and plant production amounts, according to the year 2020 downloaded from TURKSTAT (TÜİK) as data sets, were calculated over the calorie unit, and these province-based data were taken as the total caloric value of the regions by grouping the provinces covering the NUTS Level 2 regions in total. At the same time, using the age pyramid and gender distribution data of the 2020 population of each region, the total calorie needs were calculated over the daily calorie intake per capita. By taking the difference from the region-based caloric capacity, calorie needs and calorie surplus regions were determined. In addition, the analyzes made on the economic purchasing power of each region from the Equivalent Household Usable Individual Income and 20 percent groups tables were also compared with these results, and an evaluation was made about the economic accessibility of the vulnerable population to food. With the above-mentioned data sets and analysis methods, analyzes were made for food security on a regional basis throughout the country. TR52 region has the highest energy value in the maps created by calorie-based calculation methods from agriculture and livestock products in the food security analysis on the basis of NUTS Level-2 regions in Turkey. TR52 region is suitable for agriculture and animal husbandry as it consists of wide plains, so it is a region with high production. On the other hand, since agricultural and livestock activities are very low in regions such as TR10, TR81 and TR90, the energy values of these regions are also in the lowest category. Looking at the general picture, the regions adjacent to the Black Sea coast and the regions in the Eastern Anatolia region have lower energy values than the country average. Considering the adequacy status of the regions, TR10, TR31, TR81 and TR90 regions have the lowest level of competency, even the TR10 region cannot be self-sufficient due to the dense population. On the other hand, especially TR52, Central Anatolia, Southeastern Anatolia and western Marmara regions are in good condition in terms of competence. The Eastern Anatolia region is also at a relatively low level of proficiency. When the income status, inequality and transportation infrastructure of the regions are evaluated simultaneously, it is seen that the transportation infrastructure is strong in places with high GDP. In terms of spatial accessibility, the northern regions of the country, especially the TR90, are weaker than the southern parts. Among these regions, the most easily accessible regions by other regions are the regions located on the Adana-Istanbul axis, especially TR51, TR52 and TR42. A clear picture emerges in the assessment of food security at the regional level: TR21, TR52 and TR62 regions seem to have the highest level of food security according to the latest assessment table. Considering the common features of these regions; They are built on large agricultural lands, have a high average GDP due to agricultural production and other lines of business, and have strong transport links. On the other hand, the degree of food security in the eastern and eastern Black Sea regions of the country is very low compared to the country in general. According to the food security score table, TRA1, TRA2, TRB2 and TR90 regions are in a weak position in terms of transportation space, socioeconomic conditions, and agriculture and animal husbandry. It can be said that food security is in good condition in the southeast-northwest axis throughout the country, while it is in a critical situation in the regions above the axis. When ranking among the most critical regions in the evaluation of food security on the basis of NUTS level-2 regions, priority occurs as TR90, TRA1, TRA2 and TRB2. Therefore, the region where food security is most critical is TR90. In this region, Ordu, Giresun, Trabzon, Gümüşhane, Rize and Artvin provinces are located. The provinces where energy insufficiency is most critical at the provincial level are Giresun, Trabzon, Rize and Artvin. Policies to be put forward for regions with critical food security value, especially the TR90 region, and for the whole country may have results that will make serious progress in the level of food security throughout the country. It is recommended to carry out the following studies both on the basis of regions and throughout the country. Actions at international and national level: • First of all, the issues of food security and food sovereignty should be included in the specialization reports in the 12th Development Plan studies, and while the projections in the fields of agriculture, animal husbandry, food and health are defined on a national scale, local production-oriented strategies and self-sufficiency should be emphasized by taking a holistic approach. • Sustainable food systems planning should be included as a heading in the regional plans prepared by development agencies and planning studies should be carried out in all 26 regions. • Studies should be carried out to increase capacity in the import and export of agricultural and animal food products by developing joint projects with international agriculture and food organizations. • It should be taken into consideration that the European Union project supports should be evaluated in a way to bring the latest technology innovations in the field of agricultural production to the region and to contribute to the increase in regional employment and indirectly production. • In order to take more concrete steps in the fight against food waste, agency activities should be organized according to the consumption habits of the society throughout the country. Actions at regional level: • Studies should be carried out to determine food basins on a regional scale, and studies should be carried out for the improvement and cultivation of food groups in the region that are most suitable for the climate of the region, with high energy level, cheap and accessible. • It will be important at this stage to establish a public-private partnership by local government bodies in each region to formulate a regional food policy and to monitor local, national and global developments through this channel. • Increasing employment and increasing the income level in the regions are also important for this food security issue. • According to the product produced in each region, incentives for the R&D studies of that product should be given to increase the efficiency of the universities in the fields of food and agriculture. • The City-Region Food Systems (CRFS) approach aims to foster the development of resilient and sustainable food systems in urban centres, peri-urban and rural areas by strengthening rural-urban connections. In TR90, TRA1, TRA2 and TRB2 regions, it would be appropriate for local governments to direct their food production-related project development, site allocation, resource allocation and social responsibility activities to these priority regions. • It is important to increase social awareness towards food security by providing movement in the region to non-governmental organizations working to build alternative food networks in TR90, TRA1, TRA2 and TRB2 regions and other regions and to produce food for the urban population locally and in the immediate vicinity. • Studies should be carried out on the promotion, promotion and arrangement of alternative production methods and especially soilless agricultural practices in these regions where agricultural land and climatic conditions are not suitable. Practical information sharing of soilless agriculture trainings should be provided through universities in the regions. In the conclusion and evaluation part of the thesis, it has been proposed to add the planning discipline, which is defined as regional food systems planning in the literature, as a sub-title in regional plans covering NUTS Level 2 regions, with a strategic approach, and for this, national and regional plans, similar to the regional food systems planning studies applied in different countries, have been developed is recommended to be done. The items focusing on the regional scale, among the recommendations prepared as a result of the findings in this study, are the guide of doctoral studies as a continuation of this thesis. For this reason, detailed food systems planning practices and regional practices are left to the doctoral stage of the study.
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