Yalın yönetim öğeleri ve tekstil sektörüne uygulanabilirliği
Lean management concepts and their applicability to the textile industry
- Tez No: 66593
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mühendislik Bilimleri, İşletme, Engineering Sciences, Business Administration
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1997
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: İşletme Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: İşletme Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 132
ÖZET Günümüzün hızla gelişen dünyasında şirketler rekabetsel avantajlar yakalamak ve kalıcı basanlar elde etmek için çeşitli yeni yönetim teknikleri arayışları içerisindedir. Son yıllarda yeni bir yönetim anlayışı, Japonya'dan tüm dünyaya, kuruluşların ihtiyaçlarını en üst düzeyde karşılamak üzere hızla yayılmaktadır. Bu klasik yönetim anlayışlarından radikal değişiklerle farklılıklar gösteren“yalın yönetim öğeleri”dir. Bu çalışmada genel olarak, henüz Türkiye ve dünya için yeni sayılabilecek yalın yönetim öğeleri ele alınmış ve Türk tekstil sektöründe uygulanabilirliği incelenmiştir. Yalın yönetim öğeleri hakkında yayınların pek kısıtlı olduğu görülmüş ve Türk tekstil sektörüne uygulanabilirliği hakkında, yapılan araştırmalar sonucu, bazı TZÜ uygulamaları haricinde yayınlara rastlanmamıştır. Birinci bölüm giriş niteliği taşımaktadır. Bu bölümde, çalışmanın isimlendirilmesi hakkında kısa yorumlara ve nereye varılmak istendiğine kısaca değinilmiştir. İkinci bölümde klasik seri üretimin doğuşu ve ana karakterleri belirtilmiştir. 1900'lü yıllarda geçerli olan emek-sanat bağımlı üretim anlayışından seri üretime geçiş, seri üretim ve yönetim tekniklerinin geliştirilmesi, seri üretimin dünyaya yayılışı ve en son olarak da iki krizinden bahs edilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde yalın yönetim öğelerinin tarihsel süreç içerisinde gelişimi ve öğelerin herbirinin özellikleri ayrıntılarıyla belirtilmiştir. Tam Zamanında Üretim (TZÜ) sistemi ve onu destekleyen yan öğeler, fabrika işletimi, ürün geliştirme, tedarikçi ilişkileri; pazarlama, yeni incelenmeye başlanan yalın girişim olmak üzere yalın yönetim öğeleri incelenmekte ve ayrıca yalın yönetimin yayılışı, evrenselliği açıklanmaktadır. Ek olarak bölümün sonunda yalın yönetimin mantıksal sınırlan belirlenmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde yalın yayılma karşısında Türkiyenin konumu ve tekstil sektöründe yalın yönetim öğelerinin uygulanabilirliği geniş bir perspektifte incelenmiş ve bir tekstil fabrikasında yapılan yalın yönetim çalışmaları anlatılmıştır. Son bölümde ise; önceki bölümlerin açıklamalarının ışığında, yalın yönetim öğelerinin özet bir çatısı oluşturulmuş, çıkarılan sonuçlar hakkında genel düşünceler belirtilmiş ve bazı öneriler getirilmiştir. ıx
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY LEAN MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS AND THEIR APPLICABILTY TO THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY. In today's turbulent competitive world, companies more than ever needs a strategy that specifies the kind of compatetive advantage that it is seeking in its market place and articulates how that advantage is to be achived. The only question is asked by the companies to theirselves is“how a company can expect to achive any sort of compatetive advantage if its only goal is to be better than or at least as good as its thougest competitors”. It is obvious that a considerable improvement is necessary. The road to compatative succes is not paved with advanced equipment, improving quality by adopting a TQM (Total Quality Management) system or the transfer of production to a low wage area. For the coming century, the answer is“lean management concepts”which is here today in the leading automobile companies and will become the norm as it diffuses into other branches of manufacturing. Lean management concepts has been developed over the last 40 years by Toyota in Japan and is a big revolution in manufacturing as mass production was at the time of Henry Ford in the first decade of the 20th century. During the 1980s, United States of America manufacturing companies rediscovered the power that comes from superior manufacturing and initiated a variety of activities to improve their competetiveness. In pursuing this goal, they have started to visit the Japanese lean management pioneers Toyota, Nissan and Mazda ei. in their own land and learned and started to adopt the principles of the lean management principles. By the utilization of the Universities and their own researchs, the U.S. manufacturers from differrent branches of industry is now applying the lean management techniques as good as Japanese lean producers. So it proves that lean management concepts are universal which means that they are not only applicable in Japan or in automotive industry. In 1985, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the International Motor Vehicle Program (IMVP) was started in order to investigate the future of the world-wide auto industry. This tremendous study costed 5 million US$ and took five years to accomplish. James Womack, Daniel Jones and Daniel Roos were the main directiors of IMVP and the authors of the summary book called That Machine that Changed the World.They have provided a combination of statistical observations and various satatements by managers and / or heads of manufacturing firms collected by the research affiliate team during its visits to various plants over the fourteen countries. As the result they maintained that Japanese car manufacturing firms, which are based on lean production, are superior to American and especially European firms which still rely on mass production. The term“lean production”was coined by John Krafcik who is a team member of JJVTVP study at MIT. Lean production is lean