Satış promosyonu aktiviteleri uzun ve kısa dönemli etkileri ve Türkiye'de üretici firma ve süpermarketlerdeki uygulamaları
Sales promotion activites, its short and long term effects
- Tez No: 39719
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: İşletme, Business Administration
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1994
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 185
ÖZET Son yıllarda özellikle de paketlenmiş tüketici ürünleri pazarında tutundurma karması içinde daha önce belirlenmiş bir dönemde tüketici, perakendeci ya da toptancı bazında ürünün denenmesini teşvik etmek, tüketici talebini ve ürünün elde bulunurluğunu (mevcudiyetini) arttırmak amacıyla yapılan pazarlama aktiviteleri olarak tanımlanan satış promosyonunun hemen her firma tarafından yoğun olarak kullanılmaya başlanması, bu araç ve yöntemlerin neler olduğu, gerek uzun gerekse kısa dönemde nekadar etkin olduklarının ölçülmesi ve araştırılması zorunluluğunu ortaya çıkarmıştır. Buradan yola çıkarak ikinci bölümde, satış promosyonunun tanımı, giderek artan önemi ve nedenleri, avantaj ve dezavantajları, satış promosyonu kampanyası planlamasının temel aşamaları ve belirlenen hedeflere göre kullanılabilecek alternatif satış promosyonu yöntemleri (araçları), son zamanlarda firma içi ve firmalar arasında çok sık kullanılan ortak promosyonlar konularına değinilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, satış promosyonu faaliyetlerini satışlar üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda sözkonusu markanın, tamamlayıcı ve rakip mallarının satışları üzerindeki etkiler, bu etkilerin gücünün hangi faktörlere bağlı olduğu, göreceli olarak güçleri ve bir supermarket tarafından yürütülen aktivitelerin diğer supermarketler in satışları üzerinde nasıl ve ne derece etkili olduğu konularına değinilmiştir. Yine aynı bölüm içinde, süpermarketlerin yürüttükleri satış promosyonu faaliyetlerinin dükkan trafiği ve genel kar üzerindeki etkisi incelendikten sonra, marka seçimi, satınalınan ürün miktarı ve satınalma zamanı üzerindeki etkileri incelenerek promosyon faaliyetlerinin tüketicilerin bireysel satınalma davranışları (kararları) üzerindeki etkilerine değinilmiştir. Bu bölüm içinde son olarak, uzun dönemli etkiler, yeniden satınalma ihtimali, marka bağımlılığı, marka değerlendirmesi üzerindeki etkiler ile ortaya çıkan yeni bir tüketici grubu“promosyon bağımlıları”incelenmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde ise, supermarket ler ve margarin ile deterjan sektöründe faaliyet gösteren bir üretici firmada satış promosyonu aktiviteleri, özellikle de uzun ve kısa vadede sağladığı avantajlar hakkında yapılan mülakatların sonuçları yeralmaktadır.
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY SALES PROMOTION ACTIVITIES, ITS SHORT AND LONG TERM EFFECTS in most goods and service indüstries, where the competition between firms is increasing and total demand is stable ör slowgrowing, a battle to increase ör protect market share has began. The marketing and promotion fields stand on the front lines of this battleground, developing coıtplex and sophisticated promotional caıtpaigns and tactical weapons. Sales promotion is any promotional activity, that is not advertising, personal selling ör publicity, which offers an extra value ör incentive for the product ör brand ör service to the sales force, distributors ör the ultimate consumer. Recently sales promotion has been the fastest growing method of promotion with dollars being shifted from advertising. Several factors, contributed to the rapid growth of sales promotion. These factors include the following: The number of brands has increased, competitors use promotions frequently, many brands are at parity, consumers are more deal oriented, the trade -has demanded more deals from manufacturers, advertising efficiency has declined because of rising cost and media clutter and promotion is more accepted by top management as an effective sales tool. Today, in many consumer-packaged goods companies sales promotion is accounting for between 60 to 70 percent of combined.promotion budget. Sales promotion expenditures have been increasing 12 percent annually, compared with advertising's incease of 7.6 percent. And the fast growth rate is expected to continue. Also, much of sales promotion budget, approximately 58 percent, is allocated for trade promotions. The emphasis on promotions is especially pronounced in the grocery industry. Sales promotion consists of a wide variety of promotional tools, mostly short-term, designed to stimulate guicker ör greater purchase of particular product/services by consumers ör the trade. They include tools for consumer promotions (e.g. samples, coupons, money-refund offers, prices-off, premiums, contests, trading stamps, demonstrations), trade promotion (promotion allowances, buying allowances, free goods, push money, dealer sales contests...) and sales-force promotion (e.g. bonuses, contests, traning programmes...). xlSome of these sales promotion tools are used by manuf aturers, and retailers to stimulet the sales of a particular brand loyalty, store loyalty, trade support for future projects, repeat purchases, market share increases and so on. Especially price-based promotional activities are the dominant from of competition between retailers and that even greater emphasis will be placed on these activities by retailers in the coming years as competitive pressures increase and other forms of promotion such as trading stamps and games decline. Sales promotion today is not utilized only for its short- term quick positive effects that it was just a few years ago (unfortunately by a few number of manufacturers). Today, sales promotion is capable of attracting and retaining users, stimulating relailer support, motivating distribution channel personnel, building brand loyalty, brand awareness and brand image, increasing market share in short period and sales, attracting switchers away from competitors brands, encouraging offseason buying. Shortly, manufacturers may simply want to provide the consumer. with additional incentive to pick the“right”brand from an often vast array of brands lined up on the supermarket shelves. In fact, major function of sales promotion is to serve as a bridge between advertising and personnel selling, to supplement and coordinate efforts in these two areas. Sales promotion should be included in a company's strategic marketing planning along with other elements of promotional mix. This means setting sales promotional gools, selecting appropriate strategies