Geri Dön

Başka bir gelecek üzerine spekülatif yaklaşımlar: Mimarlığı ya eğer sorusu ile düşünmek

Speculative approaches to another future: Thinking architecture with the question what if

  1. Tez No: 885607
  3. Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. TAN KAMİL GÜRER
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2024
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Mimari Tasarım Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 135


Başka türlü mümkünlüklerin altını deşme niyeti ile geleceğe yüzünü dönmüş“spekülasyon”kavramı, alternatifleri düşleyebilmek için potansiyel bir anlatı zemini oluşturmaktadır. Geleceğin olası yaklaşımları üzerine pratiklenebilmek adına adeta bir düşünce egzersizi olan spekülatif düşünce, kesin olmayan durumları varsayımlar üzerinden konuşabilme olanağı sağlayan aracı bir pozisyon edinmektedir. Burası ve var olmayan yer arasında bir köprü konumu edinen bu kavramsallaşma, alternatifler evreni üzerine düşünebilmek için“ya eğer”sorusunun, alternatiflere kapı aralayan potansiyeline sığınmaktadır. Nitekim koşulların lineer bir düzlemde kalamadığı zaman aralıkları, dinamik düşünceyi harekete geçiren ve alternatifler üzerine düşünmeyi gerekli kılan bir zemin tanımlamaktadır. Bu noktada mevcudun yetersizlikleri ve içinden çıkılamayan zamansallıkları karşısında“kriz”kavramına sığınmak ve içinde bulunulan kriz durumu karşısında alternatif olana ilişkin bir arayış geliştirmek, geleceğe yüzünü dönmüş anlatıları keşfetmek için bir eşiktir. Gezegenin mücadele ettiği durumlardan biri olan ve buna bağlı olarak mimarlık disiplinin de ilgi odağı haline gelen“Antroposen Çağı”kavramsallaşması günümüzde yeni kriz anlatısı zemini oluşturmaktadır.“İnsan Çağı”olarak açılımının gerçekleştirilebileceği bu yaklaşım, insana odaklanır tutunumu ile problematik durumların merkezine insan olan özneyi almaktadır. Nitekim bu yaklaşım çerçevesinde, 21. yüzyıl kriz anlatılarını iklim senaryolarının, küresel ısınmamın, biyoçeşitlilik kaybının, türlerarası eşitsizliğin meydana getireceği düşünülmektedir. Problemin insan olan öznenin tahakkkümünde, hiyerarşik bir ontoloji olduğuna yönelik geliştirilen kabul, spekülatif senaryolar ile incelenebilecek heterarşik bir yapılanmanın gerekliliğini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu noktada özneye ilişkin sunulan bu eleştirel tavır, geri plana alınan nesneye yönelik düşünce zemini kayganlaştırmaktadır. Nitekim insanın kurucu özne olmadığı, geleceğe bakan 21. yüzyıl spekülatif senaryolarının temel motivasyonu, insan ve insan olmayan tüm türleri aynı ontolojik düzlemde ele alabilme amacıdır. Bahsi geçen ontolojik kabul ise ancak spekülasyonun tanımladığı boşluklu, aralıklı, alternatifli, olasılık içerikli anlatılar ile mümkünlük kazanabilir. Öznenin nesne ile eş güdümlü bir hiyerarşide okunduğu bu yaklaşım, nesne üzerine şekillenmiş anlatıların önemini arttırır. Nitekim spekülasyon yapmanın nesne ile kurduğu ilişkiselliğe kuramsal bir zemin kazandıran Graham Harman'ın