Avrupa Topluluğu ve Türkiye'de su kalitesi yönetim yaklaşımları
Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.
- Tez No: 75570
- Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. BİLSEN BAYKAL
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Çevre Mühendisliği, Environmental Engineering
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1998
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Çevre Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Çevre Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 220
ÖZET Gelişen endüstri ile birlikte Dünya'nın su kaynakları hızla tükenmekte dir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye ve Avrupa topluluğunun su kaynaklarının şu anda bulunduğu durum hakkında miktar ve kalite açısından bilgi verilmiştir. Su kaynaklarım korumak konusunda aldıkları önlemler ve yönetim yaklaşımları değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla ilk olarak Avrupa'nın ve Türkiye'nin su kaynaklan yüzeysel sular, yeraltı sulan ve denizler olmak üzere üç bölüme ayrılarak, bu kaynak larda en çok rastlanan kirlilik türleri ve dereceleri hakkında açıklamalar ya pılmıştır. Avrupa Topluluğunun ve Türkiye'nin su kalitesi yönetim yaklaşımları değerlendirilmiştir. Örgütlenmeleri, karar alma mekanizmaları ve bu karar lan uygulama yollan hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Daha sonra ise AT ve Türkiye'nin su kalitesi mevzuattan incelenerek, standartlar ve kararlar üzerinde karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır. Son bölümde de bütün çalışma sonuçları değerlendirilerek özellikle Tür kiye'nin bundan sonra su kalitesi yönetimi ile ilgili hedeflerinin ne olması ge rektiği tartışılmıştır.
Özet (Çeviri)
XI THE WATER QUALITY AND MANAGEMENT IN TURKEY AND EUROPEAN COMMUNITY SUMMARY: 20th century will be remembered as the beginning of the development of industry, computer, telecommunication and automation. These concepts made life much easier. Today these are the important parts of people's life, by the way they have bought a lot of problems. Human health and development are threatened in many places because of insufficient or poor quality water. Water pollution is one of the most impor tant problems in the world. Flooding is a serious problem in some countri- es,destruction of aquatic habitats by channelisation, rough maintenance sche mes and damming of rivers can lead to an overall impoverishment of native plant and animal speicies. By tradition most evaluations of the quality of the aquatic environment have been based on measurements of a set of concentrations, speciations, and physical partitions of inorganic and organic substances in the water. Other elements such as the amount of water and the physical conditions of the wa- terbody have only recently been considered to be of equal importance as the water quality. Demand for water of good quality has increased with the advent of in dustrialisation and rapid population growth. This trend has continued over ti me and has became more widespread geographically. These include improved personal hygene, agricultural irrigation and livestock supply, hydropower ge neration, cooling water for power plants and industry. Each of these intentio nal water uses affects, more or less, the quality ot the water. Together with increased intensity of water use, discharge of untreated domestic and indust rial wastes, excessive application of fertilisers and pesticides in agriculture and accidental spills have led to increasing pollution. Over the years, the pol lution load of most receiving waters has further increased. For Europe, and Turkey no general overview of water quality exists: Therefore, it is the main objective of this study as comprehensive as possible, of the present state of European and Turkish groundwaters, rivers, lakes, coastal areas and seas. Water quality management is the only way to solve water quality prob-xn lems. The first step of a efficient Environmental Management is an efficient use of the available sources. In this study the structures of water quality management of Turkey and EC are investigated. General water management policy and their executive responsibilities for protection of water resources are concerned. Water quality is an indicator of the general quality of the natural envi ronment. Without water, a harmonious and sustainable maintenance or deve lopment of socioeconomic activities is not possible. Good-quality water is avai lable only in limited quantities at a given time and place. According to recent Eurostat/OECD statistics, the mean annual withdrawal per capita (including water for irrigation purposes) for EV-12 has risen from 590 m3 in 1970 to 650 m3 in 1975, 750 m3 in 1980 and 790 m3 in 1985- an overall increase of about 35% over a period of 15 years. Within the EC, the annual withdrawal rate per capita varied from 200 to 300 m3 in Luxembourg to 1000 to 1200 m3 in Italy, Portugal and Spain in the late 1980s. For the purposes of improving the qua lity of life and as a condition for achieving sustainable development, it is es sential to secure sufficient water of adequate quality throughout the Commu nity without upsetting the natural equilibrium of the environment. Community policies, accordingly, must aim at: (i) prevention of pollution of fresh and marine surface waters and gro undwater, with particular emphasis on prevention at source; (ii) restoration of natural ground and surface waters to an ecologically sound condition, thus ensuring (inter alia) a suitable source for extraction of drinking water; (iii) ensuring that water demand and water supply are brought into equ ilibrium on the basis of more rational use and management of water resour ces. Manufacturing industry (precessing), the energy sector (cooling), the ag ricultural sector (irrigation) and the tourism sector (drinking and bathing) are very dependent on tha vailability of good-quality and sufficient quantities of water, but are at the same time the main contributors to the pollution of wa ter.xni Table 1.1. indicates the overall objectives on water quantity and water quality to be realized in the long term, the targets to be reached in the year 2000 and the actions needed in the short term. They are in line with the prog ramme of action outlined in the Hague Declaration on the future Community