İş değerlemesi ve otomotiv yan sanayiinde bir uygulama
Job evaluation and an application in automotive complementary industry
- Tez No: 21636
- Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. SELİM SEZGİN
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: İşletme, Business Administration
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1992
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 198
ÖZET iş değerlemesi, bir işletmede mevcut olan işler arasındaki göreli değer farklılıklarını ortaya çıkaran sistematik bir karşılaştırma yöntemidir. Yöntem, personel yönetimi ile ilgili çalışmalara ışık tutacak önemli bir veri kaynağını oluşturabilecek niteliktedir. İlk olarak 1920'lerde Amerika'da, daha sonra 1950' li yıllarda Avrupa'da uygulanmaya başlanan ve hızla benimsenen iş değerlemesi, günümüzde de halen kullanılmak tadır. Bir iş değerlemesi çalışmasına başlanırken öncelikle firmanın amaçları saptanır, sonra uygulamayı yapacak olanlar seçilir, değerlemeye ne tür işlerin dahil edileceği belirlenir, daha sonra işlerin daha iyi tanına- bilmeleri için iş analizleri, iş tanımları ve iş gerekleri hazırlanır. Edinilen bilgilere göre işletmelerin özelliklerine en uygun olan iş değerleme yöntemi seçilir. Temel olarak sıralama, sınıflama, faktör karşılaştırma ve puan yöntemi olmak üzere dört iş değerleme yöntemi vardır. Bunlardan ilk ikisi sayısal olmayan, son ikisi de sayısal iş değerleme yöntemleridir. Sıralama yöntemi, en basit yöntem olup işlerin genel olarak zorluk ve önem derecelerine göre sıralanmalarını içerir. Sınıflama yönteminde belli sınıf tanımları yapılır ve işler bu tanımlara göre belli gruplar halinde sıralanırlar. Faktör karşılaştırma yönteminde işler beceri, çaba, sorumluluk ve iş koşulları gibi belli faktörlere göre karşılaştırılırlar. Puan yönteminde kullanılan faktörler, alt faktörlere, bunlar da derecelere ayrılırlar, her derecenin belli bir puan değeri vardır ve işler top lam puanlarına göre sıralanırlar. Çalışmanın uygulama aşamasında iki iş değerleme yöntemi orta büyüklükteki bir işletmede uygulanmıştır. İki yönteme göre elde edilen iş sırası birbirinden çok farklı olmayıp, sadece bazı karmaşık ve içeriği pek bilinmeyen işler açısından farklılaşmalar olmuştur. Puan yöntemi işleri daha detaylı olarak incelediğinden işletme için daha uygun görülmüştür. İş değerlemesi uygulamaları, işkolu yerine işletme bazında yapılmalıdır. Bu sistem, daha pahalı ve zor olsa da her işletmenin kendine özgü kültür, büyüklük, tek nolojik seviye, amaçlar, tehditler, güç ve zayıflıklar gibi özellikleri daha ayrıntılı ve tam olarak içerebilir Bunun için işletme yetkilileri, konu ile ilgili olarak bilinçlendirilmeli ve egitilmelidirler. - vıı -
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY JOB EVALUATION and an APPLICATION in AUTOMOTIVE COMPLEMENTARY INDUSTRY Job evaluation is a systematic comperative method which determines the relative value differentiations between jobs in an organization. By this way jobs are classified in an order related to one another. Firstly in 1720' s the methods were formed and de veloped in the USA. Frederick W.TAYLOR, E.GRIFFENHAGEN Harry E. HAPF, Merrill R. LOTT and Eugene J. BENGE were the first researchers who applied job evaluation in com panies and developed new techniques. Especially Merrill R. LOTT and Eugene J. BENGE were interested in the rel ative worth of jobs and they provide that“if the impor tance of job was known, every kind of personnel func tions could be done easily in terms of information about jobs”. In 1930' s job evaluation was used in wage and sal ary administration analytically. Trade unions were get ting powerful and labor unions had some advantages be cause of job evaluation applications of NEMA- National Electrical Manufacturers Association and of NMTA- Nation al Metal Trade Association. In addition to these. Fair Labor Standarts Act had put some restrictions on wage levels and this matter have directed the firms to con duct job evaluation applications. In 1940's, in every kind of wage administration of companies, the approval of wage Stabilization Board was necessary. In 3950' s job evaluation was known and started to used in Europe Firstly England (in 1947), secondly France (in 1948) and thirdly West Germany and Sweden (in 1951) applied job evaluation. In Türkiye, it is applied by government in 1951 and then private sector started to use the method successfully. For a good job evaluation application its steps must be known and carried out carefully. There are three big steps of the system excluding wage determina tion. The first one is to prepare the system, the sec ond one is to examine the jobs in detail and the last one is to put in order the evaluation results. At the first step the evaluation objectives are defined, then - viii -people who will work in the evaluation process ar chosen (they ought to know their tasks very well and they ought to be qualified, for job evaluation process and for the firm), then the jobs which will be evaluated are deter mined (will they be official or manufactural jobs), and then the job evaluation method that will be used in the