because it uses less of everything compared with mass production; half of the human effort in the factory, half of the engineering hours to develop a new product. Also, it requires keeping far less than half the needed inventory on site, results in many fewer defects, and produces a greater and ever growing variety of products (Womack et al., 1990). As a consequence, costs come down consistently and continuosly. Because of its newness, there is no agreement at the present on any common designation. Some writers label it 'world class manufacturing' (Schonberger, 1986), as mentioned above 'lean production' (Womack et al., 1990) or 'Just in Time' (Voss and Clutterbuck, 1989), 'the Toyota Production System' (Monden, 1983), 'Toyotizm' (Doshe et al., 1985 and Jacot, 1990) or 'Ohnism' (Coriat, 1991). They are all reminding us simultaneously of its origin, both regarding type of industry and geographical location (Skorstad, 1994). In the light of those explanations above, a better description for lean production is needed, since not only one department or division of the production process is described by its philosophy or the other labels given before. It is in reality the management philosophy of the whole company (Griepentrog, 1993). So, lean production sould be taken as lean management concepts. Lean management is driven by three main parts; Just in Time (JIT) production system, lean marketing and lean enterprise. JIT is the production part of the lean management and as a term it reffers to as a concept to producing only the right items, in just amount needed, at the right time. Typical problems which it has overcome are; new product development, waste elimination, cost reduction, meeting production quotas, meeting delivery schedules, quality assurance, productivity improvement, supplier management. The most commonly used JIT scheduling methodology is Kanban system. The principles of JIT system are given in brief in tablel. Lean marketing is not known in common. It consists of two concepts which are distrubition chanels and lean vendors, based on 'active marketing' principle. Lean marketing intends to meet the demand in a smooth level to protect JIT system from unexpected rapid changes. Lean enterprise is either not known in common but it covers and supports the other concepts by its nature. It needs to be one by forming a value chain and is a group of individuals, functions, and legally seperate but operationally synchronized companies. xrManagers will have to concentrate on the performance of individual people, functions, and companies since, unless all the members of a lean enterprise pull together, it maybe impossible for any one member to maintain momentum (Womack and Jones, 1994). Table 1. Principles of JIT Production (Toyota Model) Small-lot production Minimal in-process inventories Geographic concentration of assembly and parts production Manual demand-pull with kanban cards Production levelling Rapid setup Machinery and line rationalization Product-oriented lay out Work standardization Foolproof aoutomation devices Multiskilled workers High levels of communications with suppliers Selective use of automation Continuous incremental process improvement Team-based work groups Quality inspection at source Cellular Manufacturing Product Development (Honda Model) Rapid model replacement Frequent model-line expansion Overlapping and compressed development phases High levels of supplier engineering“Heavyweight”project managers Product development teams Strict engineering schedules and work discipline Good communication mechanisms and skills Multiskilled engineers Skillfull use of computer-aided design tools Continious incremental product improvements xnIn this thesis, after the explanation of classical mass production principles and its crisises waiting to be solved, the lean management concepts are examined and exposed in details then applicability of lean mangement concepts to Turkish textile industry supported by a study in a Turkish textile company is developed. In the first chapter, it is explained what the goal of this study is, the reason for the labeling lean management and why this subject is choosen. Further more, some critical clues are given for better understanding of the coming chapters. In the second chapter, it is expressed the typical charasteristics of classical mass production in a historical way. Untill the early 1980's, most managers in the United States thougth about manufacturing in terms of a paradigm whoose roots went back over 100 years. The American system of manufacturing, with its emphasis on mass markets, standart designs, and high volume production using interchangeable parts, revolutionized manufacturing in the mid- 1800s. Modified and elaborated by the principles of scientific management as promulgated by Frederick Taylor and and his disciplies as well as by such great industrialists as Isaac Singer, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford and Alfred Sloan, this new paradigm helped the United States become an industrial powerhouse by the 1920s. Especially, Henry Ford's innovations in production methods such as. perfectly-changeable parts by using same standarts of measurements and adopting the moving assembly line to the manufacturing stage and Alfred Sloan's principles of management and marketing for companies deal with all around the world have been played a very crucial role to achive this sitution. The typical western mass production manufacturing company is still organised around specialist functions at both control operational levels. These can be identified as purchasing, production control, quality, production engineering, etc. At shop floor level there is also segmentation by process, e.g. press departments, sheet metal, moulding, machining, or assembly operations. The main controller of resources