Geri Dön

İran ve Türkiye'de resim sanatının modernleşmesine karşılaştırmalı bir bakış: Jalıl Zıapour ve Nurullah Berk

A comparative study on the modernization of the painting in Iran and Turkey: Jalil Ziapour and Nurullah Berk

  1. Tez No: 837160
  4. Tez Türü: Doktora
  5. Konular: Sanat Tarihi, Art History
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2023
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Sanat Tarihi Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Sanat Tarihi Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 276


Komşu iki ülke olarak İran ve Türkiye, eski dönemlerden beri ortak tarihe ve kültüre sahiptir. 20. yüzyılda büyük toplumsal ve siyasal değişimler yaşayan İran ve Türkiye, iki büyük imparatorluk ülkesi olarak batılı ülkelerin sömürgeci politikalarına hiçbir zaman tam anlamıyla maruz kalmamıştır. Ancak batılı ülkeler İran'ı da Türkiye'yi de ekonomik ve kültürel açıdan dolaylı bir biçimde etkilemiştir. O etki altında iki toplumda da yeni bir çığır açılmış ve bu topraklarda yeni kavramlar yaratılmıştır. İran'ın ve Türkiye'nin batılılaşma seyri az çok benzer bir güzergâh izlemiş, Rusya ile yapılan savaşlarla beraber iki ülkede de askeri anlamda modernleşme isteği uyanmıştır. Bu uyanışın akabinde batının gelişme prosedürünü kavramak üzere bazı aydınların batıya dönük kültürel metinler ve kitap tercümeleri yapmaları sağlanır. Bu eylemler saray tarafından yapılandırılır, ancak iki ülkede de bu yola karşı çıkanlar olur. Modern dünyaya açılmak isteyen Kaçarlar ve Osmanlılar, ilk olarak eski eğitim sistemlerinin yerine batılı yeni sistemlere geçiş yaparlar. Bu geçiş 20. yüzyılda Rıza Şah Pehlevî ve Mustafa Kemâl Atatürk'ün temel reformlarıyla devam ederek eski sistemden tamamen kopar. Yeni sistemler sanat eğitiminde de hâkim olur. İran'da, Rıza Şah Pehlevî döneminde yeni kurulan Tahran Üniversitesi'nin Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi'nden ilk öğrenciler sanat eğitimi almak üzere Avrupa'ya gönderilirler. Bu öğrenciler arasında yer alan Jalil Ziapour, İran'ın kuzey bölgesinde yaşayan orta sınıf bir aileye mensuptur. Paris'teki Académie des Beaux-Arts'ta resim ve heykel eğitimi alan Ziapour, kendisini geliştirmek amacıyla bir süre o kentte Kübist sanatçı ve ünlü bir eğitimci olarak tanınan André Lhote'un atölyesine de devam eder. Ziapour İran'a döndükten sonra devlet tarafından bir sanat lisesinin kurulmasının temel taşlarını atar. Bu lise sonraları İran'daki en önemli merkezlerden biri olarak geleceğin modern sanatçılarını eğitir. Kurumun müfredatında modern resim ve heykelin yanı sıra İran'ın eski ve geleneksel sanatlarına dair dersler de yer alır. Ziapour da evvelce İran'ın geleneksel sanatları üzerine eğitim almış ve bu birikimle Paris'e