Geri Dön

Öğrenen organizasyonlar profili

Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.

  1. Tez No: 75569
  2. Yazar: CENK ALTUN
  3. Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. SEÇKİN POLAT
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Endüstri ve Endüstri Mühendisliği, Industrial and Industrial Engineering
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1998
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Yöneylem Araştırması Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 197


ÖZET Ekonomik çevredeki büyük değişimler organizasyonları, bu ortama adapte olabilmek ve bu ortamda yaşamlarını sürdürebilmek için, önemli dönüşümlere zorlamıştır. Önceleri bir işletmenin ana hedefi kar ve üretim iken, şimdilerde asıl hedef yerini öğrenen organizasyonlara dönüşme sürecine bırakmıştır. Bu noktadan hareketle Öğrenen Organizasyonlar Profilini Endüstri Mühendisliği - Endüstri Mühendisliği yüksek lisans programı bitirme tezi konusu olarak tercih ettim. Tezin içeriği aşağıdaki gibi özetlenebilir : Organizasyonlar bu süreç içinde yer almak istiyorlarsa hızlı biçimde öğrenmeli ve değişimlere ayak uydurma yeteneklerini geliştirmelidirler. Çünkü öğrenmeyi ve üretkenliği tanımlayan davranışlar aynıdır. 80 'li yıllardan sonraki, gözle görülür ekonomik, sosyal ve teknolojik gelişmeler çalışma ortamını da etkilemiş ; bürokratik yapılı, genelde tarihi yönetim biçimlerini benimsemiş büyük işletmelerin yaşama şansı bu ortamda yok olmaya başlamıştır. Çünkü bu organizasyonların öğrenen organizasyonların getirdikleri ile rekabet edebilmeleri mümkün değildir. Buradan öğrenen organizasyonları tanımlamak istersek; bunlar hiç durmadan kendilerini bilgiye daha iyi hükmetmek, yeni teknolojiyi kullanmak, insanları cesaretlendirmek ve bilgiyi değişen çevre koşullarına adapte olmak için dönüştüren işletmelerdir. Öğrenen Organizasyonları modellediğimizde karşımıza 5 alt sistem çıkmaktadır. Bunlar öğrenme, organizasyon, insan, bilgi ve teknoloji alt sistemleridir ve her biri diğerlerini tamamlamaktadır. Ancak diğerlerinden daha baskın bir rol üstlenen alt sistem öğrenmedir. Bu çerçevede birinci, ikinci ve üçüncü bölümlerde öğrenen organizasyonların ortaya çıkışı, tanımı, özellikleri, faydalan ve kurulmasını ve anlaşılmasını sağlayacak temel 5 alt sistem üzerinde duruldu ve açıklanmaya çalışıldı. Dördüncü ve yedinci bölümlerde öğrenen organizasyona geçişteki adımlar ve kurulması ve sürekliliğinin sağlanması için gerekli adımlar ve öneriler sunuldu. Beşinci bölümde öğrenen organizasyonları başarıyla uygulayan bir işletme olan Rover incelendi. Rover' in neden öğrenen organizasyon fikrini benimsediği, hangi aşamalardan geçtiği, katlandığı zorluklar ve kazandıkları üzerinde duruldu. Altıncı bölümde ise; bir kuruluşun öğrenen organizasyona ne kadar yatkın olduğu ya da öğrenen organizasyonu uygulamadaki başarısının ölçülmesi gerekliliğinden hareketle öğrenen organizasyonlar profilinin oluşturuldu. Böylelikle bu konunun soyut bir konudan somut bir konuya dönüşmesi sağlanmış oldu. Bu amaçla bir anket hazırlandı. vııı

Özet (Çeviri)