process is selected. At the second step job analysis, job definitions and job spesif ications are done in order and then the jobs are evaluated, in terms of these three information sources. At the third step the relative worth of every job is determined and the job structure is formed. Then, the results are used in terms of the objectives which are defined at the beginning of the job evaluation process. If the firms wants to use the evaluation results for wage and salary administration, it ought to deter - mine the wages of jobs. For this work, it forms the wage scales, prepares the wage levels and places the jobs in these wage levels and at the end of this process the new wage scale of the firm is formed. While the job evaluation objectives are defined, what kind of advantages and disadvantages a job evalua tion has must be known. A job evaluation can be used in personnel management and wage and salary administration. By determining the real importance of the degree of jobs, personnel management function may have a very good data base for next operations. On the other hand, a job evaluation application has a very critical and strategic position in the firms. Because it ought to be known very well and used to the companies appropriately. It is really difficult and expensive method for the firms. The method may differ from firm to firm. Every step and every work about the method must be done appropriately and the managers of the firms ought to know the method in detail. In choosing the people who will work in the evalu ation process, the right people ought to be choosen. The people ought to be expert about job evaluation, wage ad ministration, statistical applications, manufacture techniques and process. Ind they also ought to be ex trovert, self confident, intelligent, intellectual, ob jective and understanding people. They may be from the firm, out of the firm and from both. Evaluation is con ducted by specially trained personnel, called compen sation specialists. When a group of managers or spe cialists is used, the group is called a job evaluation committee. The committee begins with a review of job analysis information to learn about the duties, respon sibilities and working conditions. In detenmining what kind of jobs will be evaluated jobs and the company must be known very well. As it is - IXknown there are two types of personnel in the companies in general. One of them is white collared personnel, the other one is blue collared personnel. The first one is interested in managerial and offical jobs, and the second one does manuf actioral and operational jobs. Be cause of the differences between these jobs, the job e- valuation content must be established appropriatly. In the past these two job types were evaluated seperately. Nowadays there is also the same evaluations, and in ad dition, these two types are being evaluated together. The point plans will be changed in terms of the job e- valuation contents. Job analysis, job definition and job specification are the main elements of job evaluation. These elements are very important and ought to be done very carefully by the firm. Job analysis is the process of obtaining accurate and complete information about jobs through a systematic examination of job content. There are three method for obtoining the information about jobs. The first one is Direct Observation and Interviews, the second is Questionnaire and the third one is Mixed Method. In doing job analysis job informations which will be obtained are determined, information obtaining method is chosen, job analists are selected and educated and then personnel, who will give information, are fixed. Job Description is a listing of duties as well as desir able qualifications for a particular job. It is a state ment of the component tasks, duties, objectives, stand ards and environmental circumstances of a job. Job Specification is a specification of the skills, knowl edge and attitudes required effectively to perform a job. It is usually expressed in behavioral terms. It also determines the necessary features of personnel, who will be employed in a company, for a job. It defines the job, fixes the necessary personnel features, and al so defines how the job should be done. Selecting the job evaluation method is very impor tant decision for the firms. The job evaluation commit tees determine the relative worth of jobs by selecting a job evaluation method. The most common ones are job ranking, job grading, factor comparison and point sys tems. The first two are non-quantitative, the last two are quantitative methods. Job Ranking is a technique in which jobs are placed in order of importance or value relative to each other. The main guide is usually the amount of responsibility in each job or the importance of the job to the organization. This method looks at the whole job, not its component parts, and is concerned with the rank order of jobs, not differences in any ab solute sense. In ranking jobs there are two methods. One of these is using the job descriptions, the other one is paired comparison method, especially paired com parison matrix