Geç Osmanlı döneminde bir misyoner yerleşkesi: Merzifon Anadolu koleji
A missionary campus in the Late Ottoman period: Marsovan Anatolia college
- Tez No: 569714
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mimarlık, Tarih, Architecture, History
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2019
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Tarihi Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 197
Geç Osmanlı Döneminde Anadolu'da etkinliği artan misyoner faaliyetlerinin beraberinde ortaya çıkan yapılaşma, inşa edildiği yerleşimi hem kentsel hem de mimari ölçekte etkileyen bir unsurdur. Bu unsur yaşamsal ve sosyal ihtiyaçların giderilmesi anlamında rol oynamıştır. Tez çalışması bu etkileşimin 1882-1921 yıllları arasında faaliyet göstermiş olan Merzifon Anadolu Koleji örneği üzerinden incelenmesini konu almaktadır. Merzifon Anadolu Koleji resmen 8 Eylül 1886 tarihinde kolej olarak kapılarını açmıştır. Ancak American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) misyonerleri 1850 yılında Merzifon'a ziyaretler gerçekleştirmeye başlamıştır. Bu ziyaretler esnasında tanıştıkları ve kendilerini oldukça olumlu karşılayan yöre halkının da desteğiyle burada bir eğitim kurumu kurmaya karar vermişlerdir. Bu sürecin başlangıcını oluşturan Bebek İlahiyat Okulu'nun Merzifon'a taşınmasının ardından, önce bir kız mektebi ve ardından bir lise kurulmuş ve bu lisenin verdiği ilk mezunlarla birlikte kolej evresine geçilmiştir. ABCFM'nin katkısı, Amerika'dan yapılan bağışlar, yerel bağışlar ve öğrencilerin aidatları ile bir yapı topluluğu haline gelen Anadolu Koleji'ne zamanla daha büyük bir ilahiyat okulu, sağırlar okulu, eski ve yeni hastane, kütüphane, müze, kendine yardım atölyeleri, müzik ve diğer kulüp etkinlikleri yapıları, spor alanları, öğretmen lojmanları gibi yapılar eklenerek yerleşke kapsamlı bir yaşam alanı haline gelmiştir. Ayrıca, söz konusu alanın kullanımı yalnızca öğrenci ve öğretmenlerle sınırlı kalmamıştır. Hastanenin hem Hristiyan hem Müslüman halka hizmet vermesi, demiryolu inşaatında çalışmak üzere yerel halka verilen İngilizce eğitimler, atölyelerde üretilen çok sayıda ve çeşitte ürünün yerel halka sunulması, müzeye dışarıdan ziyaretçi kabulü gibi durumlar kolejin halkla derin ve iyi ilişkiler kurmasını sağlarken kampüs alanının Merzifon halkının kullanımına da belli oranda açmıştır. Kolej mezunlarından birinin kurduğu matbaa ve sinema da Kolej'in çevre ile ilişki kurmasına katkıda bulunan etkenlerdendir. Kolej ilk olarak I. Dünya Savaşı sırasında kapanmış ve yapılarından bir kısmı hastane olarak kullanılmıştır. 1924 yılında tamamen kapanması sonrasında ise muhtelif kamu kurumlarına ve 8. Kolordu'ya tahsis edilerek fiziksel varlığını kısmen sürdürmüştür. Günümüzde yapıların bir kısmı ayaktadır, bir kısmı ise yıkılmış veya harabe haldedir. Hastane binası olarak kullanılan yapı günümüzde restore edilmiştir ve Merzifon Fen Lisesi olarak kullanılmaktadır. Okulun kapanması ve Amerikalı misyonerlerin Merzifon'dan ayrılmasından sonra Kız Hayat Mektebi ismiyle eğitime devam eden okulun North Hall (Kuzey Koleji) binası ise atıl durumdadır. Halen Merzifon Belediyesi'ne ait olan bu yapının restorasyonu devam etmekte olup bir müzeye dönüştürülmesi çalışması sürmektedir. Ayakta olan yapılardan bir başkası ise bugün Amasya Meslek Yüksekokulu'na ait idari bina olup iç mekanının büyük ölçüde aslına yakın bir durumda olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu ana yapılar dışında öğretmenlere ait lojmanlar yerleşke çevresinde özellikle Kolejaltı Caddesi (bugünkü Kolordu Caddesi) civarında bulunmaktadır. Öğretmen lojmanlarından ikisinin belediye tarafından restorasyonu gerçekleştirilmiş, bir diğerininki planlanmıştır. İki lojman binası ise özel mülktür. Tez çalışması belirtilen amaçlar doğrultusunda öncelikle bu yerleşkenin mimari tasarım ve yapım sürecini belgelemeyi hedeflemektedir. Özellikle birincil kaynaklara dayanan bu belgeleme ile söz konusu süreçte yer alan aktörler ve süreci biçimlendiren dinamiklerin anlaşılmasına, ikinci olarak ise yerleşkenin mimari karakteri ve bu dinamiklerin ilişkisinin anlaşılmasına çalışılmıştır. Merzifon Anadolu Koleji'ne dair daha önce yapılmış çalışmalar eğitim sistemi ve tarihi, misyonerlik faaliyetleri, bu faaliyetlerin bölgenin siyasi, kültürel, dini ve toplumsal yapısında yarattığı değişiklikler, kolejin yerel halk ile ilişkisi ve politik ortama etkileri üzerine yoğunlaşmıştır. Bu çalışmaların bazılarında yer yer bütçe konuları içerisinde inşa faaliyetlerine ayrılan pay veya inşaat izinlerine dair bilgiler yer almakla birlikte okulun tüm yapılarının mimari gelişimi ve tarihi üzerine odaklanılmamış, okulun fiziksel çevresi, mekânsal özellikleri ve çevresi ile kurduğu sosyal ilişki incelenmemiştir. Tez çalışması, literatürdeki bu boşluğu doldurmayı hedeflemektedir.
