Geri Dön

Düşük karbonlu hareketliliğin yönetişimi: Mersin örneği

Governance of low carbon mobility: The case of Mersin

  1. Tez No: 737497
  3. Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. EDA BEYAZIT
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Şehircilik ve Bölge Planlama, Urban and Regional Planning
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2022
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Şehir Planlama Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 123


Küreselleşme ve sanayileşme sonucu hayatımıza dahil olan motorlu araç kullanımı ve her geçen gün artan kent nüfusları dünya genelinde olumsuz etkilerini giderek artırmaktadır. Küresel iklim krizi bu etkilerin en belirgin sonucu olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışma ile öncelikle düşük karbonlu kent içi hareketlilik ve kent yönetişimi kavramları üzerinden kent ulaşımında düşük karbon hedefinin nasıl ele alınması gerektiği incelenmiştir. Daha sonra başta çalışma alanı olarak seçilen Mersin'de yapılan uygulamalar konusunda bir yönetişim değerlendirmesi ortaya koymak ve çalışmanın bu alanda diğer kentlerde yerel yönetimlere rehber olması ve sonrasında hazırlanacak akademik çalışmalara yön vermek amaçlanmıştır. Ayrıca kentlerdeki yaşam kalitesini artırmak, sürdürülebilir ulaşım sistemleri oluşturmak ve ulaşımdan kaynaklanan karbon salımının azaltılması için alınacak önlemler kentsel hareketliliğe etki eden aktör ve paydaşların katılımı ile farklı bakış açılarının bir arada düşünüldüğü, çevreye duyarlı ve kapsayıcı bir bakış açısı ile ele alınmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında düşük karbonlu kent içi hareketlilik ve kent yönetişimi konularında gerçekleştirilen mevcut literatür ve Shenzhen, Londra ve Cakarta kentlerinde düşük karbonlu hareketliliği sağlamaya yönelik gerçekleştirilen başarılı uygulamalar incelenerek düşük karbonlu hareketlilik yönetişimi kriterleri belirlenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda düşük karbonlu hareketliliğin yönetişiminde katılımın birincil kriter olduğu görülmektedir. Gerekli atılımların gerçekleştirilmesi için oluşturulacak yönetişim yapısının kapsayıcı, adil ve şeffaf olması gerekmektedir. Diğer bir kriter olarak bütçe – finansman olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Düşük karbonlu hareketliliği sağlamaya yönelik projelerin kurulum maliyetleri yüksek olduğundan, bu konuda darboğazların yaşanmaması için iş birlikleri ve kamu-özel ortaklıkları hayata geçirilmelidir. Diğer bir kriter ise kurumsal kapasite olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Kurumsal kapasitenin geliştirilmesi için kentsel ulaşımı etkileyen aktörler arasında koordinasyon sağlanmalı, yerel yönetimlerin bu konuda aktif rol oynayabilmesi için gerekli politika ve yasal düzenlemeler yapılmalıdır. Son olarak, yerel yönetimler kapsamlı projeler planlamalı ve bu süreçte hedeflerini uygulamada tutarlı olmalıdır. Bu yönetişim kriterlerini ölçmeye yönelik çalışma alanı olarak belirlenen Mersin İli kentsel hareketlilik aktörleri ile yapılan mülakatlar ve alana dair elde edilen bulgular üzerinden içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılarak bir değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Çalışma alanı üzerinden düşük karbonlu hareketlilik yönetişimi konusunda belirlenen kriterler ile Türkiye'de sera gazı emisyonlarını düşürmeye yönelik yapısal problemler göz önüne alınarak düşük karbonlu hareketlilik yönetişimine yönelik stratejiler belirlenmiştir. Kentsel ulaşım kaynaklı karbon kullanımını azaltma konusunda mevcut uygulamalarda bütüncül ve güvenilir bir yaklaşımın ele alınmaması ve düşük karbonlu hareketliliğin yönetişimi konusunda gerekli katılım ve kabul ortamından uzak olunması, çalışma kapsamında gözlemlenen temel problemler olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Alternatif ulaşım türlerinin gerekliliğinin hem yönetimsel hem de toplumsal boyutta benimsenmesi, toplu ulaşım araçlarının bütüncül olarak planlanıp, dezavantajlarının ortadan kaldırılarak bireysel araç kullanımına iyi bir alternatif olarak gerçekleştirilmesi ve katılım konusunun yalnızca yüzeysel olarak ele alınmasının ötesine geçilerek tüm paydaşların süreçlere dahil edilmesi gerekmektedir. Düşük karbonlu kent içi hareketliliği destekleyecek doğru stratejilerle geliştirilmiş kapsamlı ve katılımcı bir yönetişim yapısının ortaya koyulması ile iklim değişikliğinin olumsuz etkilerinin en aza indirilmesi mümkün olacaktır.

