Geri Dön

Akciğer adenokarsinom nedeniyle cerrahi rezeksiyon yapılan hastalarda postoperatif adjuvan tedavi zamanlamasının sağ kalıma etkisi

The effect of postoperative adjuvant therapy timing on survival in patients undergoing surgical resection due to lung adenocarcinoma

  1. Tez No: 848316
  2. Yazar: ALİ OSMAN TAŞ
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. OZAN YAZICI
  4. Tez Türü: Tıpta Uzmanlık
  5. Konular: İç Hastalıkları, Internal diseases
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2024
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: Gazi Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Tıp Fakültesi
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: İç Hastalıkları Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Tıbbi Onkoloji Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 71


Akciğer kanseri, dünya genelinde kanser insidansının ve mortalitesinin yaygın nedenlerinden biridir. Akciğer adenokarsinomu, çoğu ülkede akciğer kanserinin en yaygın histolojik alt tipidir ve tüm akciğer kanserlerinin yarısını oluşturmaktadır. Akciğer adenokarsinomu nüks potansiyeline sahip olup, bu tümörlerin doğru tanımlanması ve uygun adjuvan tedavinin seçilmesi postoperatif tedavi etkinliğini artıracaktır. Cerrahi, erken evre akciğer adenokarsinom tedavisi için birincil terapötik seçeneği oluşturur. Adjuvan kemoterapi erken evre küçük hücreli dışı akciğer karsinomu olan kötü prognozlu hastalarda sağ kalım üzerine önemli rol oynamaktadır. Adjuvan kemoterapi endikasyonları netleştirilmiş olsa da cerrahi rezeksiyondan sonraki uygun zamanlama tam olarak tanımlanmamıştır. Cerrahi rezeksiyon sonrası adjuvan kemoterapinin en uygun başlama zamanının belirlenmesi, hastaların tedaviye en iyi yanıtı vermelerini sağlamak ve nüks riskini azaltmak açısından kritik bir öneme sahiptir. Biz de bu çalışmada, akciğer kanseri nedeniyle opere edilen ve adjuvan tedavi alan hastaları değerlendirerek, adjuvan tedavi zamanının sağ kalım üzerine olan etkisini incelemeyi amaçladık. Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları Medikal Onkoloji Bilim Dalı'nda son 10 yıl içerisinde 18 yaş ve üzeri, akciğer kanseri tanısı alan tüm hastalar değerlendirmeye alındı. Histopatolojik tanısı küçük hücreli dışı akciğer karsinomu, Tümör-Nod-Metastaz (TNM) evrelemesine göre Evre I-II-IIIA olan, cerrahi geçirmiş ve sonrasında adjuvan kemoterapi veya kemo-radyoterapi alan hastalar seçildi. Hastaların demografik ve histopatolojik özellikleri, hastalıksız sağ kalım ve genel sağ kalım süreleri kaydedilerek adjuvan tedavi verilme sürelerinin bu parametreler ile ilişkisi incelendi. Adjuvan tedavi ve cerrahi arasında geçen sürenin sağ kalım sürelerine olan etkileri Kaplan-Meier testi ve log-rank testi ile değerlendirildi. Tek değişkenli analiz log-rank testi, çok değişkenli analiz için cox regresyon modeli kullanıldı. Kategorik değişkenlerin değerlendirilmesinde Chi-Square testi uygulandı. İstatistiksel analizlerde p değerinin 0.05'ten küçük olması anlamlı olarak kabul edildi. Çalışmamızda histopatolojik bulgular ve adjuvan tedavi süresi ile hastalıksız sağ kalım arasındaki ilişki incelendiğinde patolojik lenf nodu değerlendirilmesi ve adjuvan tedaviye ilk 28 gün içerisinde başlanan hasta grupları arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki saptandı. Tek değişkenli analizde anlamlı çıkan bu iki parametre çok değişkenli analiz yapıldığında hem patolojik lenf nodu varlığının hem de adjuvan tedavi başlangıç süresinin prognostik olduğu saptandı (sırasıyla p = 0.07 ve p = 0.026). Aynı şekilde histopatolojik bulgular ve adjuvan tedavi süresi ile genel sağ kalım arasındaki ilişki incelendiğinde patolojik evre değerlendirmesi ile adjuvan tedaviye ilk 28 gün içerisinde başlanan hasta grupları arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki saptandı. Tek değişkenli analizde istatiksel anlamlı olarak bulunan bu iki parametre ile çok değişkenli analiz yapıldığında hem patolojik evrede hem de adjuvan tedavi başlangıç süresinin prognostik olduğu saptandı (sırasıyla p = 0.020 ve p = 0.023). Sonuç olarak, çalışmamızda küçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanseri olan hastalara cerrahi sonrasında adjuvan kemoterapinin ilk 28 günlük süreçte verilmesinin hastalıksız sağ kalıma ve genel sağ kalıma olumlu etkisi olduğunu gösterdik. Çalışmamız adjuvan tedavinin zamanında başlatılmasının önemini vurgulamaktadır. Küçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanseri olan hastalarda erken tedavi verilmesinin prognoza etkisi ve cerrahiden kaynaklanan adjuvan tedavi gecikmesinin etkilerini açıklığa kavuşturmak için daha fazla sayıda hasta içeren araştırmaya ihtiyaç vardır.