SUMMARY LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS PROFILE The improvements in the world and also in Turkey show us that the only constant is change. To be competive the only way is to adapt to change and to manage the change. In such an environment, what is needed is an organization that is customer-focused and market-driven in its external relations, process-focused and team oriented in its internal operations and continuous learning. Only such an organization can look at the way work is performed across functions and seeks to make those cross-functional operations more effective and efficient. Such an effort is at the heart of Learning Organizations Profile. As we approach the twenty-first century, we are entering a new era in the evolution of organizational life and structure. The immense changes in the economic environment caused by globalization and technology have forced organizations to make significant transformations in order to adapt and survive in this new world. The changes we are talking about are not just in external products, activities, or structures, but rather in the intrinsic way the organization operates: its value, mindset, even its primary purpose. Dinosaur-like organizations with slow, pea-sized brains will not survive in the faster, information-thick atmosphere of the new millennium. Greater size and thiker hides will not help these“ old ”companies compete with more agile and creative learning organizations. Organizations must learn faster and adapt to the rapid change in the environment or they simply will not survive. As in any transitional period, the dominant, dying species (i.e., nonlearning organization ) and the emerging, more adaptive species ( i.e., learning organization ) exist side by side. Within the next ten years, only learning organization will survive. Companies which do not become learning organizations will soon go the way of the dinosaur ; they will die because they were unable to adjust to the changing environment around them. To obtain and sustain a competitive advantage in this new environment, organizations will have to leam better and faster from their successes and failures. They will need to continuously transform themselves into a learning organization, to become places where groups and individuals continuously engage in new learning process. What is the New Learning in organizations? Learning in organizational settings in today's environment will represent a new form of learning in the following ways: IX1. Learning is performance-based ( tied to business objectives ). 2. Importance is placed on learning processes ( learning how to learn ) 3. Organizationwide opportunities exist to develop knowledge, skill, and attitudes. 4. Learning is part of work, a part of everybody's job description. The need for individuals and organizations to acquire more and more knowledge will continue unabated. But what organizations know takes second place to what and how quickly they can learn. Learning skill will be much more important than data. Penetrating questions will be much more important than good answers. Although the concept and importance of organizationwide learning can be traced in the research literature as far back as the 1940s, it was not until the 1980s that a few companies began realizing the potential power of corporate learning in increasing organizational performance, competitiveness, and success. In the 1 980s Shell started to concider organizational learning in relation to strategic planning. Teamwork and more extensive communication were seen as crucial factors in creating a more responsive, succesful corporation. In the early 1990s, the number of organizations committing themselves to becoming learning organizationsincreased. Organizations such as General Electric, Johnville Foods, Quad Graphics, and Pacific Bell in the United States; Sheerness Steel, Sun Sun Alliance, and ABB in Europe ; and Honda and Samsung in Asia were amoung the early pioneers. Most organizations are working to become a learning organization; many others still don't grasp the importance of learning or how it actually works. As in the tale of the five blind men who described the elephant by the portion they could touch or feel, learning organizations have been described from only one aspect- the learning dynamics of teams or the organizational structure or the management of knowledge or the better application of new technology. Some organizations miscontrue even the part they are touching and confuse total quality management or reengineering or better training as being the essence of organizational learning. The learning organization incorporates five distinct subsystems - learning, organization, people, knowledge, and technology. Attempting to understand or become a learning organization without all five of these dimensions will lead to onnly a partial appreciation of the processes and principles necessary to move from a nonlearning to a learning organization. In this light of the above explanation, the subject of this master thesis of Industrial Engineering - Industrial Engineering program, is chosen as Learning Oganizations Profile. The thesis will present each of the necessary five subsystems and how they interface and complement each other. The core subsystem of the learning organizations is learning - at the level of individual, group and organization with the skills of system thinking, mental models, personal mastery, team learning and shared vision. Each of the other subsystems - organization, people, knowledge, and technology - arerequired to enhance and augment the quality and impact of learning on a corporatewide basis. In the first chapter of the thesis, it is mentioned what the changing social, political and economic forces as well as the new expectations of workers, customers and the community that have necessiatated the emergence of learning organizations. There are four major areas which have changed profoundly over the last years of the twentieth century: 1. Economic, social and scientific environment 2. Workplace environment 3. Customers 4. Workers Several conditions and factors have altered the world in which we live today and the world in which we work : ? Globalization ? Economic and marketing competition ? Environmental and ecological pressures ? New sciences of quantum physics and chaos theory ? Knowledge era ? Social turbulence In the second chapter it is explained what learning organizations are, what their characteristics and benefits are. The new species of organizations will be the learning organization and will possess the capability to: ? Anticipate and adapt more readily to environmental impacts ? Accelerate the development of new product, processes and services ? Become more proficient at learning from competitors and collaborators ? Expedite the transfer of knowledge from one part of the organization to another ? Learn more effectively from its mistakes ? Make greater organizational use of employees at all level of the organization ? Shorten the time required to implement strategic changes ? Stimulate continuous improvement in all areas of the organization. There are number of important dimensions and characteristics of a learning organizations: ? Learning is accomplished by the organizational system as a whole, almost as if the organization were a single brain. ? Organizational members recognize the critical importance of ongoing organizationwide learning for the organization's current as well as future success. ? Learning is a continuous, strategically used process - integrated with and running parallel to work. ? There is a focus on creativity and generative learning. ? System thinking is fundamental. XI? People have continuous access to information and data resources that are important to the company's success. ? A corporate climate exists thar encourages, rewards, and accelarates individual and group learning. ? Workers network in an innovative, communitylile manner inside and outside the organization. ? Change is embraced and unexpected surprises and even failures are viewed as opportunities to learn. ? İt is agile and flexible. ? Everyone is driven by a desire for quality and continuous improvement. ? Activities are characterized by aspiration, reflection, and conceptualization. ? There are well-developed core competencies that serve as a taking off point for new products and services. ? İt possesses the ability to continuously adapt, renew and revitalize itself in response to the changing environment. Chapter 3 introduces the total systems learning organizations model and five subsystems of the model : namely, learning, organization, people, knowledge and technology. The interaction and complementarity of the subsystems are also presented. The dimensions, principles, practices and ideals of each of the five subsystems are explored in chapter 3. In the end of the each subsystems, there are also ten top implementation strategies for building the subsystem discussed. Chapter 4 presents the 1 6 steps to follow in systematically moving a company into learning organization status. Chapter 5 describes how the Rover Group in England initiated its plan to become a learning organization and quickly became one of the outstanding learning organization in the world. In the sixth chapter it is prepared a questionnaire to measure the inclination and skill of a company for learning organization. This questionnaire can be serve also to see how a company apply a learning organization itself so it can be concretized this abstract concept. Chapter 7 addresses the conditions and strategies necessary for transforming and maintaining one's status as a learning organization. There are many studies about learning organization ( it can not be said for Turkey ). This thesis has a different approach in three ways: This thesis tells about theoretical cases, but it also includes pratical cases. The learning organization methodology explained in this thesis is really in detail because it is a praticable and applicable method. There are examples, tables and formes so that other people interested in Learning Organization can also apply this methodology to their specific process. This methodology is clear and well understandable. xuThe methodology does not only tell about hard issues (for example, using information technology in learning organization), it also tells about soft issues (i.e. dealing with human dimension of the organization, dealing with resistance to change). This case study begins from the first step of the last step. This proves taht the methodology is really a practicable one. This also proves that learning organization is not only one of the popular management concepts to talk or write about; it is also a beneficial management style that can be applied in organizations in daily life, with the focus on continuous improvement. The resultats of the case study show that people can benefit a lot by bilding learning organization in their company. xm

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