gitmiş, dönemin Paris'indeki atmosfere, Kıta Avrupa'sında iki dünya savaşı arasında gelişip büyüyen Düzene Çağrı hareketine ve Lhote'un Fransız Klasisizm'ine dayandırdığı Fransız Kübizm'i algısına uygun modern resim tarzını öğrenmiştir. Bilgi birikimiyle İran'a özgü yerel ve modern tarz geliştiren Ziapour, kuramına 'İranlı Kübizm' (İranî Kübizm) adını verir. O da ustası ve hocası Lhote gibi resim yapmanın yanı sıra yazılar yazar ve metinleriyle modern sanatı İran toplumuna tanıtmaya çalışır. Dolayısıyla Ziapour, İran'da modern sanatın 'babası' olarak tanınır. Komşu ülke Türkiye'de batılılaşma hareketi Osmanlı döneminden ve İran'dan daha önce başlar; modern sistemler eskilerin yerine geçer. Bu değişikler Cumhuriyet'in ilanından sonra hızlanır ve devrim niteliği kazanır. Eğitim sistemi de bu değişikliklere ayak uydurur ve sanatın gelişiminde büyük rolü olan Sanâyi-i Nefîse Mektebi yeni sistemlerle öğrenci yetiştirmeye başlar. Okul, Cumhuriyet döneminde Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi adıyla hizmet vermeye devam eder. Osmanlı Devleti'yle başlayan Batı'yöğrenci gönderme programı, Cumhuriyet döneminde de devam eder. Bu süreçte Paris'e giden öğrenciler, Académie des Beaux-Arts'ta aldıkları eğitimin dışında sanatta yeni arayışları kavramak için dönemin ünlü ressamlarının atölyelerine de kaydolurlar. Bu ressamlar arasında en tanınanı, André Lhote'tur. İstanbullu üst düzey bir ailenin üyesi olan Nurullah Berk, Sanâyi-i Nefîse Mektebi'nden mezun olduktan sonra kendi imkânlarıyla Paris'e gider ve Académie des Beaux-Arts'ta eğitim alır. Ayrıca André Lhote ve Fernand Léger'nin atölyelerinde de çalışır. Ancak bu dönemde Lhote'un eğitim tarzını kavramaz; sonraki gelişinde ise bu eğitimleri iyice anlar. Ziapour gibi Berk de kendi ülkesinde Kübizm'in savunucusu olarak tanınır. O da Lhote ve Ziapour gibi yazar kimliğine sahiptir ve modern sanatı Türkiye toplumuna tanıtmak için gazetelerde, dergilerde yazar. Türkiye'nin modern sanat tarihi için kaynak oluşturur ve bu yönde çaba gösterir. Bu tez çalışmasında André Lhote'un yanında çalışan, onun düşüncesini kavrayan iki sanatçı, İran'dan Jalil Ziapour ve Türkiye'den Nurullah Berk, karşılaştırmalı bir biçimde incelenecektir. Söz konusu sanatçıların ressamlık ve yazarlık kimlikleri merkeze alınacak, düşünceleri metinlerinden okunacak ve karşılaştırılacaktır. Gerek metinlerinde gerek resimlerinde ortak ustaları Lhote'un etkisi araştırılacak, Lhote'un sanat algısı ve kavramlarının, iki farklı doğuyu temsilen 'doğulu' öğrencilerindeki yankısı incelenecektir. Bunlarla beraber Lhote'un resim tekniği bir eleştiri sistemi olarak baz alınacak, Ziapour ve Berk'in resimleri üzerinde tetkik yapılarak bu ressamların Lhote'tan etkilendiği alanlar tespit edilecektir.