Özet (Çeviri)

Lung cancer is a prevalent cause of cancer incidence and mortality worldwide. Lung adenocarcinoma is the most common histological subtype of lung cancer in many countries, constituting half of all lung cancers. Lung adenocarcinoma has the potential for recurrence, and accurate identification of these tumors and the selection of appropriate adjuvant therapy will enhance postoperative treatment effectiveness. Surgery represents the primary therapeutic option for early-stage lung adenocarcinoma. Adjuvant chemotherapy plays a significant role in improving survival in patients with poorly prognostic early-stage non-small cell lung carcinoma. Although the indications for adjuvant chemotherapy have been clarified, the optimal timing after surgical resection has not been precisely defined. Determining the most appropriate timing for starting adjuvant chemotherapy after surgical resection is critical for ensuring the best response to treatment and reducing the risk of recurrence. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the impact of the timing of adjuvant treatment on survival by assessing patients who underwent surgery for lung cancer and received adjuvant therapy.All patients aged 18 and older diagnosed with lung cancer in the last 10 years in the Department of Medical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Gazi University were included in the study. Patients with non-small cell lung carcinoma, stages I-II-IIIA according to tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) staging, who underwent surgery and subsequently received adjuvant chemotherapy or chemo-radiotherapy, were selected. The demographic and histopathological characteristics of patients were recorded, and the relationship between the timing of adjuvant treatment and disease-free survival and overall survival was examined. The effects of the time between adjuvant treatment and surgery on survival were evaluated using the Kaplan-Meier test and log-rank test. The log-rank test was used for univariate analysis, and the Cox regression model was employed for x multivariate analysis. The Chi-Square test was applied for the evaluation of categorical variables. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. In our study, when the relationship between histopathological findings and the duration of adjuvant treatment and disease-free survival was examined, a statistically significant relationship was found between the assessment of pathological lymph nodes and patient groups starting adjuvant treatment within the first 28 days. This relationship remained significant in multivariate analysis for both the presence of pathological lymph nodes and the timing of adjuvant treatment (p = 0.07 and p = 0.026, respectively). Similarly, when the relationship between histopathological findings and the duration of adjuvant treatment and overall survival was examined, a statistically significant relationship was found between the evaluation of pathological stage and patient groups starting adjuvant treatment within the first 28 days. In multivariate analysis, both pathological stage and the timing of adjuvant treatment were found to be prognostic (p = 0.020 and p = 0.023, respectively). In conclusion, our study demonstrated a positive effect on disease-free survival and overall survival when adjuvant chemotherapy was administered within the first 28 days after surgery for non-small cell lung cancer. Our study emphasizes the importance of timely initiation of adjuvant treatment. Further research with a larger number of patients is needed to clarify the impact of early treatment in patients with non-small cell lung cancer and the effects of delays in adjuvant treatment due to surgery on prognosis.Lung cancer is a prevalent cause of cancer incidence and mortality worldwide. Lung adenocarcinoma is the most common histological subtype of lung cancer in many countries, constituting half of all lung cancers. Lung adenocarcinoma has the potential for recurrence, and accurate identification of these tumors and the selection of appropriate adjuvant therapy will enhance postoperative treatment effectiveness. Surgery represents the primary therapeutic option for early-stage lung adenocarcinoma. Adjuvant chemotherapy plays a significant role in improving survival in patients with poorly prognostic early-stage non-small cell lung carcinoma. Although the indications for adjuvant chemotherapy have been clarified, the optimal timing after surgical resection has not been precisely defined. Determining the most appropriate timing for starting adjuvant chemotherapy after surgical resection is critical for ensuring the best response to treatment and reducing the risk of recurrence. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the impact of the timing of adjuvant treatment on survival by assessing patients who underwent surgery for lung cancer and received adjuvant therapy.All patients aged 18 and older diagnosed with lung cancer in the last 10 years in the Department of Medical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Gazi University were included in the study. Patients with non-small cell lung carcinoma, stages I-II-IIIA according to tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) staging, who underwent surgery and subsequently received adjuvant chemotherapy or chemo-radiotherapy, were selected. The demographic and histopathological characteristics of patients were recorded, and the relationship between the timing of adjuvant treatment and disease-free survival and overall survival was examined. The effects of the time between adjuvant treatment and surgery on survival were evaluated using the Kaplan-Meier test and log-rank test. The log-rank test was used for univariate analysis, and the Cox regression model was employed for multivariate analysis. The Chi-Square test was applied for the evaluation of categorical variables. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. In our study, when the relationship between histopathological findings and the duration of adjuvant treatment and disease-free survival was examined, a statistically significant relationship was found between the assessment of pathological lymph nodes and patient groups starting adjuvant treatment within the first 28 days. This relationship remained significant in multivariate analysis for both the presence of pathological lymph nodes and the timing of adjuvant treatment (p = 0.07 and p = 0.026, respectively). Similarly, when the relationship between histopathological findings and the duration of adjuvant treatment and overall survival was examined, a statistically significant relationship was found between the evaluation of pathological stage and patient groups starting adjuvant treatment within the first 28 days. In multivariate analysis, both pathological stage and the timing of adjuvant treatment were found to be prognostic (p = 0.020 and p = 0.023, respectively). In conclusion, our study demonstrated a positive effect on disease-free survival and overall survival when adjuvant chemotherapy was administered within the first 28 days after surgery for non-small cell lung cancer. Our study emphasizes the importance of timely initiation of adjuvant treatment. Further research with a larger number of patients is needed to clarify the impact of early treatment in patients with non-small cell lung cancer and the effects of delays in adjuvant treatment due to surgery on prognosis.

Benzer Tezler

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