Geri Dön

Acil serviste beyin damar hastalığı tanısı alan hastaların retrospektif olarak değerledirilmesi

Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.

  1. Tez No: 163851
  2. Yazar: CELAL KATI
  3. Danışmanlar: Y.DOÇ.DR. DURSUN AYGÜN
  4. Tez Türü: Tıpta Uzmanlık
  5. Konular: İlk ve Acil Yardım, Emergency and First Aid
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Acute cerebrovascular diseases, emergency service, retrospective study, freguency
  7. Yıl: 2005
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Tıp Fakültesi
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Acil Tıp Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 120


ÖZET Beyin damar hastalıkları (BDH) beyin damarlarının, primer patolojileri ile ilişkili olarak asemptomatik veya beynin bir bölgesinin geçici veya kalıcı olarak, iskemi veya kanama nedeniyle etkilenmesine bağlı gelişen klinik tablolardır. Biz bu çalışmada bölgemizde bir referans hastanesi olan, 19 Mayıs Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Acil AD'nda akut BDH tanısı alan hastaların verilerinin retrospektif olarak incelenmesini böylelikle, akut BDH'lı olguların acil servise (AS) getirilme zamanlan, AS'te kalış süreleri ve AS sonrası durumlarının belirlenmesi yanısıra akut BDH alt tiplerinin sıklığım ortaya koymayı amaçladık. Çalışma, Eylül 2001- Ocak 2004 tarihleri arasında başvuran 911 akut BDH'li hastaların klinik kayıtları üzerinden yapıldı. Olguların demografik özellikleri, başvuru şikayetleri, risk faktörleri, mental durumu, vital bulguları, AS 'e varma ve gözlem süreleri, rutin laboratuar tetkikleri ve radyolojik tetkik sonuçlan incelendi. Hastalar 65 yaş gruplanna aynldı. Bu verilere göre akut BDH alt gruplan birbiri ile karşılaştınldı. Hastaların %49,1'i kadm, %50,9'u erkek idi. Olguların %46,2'si 65 yaş üstü, %44'ü 45-65 yaş arası ve %9,8'i 45 yaş altoda idi. Tüm hastaların ortalama yaşı 62,8 yıl olup, tam gruplanna göre yaş ortalaması, iskemik inmede (İî) 67,1, intraserebral kanamada (İSK) 62,4 ve subaraknoid kanamada (SAK) 55,9 yıl idi. Akut BDH tüm acil başvurularının %4,4'ünü oluşturdu. Hastaların İİ %42'sinde, İSK %30'unda, SAK %27'sinde ve geçici iskemik atak (GİA) %1 'inde mevcut idi. Olguların %65,1'inde hipertansiyon (HT) vardı ve anlamlı olarak diğer risk faktörlerinden fazla idi (p0,05). Elektrokardiyografide (EKG) AF, İî'li hastalarda (%37,5) diğer inme alt tiplerine göre anlamlı olarak fazla idi (p0,05). Hastaların %26,7'sinde VIIve en sık olarak SAK tanı grubunda (%30,7) hiponatremi tespit edildi. İskemik inme tanısı alan hastaların %4,2' sinde hematokrit yüksekliği saptandı. Klinik olarak akut BDH düşünülen olguların, % 13, 3 'ünde bilgisayarlı beyin tomografisi (BBT) normal iken, Îİ'de bu oran %24,1 idi. Manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) ise hastaların %1 1,3 'ünde normal idi. İskemik inmede en sık görülen infarkt alam orta serebral arter bölgesinde olup (%64), onu laküner infarkt (%17), serebellar arterler (%11), posterior serebral arter (%4), anterior serebral arter (%3) ve lentikülostriat infarktı (%1) izledi. İntraserebral kanama en sık bazal ganglion bölgesinde (%40) görülürken, bunu sırası ile lobar (%20), talamus (%18), pons (%12) ve serebellumdaki (%10) kanamalar takip etti. İskemik inmeli hastaların %10,3'ü evden, %89,7'si başka bir hastaneden sevk yoluyla AS'e getirilmişti. Bu hastaların %20,7'si ilk 3 saatte, %38,5'i 3-6 saatte ve %40,8'i 6 saat sonra AS'e başvurmuş olup, evden gelen İİ'li hastaların ilk 3 saatte başvuru oranlan (%48,7), hastaneden başvurmuş (%20,7) olanlara göre istatistiksel yönden anlamlı olarak daha yüksekti (p