Özet (Çeviri)
In the late Ottoman period, the effectiveness of missionary activities increased in Anatolia. With this increase, the urbanization and architectural scale affected the settlement. This situation has played a role in eliminating vital and social needs. The thesis study is about the examination of this interaction through the example of Merzifon Anatolian College which was active between 1882-1921. Merzifon Anatolian College officially started its activities on September 8, 1886 as a college. However, the missionaries of the American Board of Foreigners Missions (ABCFM) began to visit Merzifon in 1850. During these visits, they decided to establish an educational institution here with the support of the local people who met themselves with a positive attitude. Following the transfer of the Baby Theological School, which was the beginning of this process, to Merzifon, first a school for girls and then a high school were established. With the first graduates of this high school, the college phase began. With the contribution of ABCFM, donations from the United States, local donations and the dues of the students, Anadolu College has become a group of buildings. In time, a larger theological school, the school for the deaf, new hospitals, libraries, museums, self-help workshops, music and other club activities, sports fields, and teacher residences were added. The campus has become a comprehensive living space. Moreover, the use of the area in question was not limited to only students and teachers. The hospital provided services to both Christian and Muslim populations, providing trainings to local people to work in railway construction, offering numerous and various products produced in workshops to local people and accepting visitors from outside the museum to establish deep and good relations with the public. The campus area has been opened to a certain extent for the use of the people of Merzifon. One of the graduates of the college is the printing house and the cinema. The college was first closed during World War I and some of its buildings were used as hospitals. After its complete closure in 1924, it was allocated to various public institutions and 8th Corps and continued its physical existence in part. Today, some of the buildings still exist, while others are ruined or ruined. The building that was used as a hospital building has been restored and used as Merzifon Science High School. After the closure of the school and the departure of the American missionaries from Merzifon, the school, which is continuing its education under the name of Kız Hayat Mektebi, is idle. The restoration project has been prepared for this structure which belongs to the Municipality of Merzifon and it is planned to be transformed into a museum. One of the standing structures is the administrative building of the College and today it is thought that the interior is in a close position to the original. Apart from these main buildings, the teachers' lodging is located in the vicinity of the campus, especially Kolejaltı Street (today's Kolordu Street). Two of the teacher residences were restored by the municipality and another was planned. Two residential buildings are private property. The thesis study aims to document the architectural design and construction process of this settlement. With this documentation, which is mainly based on primary sources, it has been tried to understand the actors involved in the process and the dynamics that shape the process. Secondly, it is tried to understand the architectural character of the settlement and the relationship between these dynamics. Previous studies on the Merzifon Anatolian College focused on the education system and its history, missionary activities, changes in the political, cultural, religious and social structure of the region, its relationship with the local community and its effects on the political environment. Some of these studies included information on the share or construction permits allocated for the construction activities in some places, but not the architectural development and history of all the schools, the physical environment of the school, its spatial characteristics, and the social relationship it established with its surroundings. The thesis study aims to fill this gap in the literature. Describing the design and construction processes of the components of the campus was a priority. Identifying the identity of the architects and other actors involved in this process and compiling information on their professional background is another step. In addition, it was tried to understand the dynamics of