açtığı yerden Nesne Yönelimli Ontoloji kavramsallaşması, ilişkiselliklerinden arınmış bir nesne çerçevesi çizme gayesi taşımaktadır. Harman'a göre ilişkisellikler nesneleri indirgemekten başka bir tanım ortaya koymamaktadır. Bu bağlamda ilişkisel fazlalıklarından arındırılmış bir nesnenin buradan doğan boşlukları üzerine ancak spekülasyon yapabiliriz. Spekülasyon yapmanın nesne üzerinden sahip olduğu anlamlar geleceğin tasarım pratiklerine ilişkin alternatif bir yaklaşım geliştirme niyeti taşıyan mimarlık disiplini için de önemli yaklaşımlar içermektedir. Nitekim bu kavrayışı odağına alarak geliştirilen mimari terminoloji, geleceğin anlatılarına spekülatif bir kavrayış getirme çabasını ortaya koymaktadır. Nesneyi odağına alır bir tavır ile Nesne Yönelimli Mimarlık çatkısı altında toplanan spekülatif tasarım yaklaşımı, geleceğin mimari düzlemine ilişkin kavramsal bir takım sözler söyleme çabasını ortaya koymaktadır. Mimarlığın 1990'lar sonrasında alan söyleminden metinsel söylemlere geçişinde pratiklenen süreksizliği benimseyen bu kavramsallaşmayı, yeniden gün yüzüne çıkaran yaklaşım, ilişkisellikleri bertaraf edilmiş provakatif bir mimarlık çerçevesi çizme niyeti barındırmaktadır. Çünkü Nesne Yönelimli Mimarlık yaklaşımı, ilişkiselliklere hapsedilmiş bir mimarlık tasvirinin, ileri atılımlı zamansallıklar üzerine düşünmesinin mümkün olmadığını savunmaktadır. Bu bağlamda mimarlığın mevcut koşulların getirileri üzerinden okunmasına meydan okur bir tavırla, indirgemeciliği ve ilişkiselciliği reddetmektedir. Geleceğin zamansallıkları üzerine eğilen mimarlık nesnesinin keşfedilmemiş potansiyel anlatılarını ortaya koymak adına ilişkilerinden arınmış bir mimarlığın yeni anlam kümelerini açan, boşluklu yapısını inceleme niyeti taşımaktadır. İlişkiselliklerin bertaraf edildiği, insan olan öznenin tahakkümünden sıyrılmış, nesne ile aynı ontolojik kabul düzlemine sahip bir mimarlık yaklaşımı Tom Wiscombe'nin terminolojik kazanımı ile“kopuk mimarlık”olarak tasvirlenmektedir. Spekülasyon yapmanın dinamik anlatı zeminini kullanan bu yaklaşım süreksiz, aralıklı, açık uçlu, eklemlenebilen, merkeziyetsiz bir bakış geliştirerek yeni bir mimarlık tanımlaması yapmaktadır. Çalışma, bahsi geçen kopuk mimarlık kavramsallaşmasını merkezine alarak, yüzünü geleceğe dönmüş spekülatif bir mimarlık kavrayışı geliştirme gayesi taşıyan SCI-Arc Mimarlık Okulu akademisyenlerinin bu bağlamdaki yaklaşımlarının, projelerinin ve söylemlerinin incelenmesi ile sonlanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda mimarlara mimarinin sınırlarını yeniden keşfedebilmek adına spekülasyon yapmayı öğretmeyi hedef edinen okullardan biri olan SCI-Arc Mimarlık Enstitüsünün, teorisyen ve pratisyenlerinden Tom Wiscombe, Peter Trummer ve Gilles Retsin'in spekülatif, kopuk mimarlık kavramsallaşması ile geleceğin mimarlık anlatıları üzerine söylemlerini incelemek ve bu anlatıların mimarlık pratikleri içerisindeki konumlanışına bakmak, araştırmanın önemli bir merakını oluşturmaktadır.