and establishing a separate sales promotion budget. One problem management faces in planning the sales promotion campaign is that many sales promotion are short run, tactical actions, that are generallly designed to produce immediate but short lived responses. A a result many firms frequently use these tools to shore up unexpected sales declines, rather than as integrated parts of a marketing program. However in recent years for growing number of firms it has become a dynamic marketing tool that has changed the way the firm do business. It is being integrated into the total marketing strategy and introduced at the inception of a promotion campaign, not tacked on as on afterthought. As spending on promotion has increased, the importance of understanding both its short-term and long-term impacts by manufacturers and retailers also has increased. Therefore, many researches have been made on this subject. These researches examined following effects: Xll1. The effect of sales promotion on sales of promoted brand, substitute products, complemantary products and unrelated products 2. The effects of sales promotion on store performance 3. The effects of sales promotion on individual buying patterns 4. The long-term effects of sales promotion. Analysis of the effect of retailer and manufacturer promotions on the sales of promoted brand and its complement and substitutes both within and outside the store can give managers clearer insights about how promotions work. The information is critical especially to retailers, as they hope to increase total sales and margin of the store. Almost all researchers aggree that sales promotion increase promoted brand sales in the short-run. Futhermore, sales promotion enhances substitution and complemantary. effects within the store. Complemantary effects created by promotions are of special interest to retailers because significant increases in sales of full-margin complementary products can offset decreses in sales of full -marj in substitute brands. The finding that a promoted brand gains sales increases at the expense of substitutes and to a lesser extent, complements in a competing store. Much of retail promotions are designed to increase store traffic, store loyalty and within store sales, ultimately store profits. However, the effect of retail promotion on store profit is uncertain, because promotions may increase sales of full- margin product complements and decrease sales of full-margin product substitutes. The relative magnitude of these effects determines whether the promotion will increase or decrease store profit. Researches show that within store substitution effect is greater than within complemantary effect. In most cases, store traffic plays a key role in determining whether a promotion will be effective in increasing retailer profit. Researches show that, consumers generally have low store loyalty, thus they changed the store shopped frequently. Because of this reason, promotional activities can result in store substitution. In other words sales promotion can build store traffic by stimulating consumer cross-shopping, which can increase sales of promoted products and their full-margin complements as well as sales of unrelated products, but this effect is smaller than within store brand substitution. Researches show that sales promotion is also changing individual buying patterns (selection of brands, purchase time and purchase quantity). There is an important question, remains xrrxis the increase in sales due to consumer switching from other brands or is the brand borrowing sales from the future as consumer advance their purchases in time (sales displacemet) or stockpile the product? In fact, all these factors with different percentage contribute the sales increases in promotion period. Most of sales increases in promotion period comes from brand switching. Consumers response to sales promotions (what they will buy, what will be the purchase quantity and the time of purchasing) depends on the expected time until the next price reduction and the expected size of reduction. Consumers' buying decision will be affected by the perceived deal frequency and deal prices about the brand or product categorie rather than real deal frequency is high for a brand by many consumers, they are less likely to response to promotions. They may wait for the next promotion to make their purchases. Because they are sure that brand will be promoted again soon. Similarly, if quantity of reduction or economic advantage is lower general (average) reduction, they may not willing to react. Most researcher agree that promotions increase in the short-term but there is disagreement as to how these short-term gains affect long-term sales and market share. If a consumer purchase the brand on promotion, the long-term effect of that promotion on subsequent sales after promotions are retracted will depend on; 1) Whether the consumer has been satisfied with the promoted brand, 2) Whether consumers naturally switch among brand or are primarily loyal to the last brand purchased, 3) Whether only one brand or many brands are being promoted at one time. Depending on the factors above, consumer will buy (or not) the brand again, after promotion. Generally average repeat rates after a promotion purchase are lower than average repeat rates after a nonpromotion purchase because of stockpiling, changing brand preferences, or taking the advantage of another promotion. Secondy/ sales promotion weakens store and brand loyalty among consumers. People generally back to their pre-promotion brand preferences after promotion. A very important ' result of using sales promotion activities very intensively is that growing number of people is becoming promotion-prone. Promotion-prone buyers tend to use promotions consistently across product classes. For them, it is a very important factor that the brand is on promotion, in order to buy (to select) the brand. Their brand loyalty for a brand and store loyalty for a particular store is weak. The most important XIVfactor for them to buy a brand is not its specific internal product characteristics. Finally, sales promotion lead to short-term increases in sales of the brand without changing the long-term market share in many product categories. Today promotion cannot be avoided because of size of the deal prone segment in many product categoires. Any attemp to move away may lead to a significant decline in market share if competitors continues with its promotional activity. 307
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