Özet (Çeviri)

Increasing usage of fossil fuels with the industrial revolution and the impact of globalization of the last century, continuously growing world population, and urbanization had a detrimental effect on our environment and the climate. In this study, we focused on having a better understanding of the impact of urban mobility on the global climate crisis and the recommended solutions through the governance of low carbon mobility. Firstly, we examined the implementation of the low carbon targets in urban transportation through the low carbon urban mobility and the urban governance. These concepts and the governance evaluations have been examined in the city of Mersin, Turkey, to assist and guide the local stakeholders, such as local governments, non-governmental organizations, and scholars, for future implications and studies. In addition, the measures to be taken to increase the quality of life in cities, create sustainable transportation systems and reduce carbon emissions from transportation are discussed with the participation of actors and stakeholders that affect urban mobility, with an environmentally sensitive and inclusive perspective, where different perspectives are considered together. Within the scope of the study, national and international literature on low carbon mobility and urban governance were examined, and low carbon mobility governance criteria were determined. Urban mobility is vital in achieving economic stability, long-term development goals, and social equality, as well as gaining access to essential services. However, issues have developed in many nations as a result of the rapid growth of private motorized vehicles, traffic congestion, and poor management of public transportation systems. Inefficiencies, vehicle accidents, air pollution, and increased greenhouse gas emissions result, all of which cause climate change. Transport is the world's third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases and achieving significant reductions in emissions is especially difficult in this sector. Low-carbon mobility is frequently associated with steps to reduce CO2 emissions, like energy-efficient automobiles or fuels that are less carbon-intensive (for example, bioenergy and electricity). During the past years, the Paris Climate Agreement, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and the New Urban Agenda have all given more attention to transportation. The world should try for a new mobility paradigm in which“transport”is viewed to an end rather than an end in and of itself, with the primary goal of all mobility being accessible to opportunities, products, facilities, and services. Cities can help to connect and integrate various kinds of shared mobility (such as car-sharing, bike-sharing, and public transportation) to create a more integrated system. Local governments can also assist in the creation of enabling circumstances for the systems of shared mobility in their cities. This may include purchasing low-carbon or electric public transportation materials and developing the necessary infrastructure, raising the parking costs (in specific city areas) to prevent private vehicles from entering, constructing a network of cycling lanes, and granting permits for charging station parking throughout the city. There is an urgent need for forward-thinking policies that include creative methods to address serious socioeconomic concerns and environmental restrictions. Improved public transportation, along with safe and appealing walking and cycling facilities, can make the city more accessible to everybody. Furthermore, transportation system innovations like shared mobility networks or electric automobiles are playing an increasingly important role in improving urban mobility. Low-carbon mobility options must be brought to cities, and capacity must be established to encourage a move away from the model of car-based mobility and toward sustainable innovations in urban mobility systems, services, and planning. Climate change poses a challenging intergenerational challenge since the policies to be implemented and the investment decisions today will shape the survival of future generations. Whereas the global community continues to unite on common targets and goals to tackle global warming, an increasing number of regions and cities are reducing their energy use and CO2 emissions. In recent times, city political leaders have grown more active in climate change policymaking. Low-carbon urban mobility entails embracing a sustainable urbanization strategy that focuses on curtailing the carbon footprint in cities by abolishing or minimizing the utilization of energy from fossil fuels. Over the years, this has been the main objective for many urban areas worldwide. Today, transport accounts for the highest percentage of energy-related carbon emissions, detrimental to the ecosystem. It has led to increased global warming and fluctuating climate changes, posing a severe challenge if the situation is not mitigated. Therefore, there have been efforts to improve the availability of sustainable energy systems by embracing urban mobility. Decisions about how countries produce and use energy today, land use, transportation modes, and how much a country consumes influence greenhouse gas emissions and climate change in the near future. As a result, many countries are taking the initiative on mitigation and adaptation efforts, particularly in urban areas. Notably, urban planning decisions on developing urban areas are part of the persisting climate challenges. The right choice of urban policies and governance is paramount to ensure that long-lived infrastructure such as residential and