Özet (Çeviri)

The concept of 'speculation', which turns its face towards the future to undermine other possibilities, creates a potential narrative ground for imagining alternatives. Speculative thought, which is almost a thought exercise to be able to practice on the possible approaches of the future, adopts an intermediary position that enables us to talk about uncertain situations through assumptions. This conceptualisation, which is a bridge between here and nowhere, takes refuge in the potential of the 'what if' question that opens the door to alternatives in order to think about the universe of alternatives. As a matter of fact, time intervals where conditions cannot remain in a linear plane define a ground that activates dynamic thinking and makes it necessary to think about alternatives. At this point, taking refuge in the concept of 'crisis' in the face of the inadequacies and inextricable temporalities of the present and developing a search for an alternative in the face of the current crisis situation is a threshold for discovering narratives that face the future. The conceptualisation of the 'Anthropocene Age', which is one of the situations that the planet is struggling with and accordingly has become the focus of interest of the discipline of architecture, constitutes a new crisis narrative ground today. This approach, which can be expanded as the 'Human Age', puts the human subject at the center of problematic situations with its focus on human beings. As a matter of fact, within the framework of this approach, it is thought that climate scenarios, global warming, loss of biodiversity, and interspecies inequality will constitute the crisis narratives of the 21st century. The acceptance that the problem is a hierarchical ontology under the domination of the human subject reveals the necessity of a heterarchical structure that can be analysed through speculative scenarios. At this point, this critical attitude towards the subject lubricates the ground of thought towards the object that is put in the background. The main motivation of the 21st century speculative scenarios looking to the future, in which human beings are not the founding subject, is the aim of addressing all human and non-human species on the same ontological plane. The ontological acceptance can only be possible through narratives with gaps, intervals, alternatives, and possibilities defined by speculation. This approach, in which the subject is read in a hierarchy coordinated with the object, increases the importance of narratives shaped on the object. As a matter of fact, the conceptualisation of Object-Oriented Ontology from the point opened by Graham Harman, who provides a theoretical ground for the relationality of speculation with the object, aims to draw an object framework free from relationalities. This approach, which aims to reveal the expansions of scenarios in which the object can be considered on the same plane of existence as the subject with a flat ontology description, emerges as a good tool for speculation. The attitude of the approach, which puts relationalities in the background, allows all actors to achieve an equal distance. At this point, differentiation from relationalities is an important conceptualisation. Because, according to Harman, relationalities do not reveal a definition other than reducing objects. In this context, we can only speculate on the gaps arising from an object that has been purged of its relational excesses. The meanings of speculation through the object contain important approaches for the discipline of architecture, which intends to develop an alternative approach to the design practices of the future. As a matter of fact, the architectural terminology developed by focusing on this understanding reveals an effort to bring a speculative understanding to the narratives of the future. In this context, it rejects reductionism and relationalism with an attitude that challenges the reading of architecture on the basis of the returns of current conditions. In order to reveal the unexplored potential narratives of the architectural object that deals with the temporalities of the future, it intends to analyse the hollow structure of an architecture free from its relations that opens new sets of meanings. The fact that the object, which offers such an important potential for developing a speculative perspective, can also be a good speculative tool for architectural productions has brought about the discussions on Object Oriented Architecture (OOA). As a matter of fact, Object-Oriented Architecture constitutes the final theoretical basis of the study since it deals with the 'free' attitude of the NYO conception, which is sceptical of any relational model. The speculative design approach gathered under the umbrella of Object-Oriented Architecture with an attitude that focuses on the object, endeavours to say some conceptual and practical words about the architectural plane of the future. The approach that resurfaces this conceptualisation, which adopts the discontinuity practiced in the transition of architecture from field discourse to textual discourses after the 1990s, has the intention of drawing a provocative architectural framework whose relationalities have been eliminated. Because the Object-Oriented Architecture approach argues that it is not possible for an architectural depiction imprisoned in relationalities to think on forward leaping temporalities. In fact, it can be said that this approach, which wants to bring architecture to a flat ontological ground on the axis of the NYM opening, is an attempt to de-layering architecture. It can be said that this approach, which is free from the domination of the subject figure, has an abstentionist approach to relationalities, does not accept any hierarchy, and depicts the unions they establish among themselves as extremely fragile, really has no concern for other than putting everything (the object) in a sack from where Tristan Garcia opened. It has been observed that this architectural approach, which deals with the object on an axis that is unrelated, disconnected, discontinuous, and open to new associations, prepares the ground for a speculation- based understanding of architecture to a significant extent. An architectural approach in which relationalities are eliminated, which is freed from the domination of the human subject, which has the same ontological acceptance