groundwater policy as agreed at the EC ministerial meeting on 26 and 27 No vember 1991. Overall, there is no water shortage problem in Europe. However, the amount of water available for sustained consumption is very unevenly distri buted across the continent. Total rnewable water resources, including water generated internally in a country from precipitation, as well as external cont ributions from transboundary rivers, show extreme variations that range from less than 100 m3/capita per year in Malta to more than 630.000 m3/capi- ta per year in Iceland. On the average total annual European abstraction of water amounts to approximately 700 m3/capita per year) This is about 15 per cent of the total renewable resources. In Turkey surface water available for sustained consumption is 95 km3/year and annual abstraction of surface wa ter is 25,6 km3/year. In Europe, 10.000 to 20.000 km2 graundwater is thought to be seriously polluted by point sources. Since much industrial activity takes place in orba- nisied areas, near which large amounts of groundwater abstracted, the proba bility of polluted groundwater being abstracted is relatively high. In Turkey, groundwater abstraction by industries was possible without permission. So at presents especially in Industrilisied areas large amounts of groundwater are abstracted and polluted in Turkey. Monitoring of nutrient and organic con centrations in rivers and lakes is includes in most national programmes for surveying the state of the environment. Although the selection of determi nants and methods of measurement differ somewhat between countries, it has been possible to assess the present state of pollution by these substances on a European scale However, at this stage, it has not been possible to include a general European assessment of water pollution by heavy metals, organicxrv Table 1.1. Water quantity and water quality Quantitative aspects Groundwater& surface fresh water Objectives Sustainable use of fresh water resources: demand for water should be in balance with its availability EC targets up to 2000 Prevention of permanent overdraft Intergation of resource con servation and sustainable use criteria into other polici es, including, in particular, agriculture and land-use planning, but also industry (development, location and production procedures) Marked reduction of polluti on of pollution of both gro undwater and fresh surface water Actions Time-frame Collection and updating of 1992/93 data on groundwater Monitoring and control me- by 1995 asures on groundwater Integrated water manage- mid- 1995 ment and protection, inclu ding legislation Measures to protect and idem rehabilitate aquifers Measures to promote more idem effective water use Economic and fiscal mea sures ongoing Quantitative aspects Groundwater To maintain the quality of uncontaminated gro undwater To prevent further conta mination of contamina ted groundwater To restore contaminated groundwater to a quality required for drinking-wa ter production purpose Groundwater: to prevent all pollution from point sources and to reduce pollution from diffuse sources according to best environmental practices and best available Groundwater and surface fresh water: strict implementation of the existing directives on urban waste water and nitrate polluti on to reduce the input of nutri ents to the soil, water and sedi- With regard to fresh water: exa mination of the need for a direc tive on phosphate reduction Elaboration of further specific emission standards encouraging the development of production processes and performance standards for products to pre vent foreseeable negative ef fects on water (use of best avai lable technology combined tar get standards to be achieved la ter) Influence standardization bodi es by participation of water in dustry where concerned Proposals for progressive repla cement of harmful pesticides and progressive use limitations Economic and fiBcal measures continuous 1995 1992 idem 1993 ongoing Surface water - Fresh water To maintain a high stan dard of ecological quality with a biodversity corres ponding as much as pos sible to the unperturbed state of a given water Surface water: quality impro vement towards a better eco logical quality and safeguar ding of high quality where it exists Surface fresh water: propo sal for a directive to pre sented. Member States programmes for all waters taking into account ther specific situation; practical measures, partly financed through national environ mental protection funds. 1992 1997. Marine water Reduction of discharges of all substances, which due to their toxic persis tence or accumulating impact could negatively affect the environment, to levels which are not harmful to a high stan dard of ecological quality of all surface waters Marine water: objectives and actions similar to the North Sea Conference to other sen sitive sea areas of the EC Marine water: further to the measures to achieve a high ecological quality and to reduce surface water pollution Proposals on maritime 1993 transport preventing envi ronmental damage from shipping activities (oil spills, loss of cargo, reduc tion of operational polluti on) to be developed Surveillance of geographic ongomg zones with appropriate mo- ° ° nitoring techniques Proposal for a directive on 1993 the reduction of operatio nal and accidental polluti on from small-tonnage bo ats Economic and fiscal mea- oneoineXV micropollutants and radionuclides, mainly due to lack of comparable data. For Turkey this is not possible for nutrient and organic concentrations also becau se of the same reason; lack of comparable data. At present, In Europe and Turkey freshwater resources, although plenti ful and of good quality in some regions, are still under threat from a multitu de of human impacts. This can reduce the amount and quality of the water available for human consumption and other intentional uses. Because of these problems, better integrated water management is urgently needed to halt and neverse of the problems, their transboundry nature, their linkage with human activities in the catchments, and their cross-media importance. With this background the condition of freshwater resources and their management has been identified as a prominent environmental problem.
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