commercial buildings, ports and roads, transport, and water networks are correctly designed to withstand the projected climate dangers. Therefore, integrated and well-structured urban planning plays an integral part in exacerbating or limiting the vulnerability and exposure of urban residents to the increased threat of climate change. Additionally, issues related to mitigation such as land-use planning and transportation are vital aspects in improving accessibility and reducing the demand for low-carbon mobility. Within the scope of the study, successful examples of reducing transportation emissions were considered. Shenzhen was evaluated as an example in which a strong governance structure was highlighted within the scope of climate policies, London as a leading city for reducing carbon emissions in the city center, and Jakarta in terms of observing the results of the change created by a new type of public transportation in transportation. Examining the practices carried out in these cities is important in terms of evaluating the difficulties encountered in the practices put forward in the Mersin city center, which is determined as the study area. In this direction, it is seen that participation is the primary need in the governance of low-carbon mobility. The governance structure to be established must be inclusive, fair and transparent in order to realize the necessary breakthroughs. Since the installation costs of the projects to ensure low-carbon mobility are high, cooperation and public-private partnerships should be implemented in order to avoid bottlenecks in this regard. In addition, coordination between the actors affecting urban transportation should be ensured for the development of institutional capacity, and necessary policies and legal arrangements should be made so that local governments can play an active role in this regard. Finally, local governments should plan comprehensive projects and be consistent in implementing their goals in this process. Participatory governance is one of the vital elements of low-carbon urban developments. This parameter aims at research organizations, citizens, municipalities and businesses to work together to develop climate protection strategies. It also aims to develop ownership among stakeholders and shape new coalitions and networks. Attainment of low-carbon mobility goals requires cooperation at all levels of government and non-government actors within metropolitan areas. Depending on the policymakers, every urban area will make specific policies either easier or harder to embrace and implement to attain the overall energy conservation objectives. Thus, it is essential to incorporate participatory governance in urban governance to stimulate understanding and reflection across a wide broad cross-section of stakeholders regarding climate protection policies that will affect the local communities. Notably, the successful integration of participatory governance in urban areas depends on several enabling conditions. Firstly, there needs to be a sustained engagement and involvement of local stakeholders, such as local governments, civil society, businesses, and communities. Urban governance in most countries has faced numerous challenges as urban governments and their critics' attempt to transform in the context of a globalized world. Due to globalization, urban areas face climate change challenges such as global warming, which is caused by increased population settlements and human activities. Institutional capacity entails the capability of urban governments to set and attain economic, social or climate goals through skills, knowledge and systems within the given area. One of the most significant contributors to the current global climate crisis entails the use of motor vehicles in urban areas. This has prompted this study in an attempt to analyze the best urban governance policies, parameters and strategies that would be instrumental in creating zero-carbon mobility in urban settings. For instance, urban governance policymakers should emphasize adopting new lifestyles, such as creating sustainable transportation options to reduce carbon emissions. To achieve this, participatory governance and effective financing are required to generate environmentally sensitive and inclusive perspectives of stakeholders and residents. An evaluation was made using the content analysis method, based on the interviews made with the urban mobility actors in Mersin, which was determined as the study area to measure these governance criteria and the various discoveries about the area. Strategies for low-carbon mobility governance have been determined by revealing the criteria determined on low-carbon mobility governance and structural inefficacy in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Turkey over the study area. The main problems observed during the study are the lack of holistic and reliable approaches to reduce CO2 consumption from urban transport and the lack of participation and acceptance in the governance of low-carbon mobility. It is necessary to take up the need for alternative modes of transport both in administrative and social dimensions, to plan public transport vehicles holistically and to realize them as a good alternative to individual vehicle use by eliminating their disadvantages and to involve all those involved in the processes that go beyond superficial access to participation. It will be possible to minimize the negative impacts of climate change by putting in place an inclusive and participatory governance structure designed with the right strategies in place to support low-carbon mobility.

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