plane as the object, is described as 'disconnected architecture' with Tom Wiscombe's terminological acquisition. This approach, which uses the dynamic narrative ground of speculation, defines a new architecture by developing a discontinuous, intermittent, open-ended, articulated, decentralised view. The study concludes with an examination of the approaches, projects, and discourses of the academics of SCI-Arc School of Architecture, who aim to develop a speculative conception of architecture with its face turned towards the future by centering on the conceptualisation of disconnected architecture. In this context, it is an important curiosity of the research to examine the discourses of Tom Wiscombe, Peter Trummer, and Gilles Retsin, the theoreticians and practitioners of the SCI-Arc Architecture Institute, one of the schools that aims to teach architects to speculate in order to rediscover the limits of architecture, on the conceptualisation of speculative, disconnected architecture and the architectural narratives of the future, and to look at the positioning of these narratives within architectural practices. Tom Wiscombe, the first of the architects to produce under the conceptualisation of detached architecture, argues that the architectural object has a hidden approach that goes beyond the meanings attributed by the subject. To reveal this approach, he aims to analyse the object's state of being left independent and free from its relationalities. It investigates the heterarchic associations of 'disconnected' elements in which each sub-parameter constructed or experienced by the subject can be considered as an essentially equal object. As a matter of fact, he is interested in the possibilities opened to architecture by the 'flat ontology' of the NYO and the desire to treat all small, large, human, non-human, natural or artificial objects equally. According to Wiscombe, the object's attainment of freedoms is possible through the 'disconnection' it has in the face of the continuities in which it exists. With the conceptualisation of disconnection, he seeks to get rid of the subject-oriented sub-meanings attributed to the object of architecture. The approach, in which each parameter constructed or experienced by the subject is accepted as an essentially equal object, intends to reveal the heterarchic unity of the disconnected elements. In this ontological structuring, there is no vertical hierarchy between independent architectural elements such as mass, interior space, surface articulation and floor. None of the elements has a superiority as the constituent elements of space and this situation cannot be attributed by the subject. Just like the analogy of the sack we encounter in the conceptualisations of flat ontology. Wiscombe depicts a dynamic architectural narrative regarding the scenarios of the coming together of discrete, disconnected, discontinuous architectural elements as if they were placed in a sack. The sack is a loose outer shell, while the elements inside are floating, disconnected objects that can change according to the conditions. In this way, the form sometimes pushes the objects away from each other, sometimes sticks to each other. Therefore, the objects lack a certain static behaviour and can change according to the current conditions. Gilles Retsin, another designer that the research focuses on, takes the concept of parts to the center from Wiscombe's point of view. Rejecting the view that the building, which is accepted as a static object, is a 'whole object', he aims to reveal the potentials of the parts that 'resonate' within themselves. In this way, he thinks that an open- ended, dynamic, speculative architecture can be defined. Retsin sees the line as a multifunctional speculative tool for architectural production. He argues that in order to develop an open-ended, dynamic design practice, it is necessary to explore the potential of the line and utilizes its ability to be fragmented and discrete. During the formation of mass, he discusses the association of the concepts of part and whole with the line. Because, according to him, the relationships in which each part takes place form a whole through the line. As a matter of fact, in the mass, which Retsin considers not as a whole but as a collection, a series of lines are in a position where the parts turn into a whole by centralising from place to place. Retsin's use of line in this approach, in which he defends the potential of discontinuity in the face of continuity, suggests singularity in return for continuity, just as we see in the discussions of non- parametricism. In this context, he sees the digits, which are the singular units utilised by the non-parametric approach, as lines. In his architectural understanding, he accepts the columns, floors and walls as a line identified with the digit and tries to reveal the potential of dynamism without attributing an autonomous meaning to the elements. The coming together of the mass from uncharacterised, discrete parts, that is, the autonomy of the parts, which paves the way for new associations, reveals a dynamic, speculative definition of architecture. The last focus of the study is Peter Trummer's approach to disconnected architecture. Trummer mentions that each object has a special coordinate axis of its own and that the whole conceived as a collection cannot have a center. In this context, Trummer focuses on the possibility of a description of objects that can establish their own domination with stacked mass objects, position themselves with their individuality, and contribute to the continuity of space with kinetic approaches such as intertwining or adhesion and detachment, in contrast to the object approach created to access the whole. The main purpose of creating a collective, collection-orientated object stack is to create a new set of objects that will trigger another object unit. Because the designed stack mass is a new construction and ground element in order to access the next object mass. The intertwined, decentralised, subjectless collection objects in Trummer's approach exist in the stack with their individuality and spontaneity. As a matter of fact, his construction of discrete objects through approaches such as 'creating a collection', 'creating eccentricity', and 'creating transitivity' reflects an effort to create dynamic stability for the whole.

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