this process. In addition, the task of the development of the campus as a quality development of the college, development, and activities to increase the influence of the region in the parallel between the increase in the task undertaken by the structures have been tried to understand. In the period of Abdülhamid II, the question of whether the effects of these structures on the people and the administration can be considered as a kind of self-preservation because of the influx of the Armenian events that started in 1915 and before. One of the steps is to reveal the effects of the settlement with the existing environmental texture and the design language. Within this framework, the period documents which may be a clue to the mentioned relationship have been used, in addition to inferences over the existing traditional tissue. In this study, archival research, secondary literature research and on-site observation and detection methods were used. The ABCFM collections of the Microfilm Archive at the Boğaziçi University Library and the ABCFM Collections of the SALT Reasearch Archives were scanned. In addition, Prime Ministry State Ottoman Archives and Thessaloniki Anatolian College Digital Archive were examined. With this research, albums, reports, newsletters, drawings, memoirs and letters belonging to Anadolu College were reached. For the secondary literature, a study was conducted covering the research libraries in Istanbul. As a field study, the buildings have been investigated from the campus to the campus. The material obtained from the archive sources and the findings in the field were compared. In addition, a visit to the Municipality of Merzifon was carried out and the documents and information related to the college campus were collected through the resources available at this institution. The results of the study were obtained with concurrent readings. William John Childs can be seen in different sources. However, although there is no one-to-one connection between these sources, the mentioned source is mentioned by emphasizing the qualification according to the purpose of the source. In 1917, he published the book Asia Across Asia Minor on Foot 'in England, which is also his hometown, namely' Asia Minor on the Move '. The road to Asia and Africa to travel through Anatolia, to observe and recognize the u East 'has attracted travelers. In general, even though the trips were for tourism purposes, there were also trips for researching and researching countries, especially in the reports and letters of the missionaries and navy members. It is known that Childs, who carried out this trip between 1911 and 1912, was an intelligence officer in the British Admiralty Office. He reached Iskenderun from Istanbul to Samsun and from there. During this trip, he stayed in Merzifon Anatolian College for a while. During the stay, he designed some buildings. The drawings with the name and signature correspond to the travel dates of the traveler. It is observed that the college matured in the period after 1910 and its construction activities were parallel to the planned and development philosophy. It is known that an English architect, whose name was first mentioned in the report of 1910-1911, was kept for the design of new buildings of the college. In this report, Childs is included among the participants by the term“Mr. Childs, architect for Anatolia College and Hospital”(Not under appointment). It is possible to obtain information from the report that Mr.Childs, who is an English architect, from the same report, draws the plans for the new college building and hospital building and works in various jobs outside of architecture. Within the scope of the thesis study, the construction activities and the relationship between these activities and social events are examined. To summarize, all developments are realized by the effect of growth and development. But on the other hand, structural development strengthened social relations. The structures which are compatible with the local architectural language of Merzifon especially preferred in the first period are both an economic necessity and the fact that the style is not contradictory at the beginning of the first established relationship with the local. If the structures of a group of missionaries who came to the city from another country and were foreign were also foreigners, it could have become physically difficult to relate. However, it is noteworthy that the College has increased its influence in the region, its work progressed, and the central budget, American style re-shaped, large stanchions, new materials brought from abroad were used for the first time.
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