Özet (Çeviri)

This study covers a period in the art history of Iran and Turkey when artists and thinkers of these countries began to search for new ways and ideas in their fields by observing Western countries. Fundamental political changes in these countries brought the acceleration of industrial modernization and also the need for modernization in culture and art. Both countries mainly took the European countries and their culture as a model for similar achievements. Iran and Turkey sent their students to Western countries' scientific and artistic centers. Upon their return to their homeland, these students were often appointed to government positions, and many of them taught in educational institutions, including universities and high schools. Here they had the opportunity to pass on their knowledge to the next generations. Among the many privileged young people who studied art in the West were Jalil Ziapour from Iran and Nurullah Berk from Turkey. These two young men went to Paris, which was the most important art center in the world at the time. They wanted to complete their artistic knowledge and learn about the basics of art education as well as new ideas in Western art. Nurullah Berk was born into a wealthy and well-known family and spent his childhood on Heybeliada, a beautiful island off Istanbul. After completing his primary education, he attended Sanayi Nefise Mektebi, the famous and outstanding art academy, where he was trained in painting. His teachers were artists who had also been trained at the Academy of Fine Arts in Istanbul. They, too, had been sent to Paris with state funds. They belonged to the generation that had lived through World War I and had followed art training at the Academy des Beaux-Arts and at private academies such as the Academy Julien. After completing his training at the academy in Istanbul, he was eager to go to Paris, as were his teachers. Nurullah Berk traveled to Paris three times and each time with his own financial resources. Nurullah Berk's first travel to Paris as a young artist was in 1924, shortly after graduating from Sanayi-i Nefise, and he studied at the Académie des Beaux-Arts. In 1933, he traveled to Paris again and visited the studio of André Lhote. Lhote's teaching was incomprehensible to him and he felt it was a formula. So he left Lhote's studio and worked with Fernand Léger, one of his inspirational sources in painting. His third trip to Paris took place after the war in the late forties when he again attended André Lhote's classes. This time he felt closer to Lhote's ideas and training. At a similar time to Berk's second stay in the late 1940s, Jalil Ziapour, an artist from Iran, also went to Paris. There is no information on whether these two men met at the Academie Lhote. Jalil Ziapour was born in northern Iran into a middle-class family. After completing his primary education in his hometown, Bandar Anzali, he went to Tehran where he studied traditional arts such as carpet, tile, and ceramic design at the Sanaye-e Mostazrafe-ye Ghadime (Old Academy of Fine Arts). After his training in traditional arts, Ziapour also attended the newly established Faculty of Fine Arts. Here, thanks to French professors who taught at this school, he learned about current artistic developments in Western countries. Nevertheless, the artistic society of Iran at that time was still strongly influenced by figurative artists in the style of Kamal-ol-Molk. After graduating from the Academy, Ziapour received a French scholarship and went to Paris. Ziapour first attended the Académie des Beaux-Arts, and when he found that this was not enough for him, he also visited the studio of Andre Lhote. Here he completed his knowledge of painting trends in Paris and improved his compositional skills in painting. Jalil Ziapour and Nurullah Berk came from two neighboring countries, Iran and Turkey, which underwent similar political and cultural developments. Both followed a similar path, they received training at the academies of fine arts in their countries, went to Paris to the same teacher and upon their return were both active as teachers and most importantly they were both influential writers on art in their countries. Nevertheless, both countries have their peculiarities, and both artists naturally have different points of view and different productions. This study looks at these two artists and compares their careers and artistic and literary production in terms of the influence of André Lhote's teaching methods and writings. Both artists mention Lhote as an important figure, mentioning him in their own writings. The introduction of the thesis deals with the examination of critical concepts such as“tradition”,“classicism”and“modernity”as they are perceived and discussed in both countries. The second part of the research deals with art education in these two countries from the late 19th and early 20th centuries to the 1960s. In Iran, this period includes the Qajar and Pahlavi periods, and in Turkey, the late Ottoman and early Republican periods. This section discusses the various activities of the respective governments to establish art centers, conservatories, and universities, as well as the plans and strategies of the leaders of these countries for a new atmosphere in the arts. In the third and fourth parts of the thesis, the lives and works of Jalil Ziapour and Nurullah Berk are discussed in detail. This includes the life and education of the two artists, first in their home country, then in Paris. There is also a focus on the production of texts and the examination of art in those texts. Berk and Ziapour both wrote in newspapers and magazines about art, Western art, tradition, modernity, and more, while Berk also published a considerable number of books. Both were also active in disseminating their ideas at conferences and other public lectures. The artistic production of both artists will also be examined in depth to understand their goals, technical details and compositional techniques, possible influences, and also the connection to their theoretical writings. The fifth part of this study compares the writings and artistic production of these two artists with that of their teacher André Lhote. André Lhote was self-taught, but he devoted his life to his art and his education. And Lhote was a very prolific writer throughout his life. The fact that he had his“Académie André Lhote”studio in the same place for almost forty years shows that it remained an important focal point for aspiring artists. Many of Lhote's students later became important painters and photographers as well. The fact that Lhote talked a lot about composition itself contributed to the fact that many of the young artists considered this matter as a definite path for artistic production in general. Since Lhote was stylistically primarily a cubist painter,“cubism”as an artistic approach was also a central theme for Berk and Ziapour in their art production and writings. As a conclusion, we can state that both artists claim to have achieved an East-West synthesis in their art production. Interestingly, the famous retour a l'ordre defined by Lhote was crucial to this synthesis. Lhote saw the return to art as a return to the principles of classical painting, which for him were the French classics. But Lhote showed his students the possibility of understanding“classical”as a principle in general rather than as a fixed way of drawing. In the case of Nurullah Berk and Jalil Ziapour, both of whom came from countries with strong local and rural traditions and also miniature painting, the term“classical”was applied to these local values. Both painters entered the art canon of their countries as painters who succeeded in synthesizing East and West in art and created a kind of national language in art. Although both claimed to have an original local/national approach, it is clear that the adoption of certain local traditions can lead to similarities when those traditions are similar.

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