Özet (Çeviri)

ABSTRACT Cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) are clinical pictures, in an association with the primary lesions of the brain's vessels, without symptoms or, developing due to be involved transiently or persistently of a region of the brain as a result of ischemia or hemorrhage. Our aim is to assess retrospectively the data of the patients who are diagnosed as acute CVD in the emergency service (ES), including the arrive and observation times of the patients in the ES, and determining the freguency of the subtyps of acute CVDs. The study included 911 patients from September 2001 to January 2004. The data of the study are consist of the demographic characteristics, complaints on admission, risck factors, mental status, vitale findings, the arrive and observation times in the ES, ratine laboratory examination, and radiologic measures of the cases, obtained from the case notes. The patients were subdived three groups as the age of under 45, from 45-65 years old, and up to 65 years old. Subgroups of acute CVD were compaired with each other according to these data. The cases with CVD constituted 4,4% of all emergency service patients. Of the cases, 42% had ischemic stroke (IS), 30% had intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), 27% had subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), and 1% had transient ischemic attack (TIA). Of patients, 49,1% was female, and 50,9% was male, with female/male ratio of under. Mean age was 62,9 years in all patients; however, it was 67,1 years in the IS group, was 62,4 years in the ISH group, and was 55,9 years in the SAH group. In 46,2% of the cases, age was up to 65 years; however it was from 45-65 years in 44% of cases, and was under 45 years in 9,8% of cases. Of the patients, 65,1% had a history of HT, and it was more freguent significantly, compaired other risck factors. In the patients history, other risck factors included cardiac diseases (21,7%), stroke (21,7%), atrial fibrilation (18,2%), diabetes mellitus (14,9%), and smoking. There was a family history of stroke in 3,6% of all patients. hi 10,5% of the patients, hypertermia was estabilished and for this finding, there were no differences significantly between subgroups of CVD. Atrial fibrilation, which was obtained on admission, was more freguent significantly in IS than other subtyps of CVD. In 70% of the patients, hyperglisemia rxwas established, and this finding was more freguent in ICH than other subtyps. However, difference was not signyficiant statistifically. Hyponatremia, which was established in 26,7% of the patients, was more freguent in SAH than others. In 4,2% the patients with IS, elevated hematoc. was estabilished. Cranial Computed Tomography (CT) was normal in 13,3% of the patients with clinical defined stroke; however, this ratio was 24,1% in IS. On the other hand, magnetic resonance imaging (MBS) was normal in 1 1,3% of 53 patients. In IS, the most freguent infarct was observed in the supply region of the middle cerebral artery (64%), follewed with lacunary infarct (17%), the supply regions of cerebellar arteries (11%), posterior cerebral arteria (4%), anterior cerebral arteria (3%), and lentikiilostriate arteria (1%). Intracerebral hemorrhages were seen the mostly in basale ganglions (40%), followed with lobar (20%), thalamic (18%), pons (12%), and cerebellar (10%) hemorrhages. Of the patients with IS, 10,3% had been brought from other hospitals in our region (89,7%). Of these patients, 20,7% arrived to ES within the first 3 hours; however 38,5% of the patients arrived at from 3-6 hours, and 40,8% of the patients arrived within at the 6 hours. The ratio of the patients with IS (48,7%) who come from home first 3 hours was more freguent significantly than the patients who were sent from a hospital (20,7%). 75% of the patients were get in the services in relation and 22,3% of the patients were sent to the other hospitals. The mortality ratio in the ES was 2,7%. This ratio was the most freguent among the patients with SAH (45,6%). Although most of our results resemble to those in the literature, a few of they were different as a result of regional factors. It is clear that further studies with control are reguired to investigate the epidemiology of acute CVD İn our country. However, the most important problem is the low ratio of the patients who are arrived our hospital within the first 3 hours.

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