in these organizations can be identified as centeralized 'push' control. The main ideas given below were taken as dogma in mass production; - Work was most efficiently done when divided up and assigned to specialists. - Managers and staff experts should do the thinking so that workers could concantrate on“doing”. - Every process was characterized by a certain amount of variation, hence an irreducible rate of defects. - Communication in an organization should be tightky controlled and should proceed through a hierarchical cahain of command. - Manufacturing should emphasize long runs. - Utilize equipment designed for each process stage whose capacities are matched as closely as possible. xiii- Use inventories to buffer different stages both from each other and from the erratic behavior of suppliers and customers. - Work should be organized and conducted systematicly, in a logical sequence, and under tight super vision. Within such a context, mass production are defeated because of their extreme rigidity, equiped as they are with deskilled workers and dedicated machinery organized in a mechanistic fashion. Such an arrangement may very well funcion effectively as long as customers behave in a stable, homogeneous and foreseeable way. Stability has been replaced by volatility and heteregeneity. Customers have become more individualistic in their needs and their preferences are changing all the time. So, the one of the two crisis of the mass production emerges that it is the lack of ability to respond to frequently changing demands coming from outside the firm. The other crucial crisis of mass production is economic dysfunction resulting from workers' resistance to the degradation of their work. Workers would not accept to work such a monotonious way and high levels of abseenteism appears. In brief, rigidity, poor quality, stagnation productivity, degradation of work and resistance among the rang and file are the problems of mass production. In the third chapter, lean management concepts which are JIT, lean marketing and lean enterprise are explained also in a historical way, by some comparisons with mass production. After Eiji Toyoda who was a member of the Toyoda family visited the Ford's Rouge automobile factory in Detroit in 1950, he and his manufacturing manager Taiichi Ohno evaluated his observations from United States. As the result, the great Japan industrialist Taiichi Ohno developed the JIT manufacturing system in response to the needs of the post-World War II Japanese auto market, which was very small, with few exports, but with rapidly growing demand for different types of car and truck models. Principles of JIT are abridged in table 1. While JIT principles were being developed, Eiji Toyoda and his marketing manager Shotaro Kamiya contemporized the basis of lean marketing. They would try to build high level of communication with the customers based on the principle of 'active marketing'. According to this, the data base for customers that carries any information about them are stored. The company would develop and / or sell its new products by the utilization of that data base. On this basis, the distrubition chanels selling different models of cars and vendors taken as the part of the big family form the main growth of the lean marketing. Lean enterprise is another crucial part of the lean management. Individuals, functions and companies have legitimate needs that coonflict with those of the lean enterprise. Anyone aspiring to a lean enterprise must first understand these needs and how to satisify them. In Japan, keiretsu system that vertically connects the companies from different branches of industry to each other is still in use. xivSo, in every case, companies in such a value stream must discuss the total activity, the performance requirements for individual activities, the verification procedures for performance, reward formulas, and collectively determine how much labor, space, tooling, time are necessary. If they would not to do that, they cannot work the other parts of the lean management as well. In the fourth chapter, firstly, the sitution of the Turkish industry against the lean spread is explained, and secondly, applicability of lean management concepts to Turkish textile industry supported by a study in a Turkish textile company is discussed in every aspects. Nowadays, the big three lean producers; Toyota, Honda, and Ford are making investments in Turkey. At the first look, this is very crucial for the Turkish industry in general to learn about lean management and since Europe would not let lean producers to pass over its border, such lean investments in Turkey will go on. The Turkish textile industry has many handicaps, such as low educated and skilled workers, the classical management principles coming from the Europe's quality standarts, short-term relationships with the suppliers etc., which should be overcomed to achive lean management concepts succesfully. But the adoption of lean management to Turkish textile industry is so fragile that every step must be taken as it will form a basis to the next one, and it needs time to move in the frame of the lean management like 4 -5 years in North America, and 8-10 years in Japan. In the last chapter, some important results and solutions observed from the other chapters are given as summarized. In summary, in the search of remedies to the industrial crisis of the Western world, lean management concepts have been promoted as the proper answer to management and manufacturing problems. The critical issue is to convert the Turkish industry especially the textile sector to lean management, if not, it will not be able to avoid chronic unprofitability and slow death. This is the challenge for our management for the 21th century. xv
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