is used a lot in small companies. Job - xGrading or Classification Method requires the examina tion of jobs in the light of predetermined definitions of the grades, as part of a planned organization struc ture, where the level of work in each grade is founded on what is throught to be functionally appropriate. New jobs are then compared with the predefined grade de scriptions to indicate the placing of the job in a rela tionship with other graded jobs. Factor Comparison Method requires the job evaluation committee to compare critical job companents. The critical components are those factors common to all the jobs being evaluated - such as responsibility, skill, mental effort, physical effort, and working conditions. Each of these factors is compared, one at a time, with the same factor for the other jobs. This evaluation allows the committee to determine the relative importance of each job. Roint System is used more than any other method. This tech nique entails the analysis and comparison of jobs ac cording to common factors, which are represented by a number of points, the amount depending on the degree of each factor present. Jobs are then placed in order of their total points rating. Pay is usually determined by reference to benchmark jobs. Point rating is therefore both a quantitative and an analytical technique. After the total point values of jobs are determi ned, these informations can be used in determining the wage rates. The evaluated point scores are plotted on a graph with point scores on one axis (x) and present wage rates on the other (y). Next a trend line is drawn through the data, either freehand or in accordance with some mathematical formula. Jobs that lie above the trend line presumably are overpaid; those that lie below are underpaid. If the trend line has been properly drown, the cost of bringing the underpaid jobs up to the end line is just balanced by the saving achieved by bringing those that are overpaid down to the line. If the rates are adjusted in this way, roughly half the employees will get wage increases and half will get wage cuts. However, such widespread wage cuts will make it extremely difficult to win acceptance of the plan. Job evaluation applications are done in the USA., in Sweden, in Germany, Holland, Denmark, England and Iron curtain countries orderly. In Türkiye it is used in 1750' s in the government, in I960' s in private sec tor. But the labor unions, which were not big, powerful and didn't know the system, couldn't use job evaluation system. After the end of 1970' s, its applications in creased gradually. Nowadays, there are very successful job evaluation applications in private sector. As time passed researchers tried to find new job evaluation techniques, they developed new methods and - xi -applied them. But none of the new methods were success ful as classical techniques. The classical methods are really optimal and gives detailed information about jobs. Especially Point System is the most developed, complicated method and it provides the most detailed in formation about jobs in terms of some factors. Paired Comparison Matrix and Point Me-thod are ap plied in OPAS which produces 60 different types of plat inum to automotive industry. There are 83 personnel in the company and 69 of these, work in operational and manuf ac tural jobs, 14 of these work in official jobs. The 25 manufactural jobs are analysed in four depart ments-press, furnace, assemblage, packaging. After job analysis, job description and job specification are pre pared, two different methods are applied in the factory. The job rating, which is based on the Paired Comparison Matrix, is not very different from the other job rating which is established by Point System. But the rate of some complicated jobs, which is not known enough by the other personnel, is different in the two rankings. Ex cept a few jobs the two ratings are similar generally, but the job ranking in terms of Point Method is more suitable and optimal for the firm. Because it examines the jobs according to the some specific factors in de tail. Therefore Point System is the most usable and use ful method for the firms and it is based on objective cri teria. At the end of the applications the most proper job ranking is determined for the firm, and for some impor tant personnel management functions objective data base is formed. The managers of the firm may use these in formation in selecting personnel to the firm, education them, increasing the wages of jobs and taking measures to prevent job accidents. Job evaluation applications ought to be done for companies not for industries. Because point plans and the other hypothesis can only include one company fea tures. Some features are very different. Culture, technologic level, activities, size, objectives, threats, power and weaknesses are changing from firm to firm. Companies must know and define their features very well and prepare their own job evaluation plans. Managers and the other personnel in firms must learn the system and applicate it properly. xn -
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